/ / Schemes of engine cooling systems, principle of operation

Schemes of engine cooling systems, principle of operation

Engine cooling systemsidentical on all machines. On modern cars used a hybrid system. Yes, it is this, because not only fluid, but also air is involved in the cooling. They are produced by blowing radiator cells. Due to this, the cooling is much more efficient. It is no secret that at low speed the circulation of the liquid does not save - it is necessary to additionally install a fan on the radiator.

Radiator fan

engine cooling systems

Let's talk about domestic cars, for exampleabout "Lada". To ensure better heat exchange, the engine cooling system (“Kalina”), the circuit of which has a standard configuration, contains a fan. Its main function is to blow the radiator cells with a stream of air when the liquid reaches a critical temperature. Work management is performed using a sensor. On domestic cars it is installed at the bottom of the radiator. In other words, there is a liquid there that gives off heat to the atmosphere. And it should have a temperature of 85-90 degrees at this point of the contour. If this value is exceeded, additional cooling is required, otherwise boiling water will flow into the engine jacket. Consequently, the motor will work at critical temperatures.

Cooling radiator

diagram of the engine cooling system Volkswagen

Он служит для отдачи тепла в атмосферу.The fluid passes through the honeycomb, which have narrow channels. All of these cells are connected by thin plates, which improve heat transfer. When moving at high speed, the air passes between the cells and contributes to the rapid achievement of the result. This element contains any scheme of the engine cooling system. Volkswagen, for example, is also no exception.

Above was considered a fan thatmounted on the radiator. It blows air when it reaches a critical temperature. To improve the efficiency of the element it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the radiator. Its cells are clogged with debris, heat transfer deteriorates. The air passes badly through the cells, the heat is not produced. The result - the engine temperature rises, its work is disturbed.

System thermostat

engine cooling system 406 scheme

Это не что иное, как клапан.It responds to changes in temperature in the cooling circuit. More about them will be discussed below. The scheme of the engine cooling system of the UAZ is based on the use of a high-quality thermostat, which is made of a bimetallic plate. Under the action of temperature, this plate is deformed. You can compare it with a circuit breaker used in the power supply of homes and businesses. The only difference is that it is not the switch contacts that is controlled, but the valve that supplies the hot liquid to the circuits. The design also has a return spring. When cooling the bimetallic plate, it returns to its original position. And the spring helps her to return.

Sensors used in cooling

405 engine cooling system diagram

The work involved only two sensors.One is installed on the radiator, and the second - in the jacket of the engine block. Let's go back to domestic cars and remember the "Volga". The scheme of the cooling system (405) of the engine also has two sensors. Moreover, the one that is on the radiator has a simpler design. It is also based on a bimetallic element, which deforms with increasing temperature. This sensor turns on the electric fan.

На автомобилях классической серии ВАЗ ранее used direct fan drive. The impeller was mounted directly on the pump axis. Fan rotation was performed continuously, regardless of what the temperature in the system. The second sensor, installed in the engine jacket, serves one purpose - to transmit a signal to the temperature indicator in the cabin.

Liquid pump

diagram of the engine cooling system uaz

Let's go back to the "Volga".The engine cooling system (406), whose circuit contains a circulating fluid pump, cannot simply function without it. If you do not give the fluid a movement, then it will not be able to move around the contours. Consequently, there will be stagnation, the antifreeze will begin to boil, and the motor may jam.

The design of the liquid pump is very simple -aluminum housing, rotor, drive pulley on one side and plastic impeller on the other. Installation is carried out either inside the engine block or outside. In the first case, the drive is carried out, as a rule, from the timing belt. For example, on cars VAZ, starting with model 2108. In the second case, the drive is carried out from the crankshaft pulley.

Contour stove

scheme of the engine cooling system

On some cars produced severaldecades ago, air-cooled engines were installed. The inconvenience in this case is one: you had to use a gasoline stove that “ate” a lot of fuel. But if liquid schemes of engine cooling systems are used, you can take a hot antifreeze, which is supplied to the radiator. Thanks to the oven fan, hot air is supplied to the cabin.

In all cars, the radiator stove is mountedunder the dashboard. First, an electric fan is installed, then a radiator is placed on it, and air ducts are suitable from above. They are necessary for the distribution of hot air through the cabin. In new cars, its distribution is controlled using microprocessor systems and stepper motors. They open or close the flaps depending on the temperature in the cabin.

Expansion tank

Everyone knows that any liquid when heatedexpands - increases in volume. Therefore, it is necessary that she go somewhere. But on the other hand, when the liquid cools, its volume decreases, therefore, it is necessary to add it again to the system. It is impossible to do this manually, but with the help of an expansion tank this procedure can be automated.

В большинстве современных автомобилей применяются schematics of engine cooling systems of hermetic type. For these purposes, the presence of a plug with two valves on the expansion tank is provided: one for the inlet and one for the exhaust. This allows the system to provide pressure close to one atmosphere. With a decrease in its rate, air is sucked, with an increase - a discharge.

Cooling pipes

engine cooling system viburnum circuit

To ensure the circulation of fluid circuit systemsengine cooling contain rubber nipples. They are used to transfer fluid between the nodes. The pipe is a rubber tube. Inside it has a reinforcement, which increases the strength of the product. Nozzles have different lengths and shapes. These parameters depend on the car model.

The attachment of pipes made usingmetal worm clamps. Silicone sealants can be used to ensure maximum impermeability. It is reasonable to apply them in the case when there are slight defects in the places where the pipes connect to the cooling system. Thanks to the sealant, all irregularities are filled. When operating the vehicle, you must monitor the condition of the connections. The formation of cracks is not allowed, otherwise fluid leakage and leakage of the system will occur.


After a thorough analysis, you can see thatthe scheme of the engine cooling system, despite the configuration, is the same on all cars. For effective system operation, it is necessary to monitor the state of all its elements. Not only a break in the thermostat, but even a malfunction of the valves in the cap of the expansion tank can cause an increase in the temperature of the coolant. Therefore, it is necessary to perform timely system maintenance so that it does not let down at the wrong time. Otherwise, there may be a malfunction of the engine. Excessive overheating of the cylinder block can lead to cracks, as well as jamming of the piston group.