/ / How to determine the violation of cerebral circulation: symptoms, treatment

How to determine the disorder of cerebral circulation: symptoms, treatment

Disruption of cerebral circulation - one of thosediseases that pose a greater threat to life. By vascular insufficiency is meant a reduction in the supply of the necessary volume of blood to the brain. The consequences of this disorder can cause disability or death.

There are several types of stroke.When this disease is observed difficulty of speech, complications of the movement of arms, legs, changes in sensitivity to pain. There are strokes: ischemic, hemorrhagic, PNMK.

cerebrovascular accident: symptoms, treatment

Transient and ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation

This ailment is caused by nutritional deficiencies andoxygen, causing the nervous tissue to collapse. There are frequent cases of ischemic insufficiency due to abrupt clogging or narrowing of the veins, which are necessary for the receipt of a certain amount of blood. Sometimes the disease can be triggered by low blood pressure - the constricted vessel is unable to fully function, as a result of which a person’s poor condition is aggravated.

Transient disorders of cerebral circulation can last no more than a day. The disease itself is a local dyscirculatory disorder, which, as a rule, does not cause serious problems.

Hemorrhagic stroke

This kind of disturbance occurs when the walls break.vessel. Due to bleeding, all vital processes of the nervous system are disturbed. People suffering from arterial hypertension are predisposed to this disorder - the veins do not withstand high pressure and rupture.

Diagnosis of the disease

You should be extremely careful if you arerisk group or the doctor has already established a violation of cerebral circulation. Symptoms, their treatment, together with timely diagnosis can prevent more serious consequences leading to disability. In any case, the best option is to proactively prevent the disease. If you suspect a stroke, the doctor will first of all conduct the following activities and procedures:

  • Identify affected vessels by duplex scanning.
  • MRI for visualization of the affected area of ​​the brain.

transient cerebral circulatory disorders

Preventive measures

You should know a few rules in order to prevent the violation of cerebral circulation. Symptoms, treatment of this disease can be reduced by performing fairly simple prevention measures.

  • Active lifestyle.
  • No smoking, drugs and alcohol.
  • Control of blood glucose levels.
  • Maintain optimum weight.
  • Reducing the amount of salt in food.

Violation of cerebral circulation: symptoms, treatment

Judging by the signs, you can determine the type of disorder. A left-sided stroke will manifest itself on the right side of the body where there has been a lesion of the organs, or vice versa.

People suffering from blood disordersprone to depression and in places they lose control of their emotions. Among the classic symptoms of the disease: vomiting, headache, disorientation, fever, depression of consciousness, coma. When the arteries are functioning poorly, blood flow stimulants are usually prescribed. Cholesterol levels are also being adjusted. Reading the books, intellectual training will help to stop the development of the disease. But, unfortunately, it is already impossible to fully regain lost health after a stroke, so you should consult a doctor in time, who will determine the violation of cerebral circulation, symptoms, the treatment will then be selected individually.

ischemic cerebrovascular accident

Principles of therapy

In the acute course of the disease is necessaryspecialized assistance aimed primarily at maintaining the work of vital organs. The main treatment for stroke involves providing the patient with adequate blood supply and proper breathing, reducing brain swelling and maintaining normal blood pressure. Such procedures must necessarily be carried out under the supervision of doctors.