/ / Mazda RX8 rotary engine: technical characteristics, pros and cons

Rotary engine "Mazda RX8": technical characteristics, pluses and minuses

Not every motorist knows thatthere are not only classic piston engines, but also rotary engines. This is due to the extreme rarity of the latter. The only manufacturer in the world, serially engaged in the production of cars with a rotary engine - "Mazda". Let's take a closer look at the key features of this motor.

Mazda rx8 rotary engine

As an example, take the most popular rotary engine "Mazda RX8" - 13B MSP.

General information

The 13B MSP motor has a common and well-knownRenesis name, which will appear in this article. I would like to note that he received the title of "Engine of the Year" in the distant 2003. Let's not delve too deeply into the history of the invention, let us say only that the principle of operation of such an engine was invented by Felix Wankel and Walter Freude in 1954, although the first developments began in the 30s.

In 1958, NSU released the first in the worlda car with a rotary-piston engine (in the subsequent RPD). A few years later, Mazda began to manufacture RPD at its own facilities. Therefore, at present, only this company has extensive experience in the use of rotary-piston engines in automobiles.

Briefly about the principle of operation of the RAP and the benefits

The motor design has a stator, which isanalog of the cylinder block in the classic internal combustion engine, as well as the rotor, which is, in fact, a piston. The eccentric shaft performs the duties of the crankshaft. Actually, a mechanism such as apex, which is used to isolate the internal combustion chambers, is used. This is one of the most heavily loaded parts in terms of temperature differences.

Rotary engine mazda rx8 reviews

This motor has a number of advantages.The Mazda RX8 rotary engine, which will be reviewed in this article, is extremely compact. It has much less parts than the usual piston. This, without any doubt, increases its reliability. Return in this case is also much higher. The volume of 1.3 liters is enough to achieve a power of 250 horsepower.

Disadvantages of Renesis

As you may have guessed, wideThis type of motors did not spread. And there are a number of good reasons for this. First, low engine life. The design is designed in such a way that after a certain mileage the node fails. Of course, the classic piston engine also fulfills its own, but that's another story.

How long the RPD will work depends on the styledriving, but in most cases, mileage stops at around 100,000 km. Of course, there were cases when the motor went and 200,000 km, but this is, rather, an exception to the rule, rather than a regular situation. By itself, the FOC is considered consumables, so most often it is just changed to a new one.

Rotary engine Mazda rx8 characteristics

Not for a quiet ride

Роторный двигатель "Мазда RX8", технические the characteristics of which are considered in the review, are often acquired for high speeds and a feeling of constant drive. Work at high revs, although it does less harm than a piston motor, but still significantly reduces the resource. Usually the mark drops to 80,000 km, and in some cases to 50,000 km. Next is either an overhaul and bulkhead, or the installation of a new motor.

There is one more important nuance - the DUR does not tolerateoverheating, although prone to them. That is why you need to carefully monitor the health of the cooling system on the car. In time to change the antifreeze, thermostat and other consumables. Since the minimum savings can result in maximum costs.

More capricious

So how does the rotary engine "Mazda RX8"often in extreme conditions, it needs to be carefully maintained. In particular, it concerns the regularity of oil changes. It is advisable to perform this procedure every 5,000 km. Given that the replacement of oil in this engine is partial, this should not be a problem. Tightening is not recommended as it is possible to "get" on a new engine, even a major overhaul will not help.

Rotary engine Mazda rx8 photo

As noted above, the apex is one ofthe most loaded elements of the system. This plate is a seal between the combustion chambers. Therefore, it is constantly under load from temperature and pressure differences. Partially, the designers managed to solve the problem of its wear, using high-alloy steel. However, the apex usually fails first.

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Even today, not every car servicewill undertake the repair of such an engine. In Russia, such a service station may have gathered a dozen, which are located mainly in large cities, such as Moscow or St. Petersburg. Well, what to do to the owners of such a car in the province is completely incomprehensible. This is one of the key factors that prevent people from buying cars with a similar engine.

But even if the service with such experts andthere is, then where to get parts? They will have to be ordered and, most likely, you will have to wait a long time. Of course, the rotary engine "Mazda RX8", the resource of which is already small, can be reduced thanks to unskilled service staff. Therefore, I don’t want to give a car anywhere either. Most likely, the claimed amount for repairing the RPD will be simply amazing, but it already depends on the impudence of the mechanic who is specifically taken.

Rotary engine Mazda rx8 principle of operation

Renesis engine enhancement

The company "Mazda" after the release of the RX-7 took into accountsome motor flaws and tried to improve it. After a number of manipulations, most of which were not disclosed, the developer stated that, depending on the style of driving, the engine will run from 300,000 to 450,000 kilometers. True, he forgot to add that this period also has 3-4 capital repairs. That is exactly what the situation is today.

