/ / Rabbit black-brown: all about the breed

Rabbit is black-brown: everything about the breed

The rabbit black-brown passed a long way, beforethan it became officially registered breed. This species was bred in the livestock farm "Biryulinsky" in Tatarstan under the supervision of breeder F.V. Nikitin.

History of occurrence

Выведение нового вида кроликов началось в 1942 year by the method of deep reproductive crossing of a number of rocks. In the experiment participated: flandre (Belgian giant), Viennese blue, Russian chinchilla and white giant. Rabbit black and brown was recognized as an independent breed only in 1948. The main course in the creation was to improve adaptation to climate conditions, improve the quality of meat and skins, good milk and quick maturation, as well as the ability to adapt to any feeding characteristics.


The appearance of this breed has a huge amountdistinctive features. From the name it is immediately clear what it is called "rabbit black-brown". Photos show a variety of colors, but this does not mean that the breed does not have permanent signs, this indicates that not all the pictures are exactly those animals. That's what this breed actually looks like.

rabbit black brown

Rabbit black-brown: description of the breed

So, a rabbit belonging to this breed has several distinguishing features:

  • uneven coloring of the coat;
  • the highest density of hair.

This breed is one of the firstdensity of wool. The guiding hairs are dominated by a brilliant shade of dark tone, the bases are dominated by a lighter and slightly bluish tone. Rabbit black-brown on the hairs of the hairs on the sides has a rather unusual and uneven color - a yellowish color with slightly brown tints.

rabbit black brown photo

The weight of an adult animal isfrom 4,5 to 7 kg. Adult mature females are smaller in size than males (up to 5.5 kg). The rabbit's body has a coarse and sturdy physique, a rather developed backbone. The body is powerful and massive, elongated, sometimes the length reaches up to 70 centimeters. The chest of the described rabbit is wide in the girth behind the shoulder blades, there is a sagging belly. The back is long, wide, even with developed sacral lobes. Croup is wide and rounded. Paws short, thick and straight. The head is round and large with well developed wide and dense ears, the length of which reaches 17 centimeters. Also this breed is distinguished by a friendly and inquisitive character, but even so they are not very willing to make contact with people.


Rabbits of black and brown breed for one okrol bringfrom 7 rabbits. Babies at birth have a weight of about 100 grams, and in good conditions by three months they can reach a weight of 3 kg. Purebred color can be traced only from the age of eight months, because only in this period it begins to form in the animal, after which it can be called a black-brown rabbit.

The description of reproduction should also includesuch factor as the high adaptability of this breed to climate conditions of almost any rigidity. These rabbits suffer both extreme frosts and summer heat, but in the summer they need help in the form of cold water and ice. Winter donkeys are much stronger than spring springs, rabbits from these sorols have very strong immunity and are already prepared for many diseases, most viruses simply will not take them. For spring and summer, it is better to organize additional vitamin supplementation at an early age, so they can catch up with their winter fellows.

rabbit black brown description

Rabbit black-brown: content

The breed in the content, perhaps, is almostthe most unpretentious in the world. Rabbits adapt to any conditions. But nevertheless for them it is necessary to provide a number of the elementary things which will give them comfort, and to the owner convenience of service. Black-and-brown rabbits need quite large cells, because in standard or small they will not be very comfortable. Inside the cage, the rabbit should have a resting corner: a shelf or some kind of flooring. Always there should be feeders and drinkers filled with food and clean water. This breed is very clean, so it's always time to clean up in cages. It is best to clean and process them 1-2 times a week, this will prevent the occurrence of some health problems.

rabbit black brown breed description

The quality of meat and animal skins is mainlydepends on the feed used. The best time for a varied and full feeding of an animal is summer, because it is at this time that the rabbit will always be provided with its favorite food: motley grass (especially clover and alfalfa), carrots, cabbage, apples, branches with foliage, good hay of fresh mowing, radish , sunflower leaves, corn, fresh grains and cereals, and many others. But even in spite of such a varied diet, the animal must be given vitamin supplements and meat-and-bone meal.

How to choose a good individual

Purebred rabbits are quite noticeablethe main color is black-brown and shiny. Note the full game of color on the animal's fur is possible only with good daylight. The weight of a rabbit should be at least 4.5 kg. In the color should not be impurities of a different color (especially gray hairs).

rabbit black brown content

Value of the breed

The main value of the breed is delicioustender meat, as well as a beautiful, luxurious coat of dark tones. From an adult rabbit, you can get quite large and beautiful skins that are used in production without additional repainting in its original form.