/ / «Taiga Patrol SWT 550»: reviews and features

Taiga Patrol SWT 550: reviews and features

The snowmobiles created by the Taiga brand areutilitarian class and are suitable for both work and leisure. A wide choice of modifications allows buyers to choose a model that will suit them by their characteristics and prices. The "Taiga Patrol SWT 550" model has received numerous reviews. What is special about it and what must be taken into account before making a purchase?

How to choose a snowmobile for hunting and fishing?

taiga patrol swt 550 reviews

Note that today the buyers havea unique opportunity to purchase a snowmobile of any brand and configuration. Utilitarian models are designed just for hunters and fishermen who like active winter holidays. Before you buy a snowmobile, you need to remember some rules for their choice:

  1. Penetration. In reliable models, the caterpillar must be a widthnot less than 500 mm. This width - a pledge that the snowmobile can easily cope with snowdrifts of loose snow. The optimal ratio of weight and design features ensures that movement over a bushed terrain or a low fishing line will be convenient. Model "Taiga Patrol 550 SWT" in this regard attracts attention precisely the width of the caterpillar in 600 mm. The maneuverability of the equipment depends on the suspension of the skis - well, if it is telescopic.
  2. Reliability. If the snowmobile has a weak motor, and the suspension does not differ in quality, then it is hardly suitable for operation. Only a reliable engine ensures that hunting will be quick and safe.
  3. Availability of luggage compartment. If you choose a hunting snowmobile, pay attention to the presence of luggage offices. The more of them, the better. It is this trunk that has a snowmobile "Taiga Patrol 550 SWT".

What are good utilitarian models?

The best snowmobile for hunting and justActive leisure is considered to be utilitarian snowmobiles. They differ in their adaptation to severe climatic conditions, they are able to ride through complex terrain and do not require frequent repairs, even with constant operation. Their distinctive features - high weight capacity, the presence of telescopic front suspension, heated steering wheel and seats. All these requirements are fully met by the snowmobile "Taiga Patrol SWT 550". The photo shows how stylish and impressive the look of this technique is. Many hunters exploiting snowmobiles "Taiga" note that the main thing is to understand their management.

Brand Features

taiga patrol 550 swt specifications

To begin with, we note that the Taiga snowmobilesare produced in a wide range of models. And this means that each buyer has the opportunity to choose a modification to their requirements. About the snowmobile "Taiga Patrol SWT 550" reviews are often most positive, and they note the main advantages of this technique:

  1. Engines of 38-65 liters. from.
  2. Air or liquid cooling.
  3. Telescopic or lever front suspension.
  4. Wide caterpillar.
  5. Well-thought-out maneuvering formula: two steering skis are combined with one caterpillar, which ensures a smooth ride and a high level of depreciation.

In the reviews it is noted that the engine is differenttraction and reduced transmission, so you can haul even heavy loads. The presence of an advanced ignition system ensures the optimality of the engine and the confidence when traveling for long distances.

The Tayga Patrul 550 SWT is popular with manythanks to the comfortable control: the handle of the steering wheel and the throttle lever are heated, the two-seater seats and the space trunk allow the most rational use of available space. The skis are made of lightweight Canadian-made plastic, so they are distinguished by better slip. Special inserts of hard metals affect improved handling. The combination of increased height of the seat cushion and high windshield makes the trips comfortable.

The beginning of the history of "Taiga"

The technique of this brand is known to the Russianbuyer for a long time. Modern models are developed by foreign standards. The serial production of models "Taiga Patrol 550 SWT" began in 1999, and for about 10 years the model was produced unchanged. However, modern realities required a different approach, and the manufacturer was forced to make concessions.

Originally snowmobiles were conceived as a full-fledgeda competitor to foreign technology, and for the end of the last century were considered very even technically equipped and advanced. The design was carried out on the curves of the popular at the time snowmobile BRP Scandic, while in terms of its operational properties, Russian technology was no worse.

