/ / Home decorative rabbit. How many lives this fluffy miracle.

Home decorative rabbit. How many lives this furry miracle.

Keeping a pet is always work.Responsibility for the beloved pet owner bears throughout his life. People who do not have time for long walks with a dog, who are afraid that his furniture will be spoiled by the cat's claws, may opt for such an animal as a decorative rabbit. How long does this furry miracle live? This is probably one of the first questions that arises from those who have decided to make an eared friend.

Decorative rabbit how many lives
Nice looking and timid but very curiouscharacter - such a description can be given to such a pet as a decorative rabbit. Such a baby lives in the family as much as it pleases all its members with its innocent pranks and beautiful views. As a rule, ornamental rabbits live from 6 to 8 years. With proper care, their lifespan can reach 12. First of all, you need to remember that in order for a beloved pet to live a long and happy life, it is necessary to carefully monitor its health, correctly compose the diet of the animal and ensure that it can actively spend time.

Decorative rabbits live
Any, even a slight indisposition petbe immediately noticed by the attentive owner of such an animal as a decorative rabbit. How much a pet lives with a person is not so important in this case. The diseased animal will try to hide in the farthest corner of its own cage, which in ordinary times is unusual for him, to give up his favorite food and sleep almost all the time.

The general condition of the pet and life expectancywill also depend on his diet. Home decorative rabbit needs food rich in various minerals and vitamins. Experts recommend feeding the animal with the finished mixture, complementing it with fresh vegetables. For example, carrots, cabbage, fresh grass or hay perfectly diversify the diet of your beloved pet, bringing him only good. It is also worth remembering that food should be constantly in a cage in an animal such as an ornamental rabbit. How many lives a fluffy miracle, he must constantly eat, not making long breaks between meals. Otherwise, it can also be disastrous for the eared lump.

Home Decorative Rabbit
Интенсивные нагрузки также важны для долгой и happy life decorative rabbit. Therefore, it is preferable to keep him in a fairly spacious aviary, every day allowing him to freely walk around the apartment, kneading and developing his long legs. Many owners even get special harnesses for their beloved pets and take them on walks on fresh grass in summer, which also has a positive effect on the animal's well-being and on the duration of its life. In addition, experts say that neutered individuals live significantly longer. This is due primarily to the fact that rabbits, which do not spend the force on the continuation of the race, retain more energy and vitality. Accordingly, the duration of their existence increases.