/ / Tablets "Fenigidin": instructions for use, reviews

Pills "Fenigidin": instructions for use, reviews

Why is the drug "Fenigidin" intended?Instructions for the use of this medicine, its contraindications, analogs and side effects will be described in detail in this article. In addition, you will learn about when this medication is prescribed (in indications), in what dosage should it be taken, what do patients and doctors say about it.

phenygidine instructions for use

Composition and form of the drug

The drug "Fenigidin" can be found in the pharmacy inform of tablets. They are coated and contain an active ingredient, such as nifedipine. In the sale of a medical product comes in a cardboard pack, where there can be either 40 tablets or 50.

Also, the medicine we are considering cango on sale as a solution for intravenous and intracoronary administration. This medication contains the same active substance as the tablet.

phenygidine tablets

Pharmacological characteristics of the drug

What is a "Fenigidine" medication?The instruction for the use of this drug says that it is a selective blocker of calcium channels of the 2nd class, as well as derivatives of dihydropyridine.

The mechanism of action of this drug isthat it slows down the processes of calcium intake into the cells of the smooth muscles of the vessels and into the cardiomyocytes. Medication is able to have antihypertensive and antianginal effects. It also expands the peripheral and coronary arteries, lowers the tone of blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure, OPSS, myocardial contractility, the need for cardiac muscle in oxygen and reduces afterload on the heart. In addition, this drug significantly improves coronary blood flow.

Tablets "Fenigidin" practically do not have antiarrhythmic activity. Moreover, they do not inhibit the conductivity of the myocardium.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

Where is the medicine "Fenigidin" absorbed?Instructions for use say that after taking the tablets inside, the active substance is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. The drug is metabolized through the liver. This occurs when the "first pass", resulting in the formation of inactive metabolites.

The connection of the drug with proteins is about 92-98%. Half-life lasts approximately 2 hours.

The medicinal substance leaves in the form of metabolites and in unchanged form (in trace amounts) mainly by the kidneys. Also, the drug is excreted through the intestine (about 20%).

Indications for use of the drug

At what deviations do doctors prescribe to their patients such a drug as "Fenigidin"? The use of this medication is indicated in the following pathological conditions:

  • in order to prevent attacks of angina pectoris, including vasospastic angina pectoris;
  • for the relief of strokes;
  • with hypertensive crises;
  • with hypertension;
  • with Raynaud's disease.

fenigidin application

Contraindications to the use of medicament

In what cases in no case can you prescribe the patient the drug "fenigidin"? Instructions for use of the tablets we are considering states that they are contraindicated in the following deviations:

  • with cardiogenic shock;
  • arterial hypotension (when systolic blood pressure has a value below 90 mmHg);
  • with severe aortic stenosis;
  • during collapse;
  • with severe heart failure;
  • if the patient has an increased sensitivity to such an active element as nifedipine.

Methods of use and dosage of the drug

The drug "fenigidin" from the pressure prescribed to patients only individually. For oral administration, the initial dosage is 10 mg four times a day.

If necessary, then this amount of the drug is gradually increased. In this case, the dosage will be 20 mg four times a day.

In special clinical situations (for example, in case of variant angina or severe arterial hypertension), the dose of the drug is allowed to be increased up to 30 mg four times a day for a short period of time.

fenigidin reviews

To stop the hypertensive crisis, as well as strokes, the drug can be used not orally but sublingually. In this case, it is prescribed in the amount of 10-20 mg (very rarely 30 mg).

For the relief of hypertensive crisis and an attack of angina, this medication is sometimes administered intravenously (5 mg for 4-8 hours).

Intra coronary drug solution is administeredbolus 100-200 mcg. Such treatment is usually performed to relieve acute spasms of the coronary arteries. With vascular stenosis, the initial dosage should be approximately 50-100 mcg.

The maximum daily dose of the medication we are considering when administered orally is 120 mg. When administered intravenously, its volume should not exceed 30 mg.

Side effects of the drug

Intravenous solution and tablets "fenigidin" can cause quite a large number of side effects. Which ones, let's consider right now:

  • The cardiovascular system:asystole, hyperemia of the skin, ventricular tachycardia, sensation of heat, increased angina attacks, tachycardia, peripheral edema, arterial hypotension, bradycardia.
  • Peripheral and central nervous system: muscle aches, headaches, mild visual disturbances, paresthesias, sleep disorders and tremors.
  • Digestive tract:diarrhea, nausea, deterioration of the liver, gingival hyperplasia. If you use the drug for too long and in high dosages, then dyspeptic symptoms, intrahepatic cholestasis and increased activity of hepatic transaminases are possible.
  • Hematopoietic system: thrombocytopenia and leukopenia are very rarely observed.
  • Endocrine system: gynecomastia is very rare.
  • Urinary system: an increase in daily urine output. If you take the drug for a long time and in high dosages, there may be impaired kidney function.
  • Allergy: skin rash.
  • Local reactions: if the drug is administered intravenously, it is possible a burning sensation at the injection site.
    fenigidin pressure

It is impossible not to mention that during oneminutes after intracoronary administration, the patient may experience negative ionotropic effects of nifedipine, as well as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. These symptoms disappear gradually after about 8-15 minutes.

