/ / What is the fine, if not inscribed in the insurance, you can pay

What a fine, if not inscribed in the insurance, you can pay

The law on compulsory insurance has been releasedlong ago, it provided for the receipt of insurance policy OSAGO. And if you’ve run out of this document, or you left it at home, or the insurance is issued on another name, the law provides for certain types of punishments. From our article, you will find out what penalty you can pay if the driver is not inscribed in the insurance.

what is the penalty if not inscribed in the insurance

Let's look at one situation

For example, you went to the nature to frykebabs. And what kind of kebabs without alcohol, right? Suppose someone very responsible decided not to drink at all, but to take the whole company home. But the owner of the car did not inscribe it in the main insurance policy. For this punishment is provided, and you need to go home. After all, as the current provision on the driver of a vehicle says, he must have a policy in his hands, otherwise he may be fined and removed license plates. What is the fine, if your responsible buddy, who sat behind the wheel, is not inscribed in the insurance, can you be discharged? The owner of the car must write in the name of his friend a power of attorney to operate the car, and he may be near him. In this case, if the "taxi driver" is not inscribed in the insurance, the minimum penalty is only 300 rubles, but it will not be imposed on the driver who drove the car without insurance, but on its owner.

But in this case there is a big BUT!If your friend is not included in your insurance policy, but has an accident, then under the current legislation, the insurance company must still compensate all losses to the victim. However, insurance regression awaits you for this, that is, the insurance company will go to court for damages incurred that are not provided for in the insurance contract. And it will be more terrible, than the penalty for the driver who is not brought in the policy.

What is the penalty, if not included in the insurance of another driver of the car, provided by law?

not included in the insurance penalty

There are situations when you have to sit downbehind the wheel of someone else's car, or your friend or relative asked your car for a while. You have the opportunity when registering insurance OSAGO enter several drivers who have valid driving license. If you get behind the wheel of someone else's car and information about you is missing in the insurance policy of CTP, then you will be fined, will draw up an administrative protocol indicating the cause of the violation, articles in the Administrative Code. The inspector will remove registration numbers from the car. What is fine? If not inscribed in the insurance - will have to pay about 800 rubles. Restrictions on the use of the car are valid until the reasons for the imposition of punishment are eliminated. Although after paying a fine you can use the vehicle within 24 hours and get to the right place on time.

What needs to be done so that you are not fined on the road?

Do I need to enter in the insurance

Попросите хозяина машины заранее позаботиться о that you are on the list of drivers allowed to drive this vehicle. And then the question of whether the drivers who have the right to drive a car need to be insured will disappear by itself.