/ / Bearberry ordinary: photo, description, properties and application

Bearberry: photo, description, properties and application

Bearberry - bush with recumbentoblong stems. It grows in North America, the European part of Russia, the Far East and Siberia. Very rarely occurs in the non-chernozem zone and in the Caucasus. In folk medicine, bearberry is used to make infusions, teas, decoctions, which have antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. With the right preparation, a wholesome, health-giving drink is produced, which we'll talk about in this article.

Why is bearberry useful?

Bearberry leaves are a source of large quantitiesuseful substances and the main source of phenols and phenolic glycosides. In the shoots of the shrub contains up to 20% of arbutin. In addition, flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids, iridoids, quinic and formic acids, up to 35% of tannins, and a small amount of essential oil, macro- and microelements have been found in shoots of such plants as the bearberry typical.

The leaves of the plant contain:2-O and 6-O-galloylarbutins, hydroquinone, iceozide and methylarbutine. The bearberry leaves are also rich in ursulic and oleic acids. They contain uviol, α- and β-amyrin, lupeol, erythrodiol, catechins, cyanidin and delphinidin.

bearberry ordinary photo


Ordinary bearberry has a uniquethe chemical composition that helps the body to fight against colds, effectively copes with diseases of the bladder. The plant is used successfully in gynecology with bleeding, it has a beneficial effect on the body in cases of asthma. As an analgesic is taken with rheumatism. With many diseases, as a sedative, it is recommended infusion of leaves of bearberry ordinary. Pharmacognosy develops new ways of using this remedy for medicinal purposes.

Bearberry improves intestinal motility,stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and is successfully used for liver diseases. Infusion of bearberry is recommended for malaria and tuberculosis, as well as for heart failure and diabetes. In Tibetan medicine, bearberry is used for heartburn, anemia, alcoholism, gastritis, and also as an anthelmintic and tonic. The medicinal properties are also the flowers of the plant. They help treat heart and vascular diseases in adults, and visual impairment in children.

Bearberry in cosmetology

  • For cleansing the skin. Bearberry effectively fights pigmented spots.
  • For losing weight. Toloknyanka is a famous diuretic. It contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the withdrawal of oxidation products during diets and starvation.
  • For oily hair. Tincture bearberry effectively fights with hair loss, normalizes their nutrition and prevents the cross-section of hair ends.
  • To get rid of edema. In this case, preference is given to alcohol tincture, since it contains less liquid.
  • For the healing of ulcers and wounds. As a powerful disinfectant and bactericidal agent, the bearberry brooch (a description of the recipe below) helps protect wounds from infection and speeds up the healing process.
  • To prevent skin aging. Bearberry contains a large number of antioxidants, due to which it is widely used in cosmetology against drying and aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles.

Commonly restorative properties of bearberry

  • strengthens the immune system and helps restore strength;
  • safely and gently cleanses the body;
  • has antipyretic effect;
  • fights with prostatitis, restoring urination and relieving inflammation;
  • anesthetizes;
  • relieves breathing problems;
  • effective for hypertensive crises.

Bearberry tea

The recipe for tea from this plant is known from oldtimes. Today it is recommended to replace it with infusion. But this is due, above all, to the fact that the bearberry releases tannins and tea can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Nevertheless, the tea recipe is very useful and is successfully applied in treatment. It is important to know: tea from the bearberry leaves is not recommended for children and people with gastritis. In this case, it is better to prepare kissel (compote) from the fruits of the plant, which improve intestinal peristalsis and gently affect the body.

First of all, tea is used as a ureptic fordiseases of the urinary system. The beneficial effect of tea is due to the fact that the active substances act on the urinary organs. Due to the diuretic property, the bearberry tea allows not only to disinfect the kidneys, but also literally wash them.

In addition, tea has:

  • analgesic action;
  • eliminates breathing problems;
  • reduces nausea;
  • relieves ringing in the ears.
bearberry description

Action of the plant

Tea from bearberry is effective when:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • with gynecological diseases: vaginitis, cervicitis, etc .;
  • in complex treatment with prostatitis.

Possessing diuretic properties, bearberryordinary washing away sand with a tendency to crystal formation in the kidneys. Urine does not stagnate and salt is not delayed, it prevents stone formation. However, it should be borne in mind: if there are already stones in the kidneys, they can enter the ureters, which will inevitably lead to renal colic. Therefore, patients with urolithiasis should be careful with plant uroseptics. It is necessary to periodically undergo an ultrasound examination and be under the supervision of a doctor.

With caution bearberry ordinary (photoabove) is used in inflammation of the kidneys, as this may aggravate the disease. The use of bearberry tea in this case is undesirable. Many people know the fact that preparations with tannins are very useful for diarrhea. Despite the fact that in the bearberry of this substance in excess, with liquid stool it is better not to use it. First, tea can cause irritation of the intestines and lead to spasms. Secondly, bearberry has a diuretic effect, which exacerbates the situation with dehydration.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, tea frombearberry is effective in douching. But it is necessary to take into account that many symptoms (for example, Beli) accompany diseases that require serious treatment.

bearberry infusions and decoctions

Tea Brewing Technology

  • Classic way

Ingredients: two glasses of water and one tablespoon of bearberry.

