/ / Reviews of tires "Dunlop" summer. Dunlop car tires

Reviews of tires "Dunlop" summer. Dunlop car tires

Every motorist knows that spring is time"Pereobuvaniya" his "iron horse". It is rather difficult to choose among the whole variety of tire models presented by various manufacturers. Let us consider in more detail what kind of reviews about summer tires “Dunlop” are left by experts and car enthusiasts, as well as present the popular rubber models of this manufacturer.

Brand History

John Boyd Dunlop - a veterinarian from Switzerlandwho first invented the pneumatic tire in order to increase the comfort of his son's bike and made a huge contribution to the history of the automotive industry. In 1888, D. B. Dunlop received a patent and became involved in the production of pneumatic tires for bicycles, and in 1893 similar products appeared for automobiles.

Today, the company is one of the leaders in the tire industry.

reviews dunlop summer tires

The first country manufacturer of tires "Dunlop" - the United Kingdom. Currently, there are branches in Germany, Austria, Japan, USA.

The developers of the company first introduced the laboratorytests of manufactured products. Many other achievements also belong to this particular brand. For example, the discovery of the effect of aquaplaning, the invention of side lugs, the use of nylon cord (allowed a third to reduce the weight of the tire), the separation of the tread into several rows, the introduction of steel and rubber studs. The brand was the first to show the world the tires that can drive at least 100 km after a puncture.

Types of tires

The British company "Dunlop" tires produces threespecies: winter, summer and all season. A huge selection of models allows you to find studded and friction rubber for cars and trucks, minivans and SUVs.

All Season

All-season tires are suitable for driving, as ondry, and on a wet, snow-covered road surface. It should be borne in mind that with severe frosts, this type of tire loses its elastic properties, and in the summer it wears out faster due to exposure to high temperatures. Dunlop Grandtrek AT1, AT22, AT3, PT1, PT4000 - tires that are suitable for use at any time of the year and on any road surface. They were developed specifically for cars with high traffic.

Winter variant

Winter tires from the British manufacturer hasmany benefits. First of all, it is worth noting the high resistance to wear and the unique composition of the mixture. Such tires can be driven both along the snow-covered and icy roads. The car owner can choose the best option studded or friction rubber for any type of vehicle. Dunlop Winter Ice 01, Graspic DS-3, Grandtrek Ice 02 - the most popular models of "winter".

What to choose for the summer?

Reviews of summer tires "Dunlop" confirm their high quality and wear resistance. The most popular are models from the Sport BluResponse, SP Quattro Maxx, Direzza series.

dunlop tires

Owners of sports cars should turn theirattention to the company's products, developed specifically for this type of machines. Rubber received many positive recommendations from experts and car enthusiasts. Good handling at high speed and cornering will provide Dunlop Maxx Sport SP tires with TT, GT and RT.

Review of the popular model Grandtrek PT2

Excellent technical properties have givendevelopers "Dunlop" rubber modification Grandtrek PT2. The owners of SUVs, crossovers and minivans will be satisfied with the high quality of tires, because these tires are suitable for this category of cars.

dunlop tires manufacturer country

Dunlop Grandtrek tires have the following characteristics:

  1. Tires have four longitudinal grooves that allow you to quickly remove water and prevent aquaplaning.
  2. The internal parts of the ribs have convex elements that provide better grip.
  3. The unique structure of the perpendicular grooves allows you to quickly remove moisture from the contact patch.
  4. C-shaped lamellae and side blocks provide good grip without losing the level of rigidity.
  5. An enlarged central axis improves vehicle stability on the highway.
  6. To drive an SUV will be much easier thanks to the dual central axis.
  7. To avoid axial displacements at high speed turns, mirror-symmetric side blocks will help.

The cost of tires Dunlop Grandtrek PT2 starts from 5800 rubles (205/70 R15).

What do experts say?

Summer tires managed to win the confidence of manycar owners. At the same time, experts note that this model is not without flaws. The disadvantages of rubber are poor machine handling when maneuvering on wet roads, poor braking and noise.

