/ / Hit the wheel at speed: the main reasons

Beats the wheel at speed: the main reasons

Almost every one of us has faced such aproblem, like the rudder's beating. And this trouble arises both at small and high speeds. And not only on domestic cars hit the steering wheel. On the 80th "Audi" also there are similar problems. What to do in this situation? Why does he hit the wheel at speed? This topic we will consider in our today's article.

hits the wheel at speed

This phenomenon arises on completely differentmodels of cars, regardless of their brand and price. So, the vibrations are felt on the handlebars or on the body when driving at speeds not higher than 70 km / h. But it can be completely different. On some cars, the rudder hits at speeds above 50 km / h, on others - and at 30 km / h. During the increase in speeds (from 100 and above), the vibrations may completely disappear or appear only within a certain speed range. But in any case, it is necessary to take urgent measures, if you hit the wheel. VAZ is a foreign car, it does not matter. After all, on the condition of the car depends on your safety on the road.

Snow on the wheel shelf

This problem is the most common.Sometimes vibrates not only the steering wheel, but the entire body of the car. Most often, this phenomenon occurs due to getting into the disk a piece of dirt or snow. After the acceleration to a certain speed, the beats are lost. Vibration can also disappear or arise again.

hits the steering wheel vases
Когда на автомобиле стоят литые диски, то увидеть dirt in them is easy. With stamped wheels this is much more difficult. Usually dirt and snow accumulate on the back of the wheel. You can correct the situation by shooting down snow or dirt from the inner shelf.

Disc imbalance

One of the reasons the steering wheel hits at speed,can be the wheel itself (having a marriage). Often even a new product has a non-ideal form. Also serious inconsistencies in the composition are possible. Therefore, in different areas, weight differs. The central part of the wheel stretches to where there is more mass. This is a centrifugal force. Since the center will constantly shift, the centrifugal force also changes direction. Therefore, the steering wheel will vibrate through the chain of steering links at high speeds.

why does he hit the wheel
This problem is solved by balancing the wheels.It is best to do this immediately after changing tires or disks. The balancing process is the equalization of the wheel weight at all points. Specialists install special loads on the reverse side of the disk, equalizing the mass. The main sign of disturbed balancing is that the wheel rushes at a speed of over 80 km / h. But this phenomenon can also occur at low speeds. In this case, experts recommend a thorough visual inspection of each wheel separately. If there are no dents, the tires without damages and beating are felt only on the steering wheel, the problem is the imbalance.

Deformation of wheels

Degree of their deformation quite significantly affects thebeating or vibration. The disc can be damaged in a careless ride on pits and bumps. A curved wheel can be identified by visual inspection. They look at the rim of the disk and look for dents. Most often, deformations are on its inner side. Cast discs, in contrast to the stamped ones, are deformed much less often.

Therefore, if the rudder hits at speed, it should immediatelyBut carefully check the wheels. The disc may be crumpled. It is also recommended to check the wheel on the stand. But it is not always possible in this way to reveal the curvature. If the wheel is very crooked, then this will be said by the vibration throughout the body.

When an old ordeformed rubber, this can be one of the reasons for the shaking. At the same time, the body can vibrate. Symptoms can be confused with deformed discs. So, at low speeds can only hit the steering wheel. With speed dialing, the steering wheel and the body will shake. The more this deformation, the more significant the vibrations will be. They are also felt at low speeds. The way out of this situation is to replace disks or tires.

Miscellaneous pressure

If the rudder hits at speed, then this may be due to different tire pressures.

beats the steering wheel when braking the vases
Most often the body vibrates in this case. On the steering wheel, the beat is transmitted less often (it just leads to the side). To solve the problem in this case, it is enough to equalize the pressure in each tire.

Tightening bolts

This reason, unlike all the others, canbe dangerous. If the nuts that hold the wheel on the hub are loose, the wheel may fall off during the movement. This is a direct threat to the driver and his passengers.

hits the wheel at 80
When the steering wheel hits at a low speed, the reasonit is worthwhile to look for including here. But, as a rule, they do not do this, but in vain. If a weak fastener is not found in time, then after a certain time the motorist is threatened with replacement of hubs, disks and other elements.

Suspension and steering

Excessively worn car suspension partsstrongly affect how the machine contacts the road. Ball joints, steering rods, hub bearings have a certain backlash. In the process of motion, they can lead to an imbalance. Sometimes all the suspension elements are susceptible to deformations - silent blocks, levers, stabilizer.

If the tires and discs are fine, but the rudderat speed, it is necessary to check and replace the worn out details of the chassis. Often, vibrations at low speeds happen due to backlashes in the rack. It is recommended to check the steering rods.

Steering wheel when braking

VAZ-2170 (like many other models) hasdisc front brakes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider possible malfunctions in this case. When the brakes at the speed of hitting the steering wheel, there are three reasons. These are curved wheels, worn brake discs or a hub bearing. If the brake disc is a curve, then the shoe will repeat the shape of this surface. Thus, due to curvature, the wheel rotates unevenly. This happens due to large inertia. If you start to swing the wheel, it will resist. At speed, this resistance is particularly high. Therefore, vibrations are felt on the steering wheel and on the pedals.

hits the wheel at 80
Also, the brake disc may become deformed due to overheating. The same symptoms are given by a broken wheel bearing, which can not hold the wheel smoothly, and especially when braking.


So, we have considered the main reasons why it hits the wheel at speed, as well as during braking. As you can see, most of the problems can be eliminated by one's own hands or by tire fitting.