How to cook: Pour the bearberry with the specified amount of liquid and boil for half an hour. Drink as usual tea.

При таком способе из листьев высвобождаются tannins and, accordingly, increases the side effect. In particular, it can lead to irritation of the kidneys, intestines and mucous membranes, the uterus and the bladder.

  • The best option

Ingredients: a glass of boiled water and a teaspoon of bearberry.

How to cook:prolonged boiling of the leaves of bearberry makes tea tasteless and little appetizing. Therefore, it is better to prepare the infusion as follows - pour a teaspoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water. Day insist and strain. Drink, slightly heated, in a third cup. It is recommended to drink tea three times a day.

With this method of cooking side effectsrarely occur. When drinking tea from bearberry, preference should be given to plant and dairy foods. It promotes leaching. The fact is that hydroquinone is released from arbutin only in alkaline medium. With the same purpose, you can add some baking soda to tea.

bearberry, abalone bearberry

Bearberry (bear's ear) oftenused in herbal preparations. It should be borne in mind that each component of the mixture affects the body only in interaction with each other. Therefore, in the manufacture of fees is better to strictly adhere to the recipe.

Herbal mix

Bearberry is combined with differentherbs, which significantly increases its medicinal properties, and fills broths and infusions with additional micro-and macro-elements. Also, this method allows you to get rid of the side effects that can cause the plant in its pure form. To weaken them, bearberry is added to herbal preparations.

  • Infusion with parsley seeds and celandine

Ingredients: 200 ml of water, 80 g of bearberry, 20 g of celandine and the same amount of parsley. You can make an infusion without celandine: in this case, 40 g of parsley and 60 g of bearberry are required.

How to cook: pour a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs with hot water in the amount indicated above. Insist 6 hours, then boil for 10 minutes. Infusion strain and drink in two doses.

  • Infusion with the fruits of wild rose

Ingredients: nettle, bearberry, wild rose fruits, plantain and St. John's wort. Herbs taken in equal quantities (in grams).

How to cook: mix the ingredients. Three tablespoons of the mixture pour ¾ cup of water. Boil the infusion for 5 minutes and insist 20 minutes. Infusion, divided into three parts, drink before meals.

This infusion is especially recommended for chronic cystitis. Drink for six months. Between courses take a break of 2 weeks.

  • Infusion with motherwort

Ingredients: bearberry and motherwort in equal quantities, 500 ml of water.

How to cook: two tablespoons of the mixture pour half a liter of water. Boil the infusion in a water bath until its amount is reduced three times. Strain and drink the medicine in 50 ml.

The tool is effective for problems with nerves.

  • Infusion with corn stigmas

Ingredients: bearberry ordinary and corn silk in equal quantities (in grams), 250 ml of water.

How to cook: pour a tablespoon of the mixture with water and boil over medium heat for 15 minutes. Broth divided into equal portions and drink for the day.

This collection is recommended for cystitis. Therefore, when it is necessary to alleviate the condition in this disease, it is more reasonable to stop at this recipe.

properties of bearberry ordinary

Medicinal Drug Recipes

  • Bearberry Broth

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. bearberry spoon and 250 ml of water.

How to cook: chop the leaves (you can use a coffee grinder), pour into a metal dish and fill with water. Soak for half an hour in a water bath and strain.

Если после процеживания отвара содержимое decreased (and this will inevitably happen), you need to add boiled hot water to it, to get a full glass of broth (250 ml). Let the broth stand for fifty minutes. Drink bearberry decoction (description of the preparation method above) in a tablespoon after meals. Preferably three times a day. In the same way they prepare a decoction for children, only initially together with a tablespoon of dry leaf take a teaspoon of leaves. You can drink broth of bearberry, prepared in this way, for two days, after which you can brew fresh broth.

  • Bearberry infusion

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. bearberry spoons and 250 ml of boiled water.

How to cook:bearberry leaves pour water and leave in a warm room for 12 hours. Then strain and drink just like decoction. After a day, prepare a new infusion. With this method will save more nutrients.

  • Alcohol tincture

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. bearberry spoons, 100 ml of 40% ethyl alcohol.

How to cook:leaves of the plant pour alcohol and leave for two weeks. Then filter the tincture and drink after a meal (15 - 20 drops). Recommended three times a day. Effective tincture for chronic cystitis.

bearberry tincture


Infusions and decoctions made from bearberry, should be taken with great care. They are not all shown and unsafe. When will you have to look for another treatment method?

  • With inflammation of the kidneys.
  • During pregnancy.
  • During lactation.
  • With allergies.
  • Children up to 12 years.

Treating this plant can also cause side effects:

  • dry mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

When using infusions and decoctions of bearberrysometimes urine turns green. But do not be afraid of this. This is a natural reaction. Consumption of infusions (decoctions) of bearberry in excess, can lead to irritation of the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, long-term use of these drugs is undesirable. In this case, a break of one to two weeks is necessary.

Self-treatment of any diseases is dangerous.It is reasonable to apply recipes of traditional medicine only after consulting with your doctor. The doctor will examine the tests, prescribe an effective course of therapy and supplement it with medicinal herbs.