/ / Disease anemia - what is it?

Disease anemia - what is it?

Anemia is one of the most common anddangerous diseases. Some varieties of this ailment are hereditary in nature. However, most often this condition indicates the development of a serious disease. So, anemia - what is it? This group of pathological abnormalities, characterized by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. This condition is usually associated with iron deficiency in the human body.

anemia what it is

Symptoms of anemia

The disease can be determined by such signs:

  • pale color of the skin;

  • pallor of the eye mucosa;

  • headache;

  • chills, weakness;

  • noise in ears;

  • apathy, fatigue;

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;

  • nausea, lack of appetite;

  • constipation, bloating;

  • heart palpitations, shortness of breath.

Anemia is a disease that requires urgent treatment.If this ailment is triggered, it can develop into a chronic form. In this case, there is a disruption of the functioning of the nervous system and a mental disorder.

mild anemia

Anemia: what is it and what are the causes of the disease?

Most located to this statepregnant women, women of childbearing age, young children. One of the main causes of anemia is significant blood loss. Provoke them can extensive uterine, gastric, nasal, surgical bleeding. Also, anemia can be caused by diseases of the digestive system of chronic or acute form, in which the function of assimilation of iron is disrupted. In addition, strict diets, vegetarianism, malnutrition can also lead to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

Everyone should know about such a disease as anemia: what is it, the causes, symptoms of the ailment. Only in this case it is possible to prevent serious consequences.

Degrees of anemia

The disease is divided into three main degrees.

Anemia of mild

In this case, the disease is characterized bya slight decrease in hemoglobin, its index is 90-110 g / l in women and 100-120 g / l in men. Treatment of such anemia is to increase the consumption of foods with high iron content.

Anemia of medium degree

In this situation, the level of hemoglobin decreases to 70-80 g / l. Treatment in this case, in addition to diet, should include drug therapy with iron preparations.

Severe anemia

This state is considered dangerous for liferights. The degree of decrease in hemoglobin is quite significant - 70 g / l and lower. With this indicator, hospitalization and treatment under the supervision of a specialist is required.

anemia disease

Treatment of the disease

Anemia, what it is and what its signs are-you now know. Now we learn about the principles of treatment of this disease.

The main means of independent treatment andprevention of the disease is a food based on iron-containing foods: beets, carrots, pumpkins, turnips, celery, meat products, eggs.

Therapy of anemia, first of all, consists in the treatment of the disease that led to such a condition.

To normalize the level of hemoglobin applyiron preparations together with ascorbic acid. Also, folic acid injections, administered concomitantly with group B vitamins, also have a positive effect. In particularly severe cases, a blood transfusion may be required.

At the first sign of anemia, it is necessary to applyto the doctor. The doctor will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Following all the recommendations, you keep your health, and in some cases, life.