Drug Interactions with Other Medicines

Can I take with other drugs?medication "Fenigidin Health"? The instruction enclosed in the packaging warns that a person’s well-being can deteriorate noticeably if the medicine in question is used incorrectly. In this regard, before taking it, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor.

When used simultaneously with diuretics, antihypertensive drugs and phenothiazine derivatives, the antihypertensive effect of nifedipine may be enhanced.

When used simultaneously with anticholinergic drugs, attention and memory disorders may occur in patients of pre-retirement and retirement age.

If at the same time taking the drug with beta-blockers, then a person may develop severe arterial hypotension, and in some cases - heart failure.

With simultaneous use with nitrates, antianginal effects of nifedipine are increased.

fenigidin during pregnancy

Calcium intake is reducedthe effectiveness of the active element. This is due to the antagonistic interaction, which is caused by an increase in the concentration of calcium ions in the so-called extracellular fluid.

There are cases of muscle weakness and general fatigue while taking the drug with magnesium salts.

If you use "fenigidin" together with digoxin, then this can slow down the removal of the latter from the body, which subsequently will be the cause of increasing its concentration in the blood.

A single dose of medication with diltiazem enhances the antihypertensive effect.

When used simultaneously with theophylline, there is a possibility of a change in the concentration of the latter in the blood plasma.

The substance rifampicin is able to induce the activity of liver enzymes, as well as accelerate the metabolism of nifedipine, which ultimately leads to a significant decrease in its effectiveness.

If you use the drug simultaneously with phenytoin, phenobarbital and carbamazepine, then there is a chance of reducing the concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma.

There are many reports of an increase in the concentration of nifedipine in the blood plasma, as well as an increase in its AUC when administered simultaneously with itraconazole and fluconazole.

If you take the drug with fluoxetine, there is a possibility of increasing the side effects of nifedipine on the human body.

In rare cases, simultaneous medicationwith quinidine can reduce the concentration of the latter in the blood, and with the abolition of the drug - significantly increase it, which, naturally, will contribute to prolongation of the QT interval on the ECG.

Active ingredients such as ranitidine and cimetidine sometimes increase the concentration of nifedipine in the blood, enhancing its antihypertensive effect.

Alcohol-containing drugs can increase the effects of nifedipine, which will cause dizziness and other undesirable reactions.

Medicine "Fenigidin" during pregnancy and lactation

Strictly controlled and adequate researchthe safety of such an active element as nifedipine during pregnancy was not carried out. Therefore, the use of this drug in the period of gestation is not recommended.

Due to the fact that nifedipine is secreted with breast milk, it is necessary to avoid its use during breastfeeding or stop lactation altogether.

Experimental studies have identified embryotoxic, fetotoxic and teratogenic effects of nifedipine on a woman’s body.

Analogs of the drug

What can replace the drug "fenigidin"?Analogues of this tool are sold in all pharmacies. Among them are the following drugs: "Adalat", Sponif "," Vero-Nifedipine "," Sanfidipin "," Zanifed "," Osmo-Adalat "," Kaltsigard retard "," Nifekard "," Kordafen "," Nifelat " , Cordaflex, Nifedipine, Cordipin, Nifedikor, Corinfar, Nifedikap, Nikardiya, Nifedex, Nifadil, Nifegeksal, Nifebene and others.

Assign these funds should only the attending physician.

Phenigidine health instruction

Medicine "Fenigidin": reviews of doctors and patients

Experts note the effectiveness of the drug"Fenigidin". He quickly relieves angina attacks, and also helps with hypertensive crises, Raynaud's disease and hypertension. However, there are quite a few negative comments from patients about this drug. According to them, it causes many side effects. The most often manifested are muscle pain and dizziness. However, doctors say that such reactions are possible only with the wrong use of the drug. In this regard, it should be used only under the supervision of a specialist, especially if the patient has an acute myocardial infarction, severe cerebrovascular accident, diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney problems, as well as malignant hypertension and hypovolemia.