Dunlop Grandtrek AT3

All-season tires from the British brand inspirereliability even at first glance at them. The first thing an experienced motorist will pay attention to is a unique tread pattern. It will allow you to confidently stay on the road in all weather conditions. The advantages of the model include high rigidity and wear resistance. This version of the "summer" is ideal for powerful all-wheel drive SUVs.

dunlop reviews

На трассе шины "Данлоп АТ3 Грандтрек" ведут себя pretty quiet, have a mild stroke. Developers managed to get rid of the noise due to the curved grooves and the shape of the blocks on the tread. Rubber has a huge number of grooves that allow you to cope with a thick film of water and confidently drive a car, even in bad weather conditions. Improved traction due to uniform pressure distribution at the point of contact provides a tread pattern.

The price of a set of all-season wheels from "Dunlop" - 17 000-38 000 rubles.

Dunlop Sport BluResponse

Асимметричные летние покрышки относятся к классу "Eco-tourism" and, as the manufacturer claims, will serve its owner for a very long time, even with active exploitation. The composition of the rubber mixture were added polymers designed specifically for car racing and allowing to increase the wet floor hitch, as well as reduce fuel consumption.

dunlop grandtrek

Шины "Данлоп Спорт БлюРеспонс" получили наилучшие recommendations from experts. In the process of testing, they showed good control in bad weather conditions, a one-third reduction in rolling resistance and a reduced stopping distance. The obtained test results allowed this model to become a leader among other tires in this price category.

Advantages of rubber

Dunlop Sport BluResponse have a uniqueconfiguration of the grooves, which allow to reduce the amount of water in front of the tire during the ride. It was possible to improve the aerodynamic properties due to the rounded shape of the shoulder sections of tires. Reviews of summer tires "Dunlop", left by drivers, say that such positive changes are noticeable only at high speed (more than 100 km / h).

Tire steering commands respond smoothly and accuratelythanks to the multiradius tread. This design allows you to evenly distribute the pressure in the contact patch. The cost of one tire is 9,800 rubles.

Summer novelty

В 2016 году британская компания представила "Dunlop" its latest development - SP Sport FM800. The model is asymmetric and is designed for use in passenger cars of the middle class. The manufacturer describes it as a stable and easy-to-manage rubber, which is characterized by first-class adhesion properties on wet and dry surfaces.

dunlop sport tires

Dunlop sport tires have excellentresistance to aquaplaning, reduced braking on the wet road and save fuel. The developers "rewarded" the rubber with wide circumferential drainage canals, which make it possible to almost immediately remove water from the contact patch. The composition of the rubber mixture includes highly dispersed silica, which has a positive effect on the quality of the coupling. Good handling on a dry road provides tight shoulder areas.

Автошины SP Sport FM800 от Dunlop отзывы получают only positive not only from experts. Owners of cars who had time to experience the new product also confirm the high technological properties of rubber. The cost of a set of wheels in the minimum size - 24 700 rubles.

For owners of sports cars

For vehicles with outstandingrunning properties, ideal tires SP Sport Maxx Dunlop. Technical characteristics allow to operate it at high speeds on both dry and wet roads. Tires confidently behave even in emergency situations.

tires dunlop grandtrack

The main advantage of this model isexcellent grip coating. It was possible to achieve high performance thanks to the introduction of Hydro Max technology, which implies the use of a unique rubber compound with silicone components.

The protector has a directional pattern,provides instant water drainage and is made by multiradius technology. This ensures an increase in longitudinal and transverse rigidity due to uniform pressure distribution over the contact area.

Еще один популярный вариант летних шин SP Sport Maxx TT from Dunlop. Reviews suggest that this model is based on the previous one and has several advantages. Kevlar is a unique technology that was used to create a tire structure. It involves the use of aramid fibers that are resistant to heat.

What do car owners say

Reviews of summer tires "Dunlop Sport Max" canfound in many auto forums. Rubber has a high rating among the owners of sports cars. The advantage of this model, they call resistance to aquaplaning, excellent behavior when maneuvering and turning, good adhesion to the road. Many people note that even with active exploitation far away on flat roads on rubber, “bumps” did not appear. One set of wheels may be enough for 3-4 seasons. The average cost of such pleasure - 42 000 rubles.

What to look for when choosing a Dunlop tire?The country of origin is the first criterion that speaks about the quality of the products. Most brand lovers recommend purchasing rubber produced directly in the UK. German and Japanese products will also have good quality.