/ / Honda Fit: reviews

Honda Fit: reviews

More recently, motorists discovered for themselvescar Honda Fit. Reviews of this small and practical car say that it is good enough for any roads. Let's try to make sure of this on your own, especially since until you see it yourself and do not evaluate it, you can not say anything unequivocally.

The car is equipped with one and a half-literfour-cylinder engine, the power of which is 109 hp. It can accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour in 11.4 seconds. The automatic transmission is equipped with five speeds, which very smoothly apply power to the wheels, making a rise and fall of the transmission. When switching to manual mode, you can use only the 3rd gear, which in fact seems useless. The fuel consumption of the car is a bit surprising given the engine's volume - 8.7 liters per 100 in the city and 6.9 liters on the highway. Moving in a mixed mode, the driver will have to fill 7.8 liters for every 100 km.

In general, not in order to move toa huge speed, created Honda Fit. The testimonies speak eloquently that his maneuverability is at a decent level. With regards to the suspension, it may seem at first that it is too tight, but then you get used to it and begin to evaluate the ideal accuracy of the turns, coupled with excellent steering.

The car is designed for rather tallof people. It is the merit of engineers who decided to make the ceiling higher. But there are shortcomings. Seats at right angles are not convenient for everyone, the back gets tired pretty quickly. Therefore, it is undesirable to go on a trip on it. The rear seats are quite large due to the fact that the fuel tank was moved to the front of the car under the warrior seat.

Automation of the car leaves much to be desired.If other manufacturers try to automate as much as possible all the processes, then the manufacturers of this car are back in the past. But, despite this, the controls are very simple and convenient to use.

Let's talk about the design, design and finish of HondaFit. Reviews of these components of the car are not bad. Many people say that the rear seats of the car are very peculiar. This originality is for the better. Seatback seats can be adjusted with one side lever. In addition, you can also raise the seat cushions.

Finishing materials give out that the carbudgetary. This applies not only to the fabric, but practically everything that is inside the Honda Fit. Reviews about the quality of the materials are not the best. Many owners say that all the material is made of hard plastic, and it is not particularly pleasant. As for the driver's seat and everything that relates to this, then the engineers tried and did not greedy, designed everything in the classic style and quality materials. But from the outside the car looks monotonous. There is nothing that could specifically emphasize his personality.

This car is perfect for a familyman. It is practical, fuel consumption is low, there is not enough space in the car, and management is not the worst. What I want to note in this regard is the high carrying capacity of the Honda Fit Aria. The reviews showed that in this indicator he can rival even with SUVs. So, people who are looking for a compact SUV can stop their attention on this car. But do not forget that the car is urban, and not very suitable for travel, and comfort in it especially not.

The main advantages of Honda Fit technicalcharacteristics can not be attributed, but all the same for a car of this class can be noted good dynamics on the road, quite high practicality, as well as functionality. To the disadvantages immediately attributed a direct landing for all passengers of the cabin, a very noisy engine and, of course, the relatively high cost of the car against the background of the main competitors.