First updates

In 2006, Taiga snowmobiles wereequipped with a front lever suspension, there was a modification of the "Taiga Attack", which even differed in a different design: the hood was somewhat differently designed and there was a full seat for two. Such a model appealed to buyers, but still there were no global changes.

taiga patrol 550 swt

Today we have updated models - TAYGA 550SE and Tayga Patrul 550 SWT. Reviews of the latest model indicate that it is really perfect - it's no accident manufacturers paid close attention to improving these models. What has changed?

First, the snowmobiles began to be equipped with a 2-stroke2-cylinder engine capacity of 55 liters. from. with air cooling. The working volume of the model is larger, the power is higher, the motor itself becomes more compliant due to the flap valves at the inlet. The power unit of this model is well thought out and functions stably, which can not be said about the engines of old models.

Secondly, they pleasantly surprised the novelties in the design.The double seat became higher, so it's convenient to sit at the wheel. Ergonomics and comfort of management - perhaps, these qualities are distinguished by the "Taiga Patrol SWT 550" snowmobile (customer reviews also note this).

Technical features

Snowmobile TAYGA 550 PATRUL SWT can be purchased atRussian market in the range of 350 000 rubles. What do you get for these considerable money? Note that this vehicle is ideal if you plan to overcome the harshest conditions of snowy impassability. Due to the maximum width of the caterpillar (600 mm), the snowmobile performs well even with difficult terrain patches. The rear suspension on one shock absorber, adjustable, so the snowmobile stably and confidently behaves on the road. Another important advantage is the multifunctionality of operation.

And now about what qualities distinguish the snowmobile "Taiga Patrol SWT 550":

  • speed is one of the main skates of this model;
  • telescopic front suspension - perfectly copes with any impassability;
  • electric start - allows you to operate the equipment with maximum comfort;
  • burnt the pens;
  • light outlet;
  • a special foot rest - provides the convenience of landing the passenger.

Design features

taiga 550 patrol St.

What attracts the attention of the "Taiga Patrol SWT 550" snowmobile? The feedback of many buyers is reduced to indicating the following important parameters for them:

  1. A high windshield, which is created from elastic plastic. It does not beat, differs anti-glare properties, due to which the operation of the snowmobile is absolutely safe.
  2. An updated LED flashlight located behind the snowmobile.

It is also noted that thanks to a powerful dual headlight, the roadway is perfectly illuminated even in the dark.

Features of the equipment

В отзывах отмечается, что очень надежен и stable in operation snowmobile "Taiga Patrol 550 SWT". The characteristics of the multipurpose utilitarian vehicle are pleased with the high performance. In addition, this model shows an ideal ratio of price and quality. Capacities in 50 liters. from. enough to overcome any impassability. The PM3 550 engine is air-cooled and has a joint lubrication system. Single-carbureted fuel supply system.

The convenience of movement is ensured by a widecaterpillar: thanks to a width of 500-600 mm, stability and excellent roadability are ensured. There is also an electric starter, which is additionally equipped with a handle.

Modern and reliable

As we said, one of the updated modelssnowmobiles - "Taiga Patrol 550 SWT", the characteristics of which allow it to be used for winter recreation of any format. In addition, these models are actively used in rescue services. However, the most important feature of this tool is utility, which is what is required in general from utilitarian snowmobiles. What is the utility? Firstly, in a wide caterpillar, which is great for driving in deep snow. Secondly, low fuel consumption. Thirdly, in reliability. In addition, the Tayga 550 Patrul SWT can develop a top speed of 90 km / h.

snowmobile tayga patrul 550 swt

If you are looking for a serious machine that willdiffer simplicity, patency and high load-carrying capacity, this utilitarian model is created exclusively for you. Today, the snowmobile is widely used as the main working technique in forestry, hunting grounds, laying snowmobile routes or skis. In addition, the Tayga 550 Patrul SWT is popular with hunters and winter fishing enthusiasts.

