/ / Installation of parking sensors on the "Kalina": do it yourself

Installation of parking sensors on the "Kalina": do it yourself

Numerous service stations advertise their services ininstalling Parktronic, but it is expensive. Installation of parking sensors on the "Kalina" can also be done independently - the process is simple, and with certain skills you can install it very carefully.

How does the secure parking system

A special electronic unit receives informationcoming from the sensors, and then notifies the driver about the obstacle. Sensors are the main devices in this system. It is thanks to these small devices that work on ultrasonic technology, parking sensors can detect obstacles.

installation of parking sensors on Kalina
Also, the radar is equipped with a display or lightindicator to alert the driver. In addition to the display, many devices have an audio alert function. Parking radars equipped with LCD displays allow the driver to get more detailed data. Some models can be equipped with a rear view camera. Among the models there are those where information is projected on the windshield of the car.


So, the device is already selected and purchased - independing on the cost and manufacturer, it can be differently equipped. For example, manufacturers from China often pack parking radars in simple plastic bags, and more serious brands from Europe and the United States supply their products in beautiful boxes with a set of fasteners. There is also an installation guide.

viburnum parking sensor installation
Included with the device are sensors in the amount ofFrom 2 and more - more often the device is offered with four. Also present is the control unit, display or indicator, connecting wires (if the parking sensors are wired). There is also a cutter for drilling holes in the bumper of the car. Some manufacturers also add double-sided tape to the kit - it may be needed during the installation process.

Painting sensors

Installing partktronikov on "Kalina" do it yourselfIt begins with the preparation of sensors - often on Lada Kalina cars, the bumpers are painted in body color. Parking radar sensors, regardless of price and manufacturer, are not painted or made in a different color. In order not to spoil the exterior of the car after installation, the sensors must be pre-painted.

install parking sensors do it yourself viburnum
Aerosol can be used for coloringspray cans. The advantages of such a solution are in the easy selection of the desired color. The disadvantage is that with the help of a can pollen gets on other elements of the device where their presence is undesirable. It is much easier, faster and more reliable to paint with a brush for smearing chips on the body. There are no special recommendations on painting technology. But in order for these parts to look perfect and not stand out against the background of the bumper, you should paint in two layers. If you use a brush, the layer will be somewhat thicker. The paint will frown. To avoid this, you need to try to make the layer as thin as possible. Then the paint is allowed to dry and re-applied. Naturally, the ideal coloring in this case is difficult to achieve. But this is better than just black holes in the bumper.

Marking work

Installing PDC on the "Kalina" do it yourself- This is a simple task that even a beginner can do. However, in this operation there is one difficulty - it is in marking the rear or front bumper for the holes for the sensors. Here you need to correctly calculate all the parameters.

installation of PDC on Kalina do it yourself
These are the height, width and places where they will be installed.extreme details. There are many opinions and various information. So, if you look at the reflective elements, the sensors at the edges of the bumper should be installed inside the structure 2 cm above the reflectors. In general, they are installed anywhere. But this is not necessary. The closer to the edges of the bumper will be installed on the parking sensors Kalina, the better - this approach will increase the range of sensors on the sides of the car. If you look at any foreign-made cars, then there are these elements installed around the perimeter.
installation of parking sensors viburnum wagon
At the maximum trim levels "Lada Kalina" isregular parking sensors - it is equipped with three ultrasonic sensors. In this case, the manufacturer installed the extreme controllers 10 cm in the direction of the reflectors. It should be noted that the system will work effectively if the elements are installed parallel to the ground.

We install parking radar on the "Lada Kalina" in the station wagon

Installation of parking sensors on the "Kalina" wagon canbe performed as follows. It is possible to install the sensors in a single line in the middle of the light reflectors. At the same time, the extreme elements are set at 3-4 cm from the edges, and the rest are mounted after 40-45 cm.

installation of parking sensors for Kalina wagon
Professionals advise to mark holes onmasking tape - stick adhesive tape directly onto the surface of the bumper, and already on it draw lines and make marks. Then, using any sufficiently sharp object, mark the places already on the plastic of the bumper.

To remove or not to remove a bumper

There are also two options.Installation of parking sensors on the "Kalina" can be performed without removing the bumper - while the wires of the sensors will be pulled through with a wire. Many consider this technology too costly in terms of effort and prefer to dismantle the bumper.

Lada Kalina installation of parking sensors
For dismantling the "Kalina" unscrew the boltsmounting top and bottom. They also unscrew the mud flaps, and then the bumper can be easily removed. Then it is recommended to lay it on a flat surface - it will be easier during the drilling process.

How to make holes for sensors

Manufacturers complete parktronics with crowns, with which you can drill neat holes with a drill or a screwdriver.

Professionals recommend those for whom the installationParktronic do-it-yourself ("Kalina" or any other machine) - the first serious tuning, do not work at high speeds. Haste will not lead to anything good. Holes need to be drilled as slowly as possible - then you can achieve perfect results.

High revolutions while drilling will provokeheating the crown - plastic bumper can melt. This will significantly complicate the process of pulling the crown. The edges of the hole are also reduced. In this case, you will have to refine them with a file. On the “Kalina” car, the parking sensor installation will be carried out carefully, if you drill slowly and allow the crown to cool before the next drilling.

Sensor installation

Далее, когда отверстия готовы, можно приступить к installation of sensors. On the back of each sensor has a label UP and an additional arrow. On these labels should be oriented sensor in the hole. It is then fixed with snaps. Manufacturers complete the sensors with different types. In case of silicone clips, you will have to additionally bring them with a screwdriver. So do the equipment in China.

When sensors are installed, you must purchasescreed installation sites - they can be found at any building supermarket. The surface must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased - platforms for double-sided tape are attached between the sensors. Next, the wires are collected in one harness, and at the end they put on the corrugation and lead into the trunk through the hole under the left lantern behind. After that, the bumper can be installed in its rightful place.


Next, two wires are connected to the rear lampmove. To do this, you need to wrap the trim in the trunk. To connect the wires, you can use adhesive tape. Plus and minus are connected to the taillight. The control unit is connected according to the instructions and fit somewhere in the trunk. This is how the parking sensors are installed (the Kalina wagon is no exception). It remains only to assemble the interior, turn on the ignition, put the gearshift lever in reverse and check whether the installed device is working. You also need to connect and attach a display or indicator. Then you can use parking sensors on the car "Lada Kalina". Installing parking sensors, as you can see, is really a simple operation. Even beginners will easily cope with it.