/ / Adjust the alignment of the car

Adjust the camber on the car

If the wheels of the car are at the wrong angles (wheel alignment), then the tires will wear out very quickly. But novice drivers sometimes suffer the question: "Wheel alignment, what is it?".

Wheel alignment
Convergence is considered to be the angle betweenthe direction of the wheel and its rotation. It is negative and positive. The tilting of the wheel affects the car’s cornering stability. In rear-wheel drive cars, tires seem to be a little close together, “look” at each other (this effect is called positive convergence), while in front-wheel drive cars - the opposite. When driving the wheels move away and stand on the road already in parallel. The collapse is called the angle that form the plane of the wheel and the passing vertical. This parameter allows the machine to smoothly maneuver, turn and improves the grip of the tire with the road surface.

Scientist Lee Hunter from America is consideredthe inventor of the stand, where the alignment was regulated. Sensors were attached to the wheels, they focused the rays of light, with their help they could accurately measure the angle of inclination. The invention was called the "optical stand", but after 10 years it was replaced by a computer program. Today, in order to measure wheel alignment, equipment uses electronic.

Camber convergence what is it

Signs that adjustment is necessary alignment

  • In case of improper convergence there is a strong wear rubber and increased fuel consumption.
  • Tire "bald" uneven.
  • On a flat stretch of road, if you release the steering wheel, the car will start to lead to the side. It is fraught with accidents.


  1. With the help of a lift the car rises,the running gear is checked (having raised the top part of the car). If the test results are positive, turntables are set (similar operations can be done without a lift in the pit).
  2. Measure tire pressure and loadthe trunk. We lower the pressure on the half of the atmosphere and fasten the grips with the measuring heads. In the program, enter the data about the car (number, mileage, brand, etc.).
  3. Wheel alignment equipment
    Remember that any new disk will not be perfect.even, make the payment. Turning the wheel a third of a turn, fix it with the measuring head. On the screen you can see the results of compensation. If the wheel mark on the stand lights up in green, then everything is set correctly, you can proceed to the next wheel.
  4. Keys are left in the ignition lock, setbrake lock, handbrake and press the car. We set the level on the measuring heads (it can be both normal and electronic). On 3D, everything happens in the same way, the only plus is that, to determine compensation, the car is rolled with targets slightly backward and then forward, thereby reducing compensation time. Turning the wheels in different directions, we give the computer the opportunity to calculate the angles of the adjustments. Indicators that have turned red when checked are subject to adjustment.
  5. Turn off the nut on the rear toe andeccentric achieve the desired position of the wheel. Then, by the same principle, we set forward convergence. To properly adjust, you need to look at the indicators on the monitor.
  6. Remove the measuring heads or targets. Adjustment is complete. Wheel alignment is now normal!