Thanks to the long telescopic suspensionprovides security and ease of driving in difficult areas, where you can catch the trees, for example. And the rear suspension, supplemented with springs, can be adjusted, thereby providing a soft running of the snowmobile.

"Taiga Patrol 550 SWT": instruction and operating features

Прежде чем садиться за руль снегохода, следует read the instruction manual and operating instructions. And even better to ask the dealer about the features of riding a specific model. Maintenance of the models is advisable to be carried out in the service centers, where there is all necessary equipment, tools and spare parts, so that the repair was conducted competently and professionally.

tayga patrul 550 swt reviews

The operation manual is necessary in order toyou could get acquainted with the features of snowmobile operation, the appointment of control mechanisms, the order of maintenance and so on. The main recommendations for the operation of Taiga are as follows:

  1. On a snowmobile, you can not drive on public streets and roads. When driving off-road, the driver must obey the basic rules of traffic rules.
  2. The snowmobile must be registered with the state technical supervision authorities within 5 days from the date of purchase.
  3. Managing a snowmobile may be persons who have the rights to operate self-propelled vehicles of category A.
  4. Use of the equipment for other purposes, risky driving, provoking emergency situations on the road, is prohibited.
  5. The driver of the snowmobile should always wear a protective helmet, as well as wear a mask that protects the face.
  6. When traveling long distances, stop for short breaks.

How to operate a snowmobile?

taiga patrol swt 550 speed

Помните о том, что превышать безопасную скорость forbidden. From the landing of the driver depends on the running characteristics of the snowmobile. The best landing is sitting, as this is the most convenient way to control the machine. This method is suitable for driving on a snowy track of the optimal state. You can manage a snowmobile and half sitting on your half-bent legs. Another option is standing control with one knee support. Riding standing is an opportunity to see the surrounding space well, while the driver can change the center of gravity of the body in any direction to make the control of the car convenient.

Choosing a driving style

The style of driving depends on the statetrails. When driving along the prepared track, the best option is to control the snowmobile while sitting, without exceeding the permissible speed of movement. An unprepared track often runs along uneven snow, so you should move carefully along it. Engine compartment must be cleaned beforehand from the stuffed grass and debris.

When driving on deep snow it is important not to get bogged down.In such situations, you need to change the direction of motion to move over a larger radius, and find a site with dense snow. It is dangerous to ride a snowmobile on the ice cover, so do not cross the frozen river.

taiga patrol 550 swt instruction

Remember that snow is a kind of lubricantthe sliding surface between the rails and the caterpillar, which simultaneously removes heat generated from friction and cools the rails. When driving on dense snow, one must take into account the complexity of adhesion to the supporting surface. To overcome the climbs should also be neat - first to disperse the snowmobile on a horizontal path, then choose the most gentle slope and point the car at it.

When descending, it is necessary to control the movement of the snowmobile: it is better to sit down and take two hands behind the wheel. Slightly pressing on the gas lever, it is necessary to monitor the stable operation of the engine during the descent.

Features of maintenance

As we have already said, one of the reliable snowmobiles -"Taiga Patrol 550 SWT". Repair and maintenance of the machine should be carried out in a timely manner, without waiting for wear and tear of parts and mechanisms. Maintenance is a preventive measure that must be carried out in a timely and periodic manner. According to the instruction, the inspection is required to be carried out first every 1000 km of run, then - every 3000 km of run.

An important operation during maintenanceis a lubricant - it allows you to reduce wear, extend the life and increase the reliability of the snowmobile in service. Lubricants must be of high quality and be applied neatly.

During operation of the snowmobile "Taiga" canthere are certain problems that are associated with both the wear of the parts and the violation of regulations or maintenance rules. Any malfunction must be eliminated in a timely manner so that there are no more serious problems with the operation of the snowmobile.