The only significant upgrade thatbenefited, is the installation of two oil nozzles. Although it was not without flaws. Their design was not the most successful, so the apex were not smeared enough and were very quickly caked. This minus has been eliminated in restyling. Well, now it is useful to talk about the features of the operation of this motor.

What is the engine afraid of?

We have already dealt with you a little, what is interesting about the Mazda RX8 rotary engine. The working principle, advantages and disadvantages are also considered. And now for other important details. RAP is extremely afraid of:

  • oil starvation;
  • overheating;
  • bad fuel;
  • long drive at high revs.

As for the first two points, then everythingquite clear. Bad gasoline does affect the performance of the RAP. Detonation and unstable activity are possible. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to fill in the best fuel that can only be found at a gas station. As for the high revolutions, they cause overheating. Although sometimes you need to give gas to remove scale and purge candles, but it should be short.

About maintenance costs

And this is perhaps the most interesting.Despite the relatively low cost of the car, it will have to invest in it specifically in any case. First and foremost is fuel consumption. Here it is quite impressive. About 10-12 liters on the highway, and from 13 to 20 in the city. But this is in the case of the correct operation of all systems and components. If there is at least a faulty lambda probe, the flow rate is averaged and rises to 20 liters and above.

Mazda rx8 rotary engine resource

Consider also that the car is extremelyreluctantly consumes AI-92, so you have to feed the 95th. Consequently, the costs increase slightly. But that's not all. Oil car also eats with pleasure. Consumption is about 500-1000 ml per 1 000 km, depending on how you press on the accelerator. The original liter bottle costs about 1,000 rubles. But you can find a quality substitute for 500 rubles per liter. To maintain such a "workhorse" is extremely difficult. The car is suitable, rather, for the main trips, rather than the daily pushing in traffic jams from work and to work.

Rotary engine "Mazda RX8": reviews of owners and experts

According to most experts, there is onea huge plus of such a motor. It consists in its small weight. The same "Renesis" has a mass of slightly more than one hundred kilograms. If you take a motor of similar capacity, then it’s all 250-300 kg. In general, such a power unit on the RX8 has allowed to significantly improve the balancing of the car and reduce weight.

Another key advantage, according to many -high efficiency and lack of vibrations per se. This makes the ride more comfortable at high speeds, since the engine is not too noisy, and it has a rather pleasant sound. But experts of many stations note that this is an extremely whimsical engine and, in fact, unpredictable. He can walk as more than the manufacturer’s time, and at times less. It does not give any confidence in the future.

Another minus - reduced work resource whenlow temperatures. This, of course, applies to conventional cylinder-piston engines, but the RPD here succeeded. Mazda has developed a special cold-start system, Sub-Zero Start, which partly solved this problem.

Is there a tuning Renesis

Many car owners would like a fewmodify the Mazda RX8 rotary engine. Reviews speak about the inexpediency of tuning. This is primarily due to its high cost and complexity. The resource of the RPD, which is already quite low, and hardly anyone wants to reduce it further, also influences.

That is why this car more often tryinstall another motor than tune this one. However, in most cases, such attempts lead nowhere. RPD has a small mass, in this case 110 kg. The only more or less sane option is to install the RAP from the RX-7, which is considered to be more resilient. Although 90% of the owners ride on the fact that they put at the factory, I mean in stock, and remain very pleased.

Let's sum up the results

Было много сказано о том, что такое роторный engine "Mazda RX8". You can see the photo of the RPD in this article and see its key differences from the classic piston engine. From the above, we can conclude that the motor is extremely picky. Does not tolerate low temperatures, requires regular care and maintenance. Also very "greedy", this applies to both oil and gasoline.

how does the mazda rx8 rotary engine work

Но есть у него и свои сильные стороны.Gives excellent dynamics, a large amount of horsepower with a small volume, pleasant sound and indescribable feeling. This engine is suitable, rather, ardent fans of this car, rather than people who consider their money.

Costs can really be big.If, for example, you notice that the RPD does not start up very well at hot, or the compression has fallen below 6.5 atm, then this will most likely lead to the imminent demise of the engine. With a major overhaul in this case, it is better not to delay. In general, the Mazda RX8 rotary engine, the principle of operation of which was considered in this article, is somewhat flawed. This applies not only to this RPD model, but also to all engines of this type as a whole.

It is hardly necessary to talk about the price for Renesis.This pleasure is not cheap. Add to this work at the service station - and goes into 100 000-130 000 thousand rubles. For some, this amount is not so big for the new engine, but it is worth taking into account the cost of the car. Gasoline, oil in large quantities, MOT, etc. When everything goes together, the amount will increase to 300,000 rubles or more. After this, it is worth considering whether the Mazda RX8 rotary engine is good. Characteristics of it, though impressive, but a lot of flaws.