/ / "Xymelin": analogues, composition and price of the drug. What to replace the spray or drops in the nose "Xymelin"?

"Ximelin": analogues, composition and price of the drug. Than to replace a spray or drops in a nose "Ximelinum"?

One of the most popular vasoconstrictormedication that helps get rid of nasal congestion is Xymelin. But it is not always available in pharmacies, which is why it is necessary to know about its analogues, which have the same effect on the nasal mucosa.

Effect of the drug

Nose drops "Xymelin" have a vasoconstrictorEffect. The main active ingredient in the drug, xylometazoline, causes constriction of the blood vessels, thereby facilitating breathing and swelling in the nasopharynx. Moreover, most patients note that the drug does not cause any discomfort even with its frequent use.

Time of action

Almost all otolaryngologists say thatif the vasoconstrictor drops are chosen correctly, then they should act from the moment of use for at least eight hours. If the medicine is not suitable, then the time is reduced to almost two hours.

Nose drops "Xymelin" can get rid of nasal congestion for 10 hours.


It is noted that blood enters at leastactive ingredient that is part of the drug "Xymelin". Analogs, which will be discussed a little later, also have all the above actions.

Indications for use

There are a number of indications when patients choose “Xymelin”. Analogues of the drug are also prescribed in the following cases:

  • Acute respiratory viral diseases thataccompanied by severe runny nose. And when acute respiratory infections appear immediately on the first day, breathing becomes difficult. And in order to somehow ease it, it is necessary to apply vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Sinusitis, during which also swelling occursnasal mucosa, that's just the problem lies much deeper. When sinusitis is recommended to dig in "Xymelin", throwing back his head up to the drug fell into the sinuses.
  • Otitis, during which swelling in the nasopharyngeal mucosa is necessary to relieve the condition.
  • Allergies, especially in the spring and summer, when you need to ease breathing.
  • When eustachitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the ear canal and eardrum.

The drug is used not only to alleviate the symptoms of various diseases. It is also used in preparation for the study with the help of an endoscope.

nose drops

"Xymelin": composition and release form

The main active ingredient of the drug is xylometazoline, which has an alpha adrenomimetic effect.

If we talk about the forms of release, the drug can be purchased:

  • In the form of a spray that can be used for adults and children whose age is over 6 years. The active ingredient concentration will be 0.1 percent.
  • In the form of a spray that can be used for children whose age is under 6 years. The active substance concentration will be 0.05 percent.
  • In the form of drops, which can be applied to children whose age is over ten years old, and in adults. The concentration of the active substance will be 0.1 percent.
  • In the form of drops that can be used in children whose age is from two to six years. The concentration of the active substance will be 0.05 percent.

"Xymelin Extra"

Separately need to say about a stronger drugsuch as "Xymelin extra", which has a more pronounced effect. After applying the drug, the effect is already visible after three minutes and lasts for 8 hours.

Many people prefer to buy it "Xymelin Extra". Its price differs not much.

How to apply

Not everyone, unfortunately, knows how to properly apply vasoconstrictor drugs, so that the effect of them will be much longer.

В первую очередь нужно отметить, что перед by injection or instillation, it is necessary to wash the nasal cavity with saline solution, which will remove excess mucus, and the main active ingredient will act on the mucous membrane.

Also, if we talk about sprays, then in no case can not bend your head, because the substance can flow into the throat, and the effect will be less.


"Xymelin" can be used in both children and adults, which is why the dosages are different.

"Xymelin" for children in the form of a spray, which is appointed at the age of two to six years, can be applied once or twice a day for one injection.

The drug for adults is allowed to apply 3 times a day for no more than seven days, because otherwise there may be addiction, in which you will need to use drops or spray daily.


Отдельно нужно сказать о том, кому "Xymelin" is contraindicated. Its composition prohibits the use of the drug to people who have an individual intolerance to the main active ingredient.

Other contraindications include:

  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • children's age up to two years.

Use during pregnancy

Separately, it must be said about the use of the drug ingestation time. "Xymelin," analogues of this drug are strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy, as part of them are absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause a narrowing of the arteries and veins, which feed nutrients and oxygen to the baby.

how much is

Drug to children

"Xymelin" children are allowed to use only thosechildren older than two years. For children of lower age, there are other, less powerful drugs that are not able to have a negative impact on the body.

"Xymelin" for children has such an effect on the mucous membrane, as in adults, namely, it significantly constricts the vessels in the nasal cavity, thereby eliminating swelling and improving breathing.

Use in children

"Xymelin" for children should be applied as follows.

  • 0.05 percent drops - one or two drops in each nasal passage once or twice a day;
  • drops of 0.1 percent - two or three drops in each nasal passage once or twice a day;
  • 0.05 percent spray - one injection in each nasal passage once or twice a day;
  • 0.1 percent spray - one injection into each nasal passage once or twice a day.

special instructions

The drug has no effect on the ability to drive a vehicle, which is why it is allowed to apply to all drivers.

It should be remembered that the drug should be used with caution to those people who suffer from diabetes, angina pectoris, prostatic hyperplasia.

In addition, it is forbidden to use Xymelin for more than seven days, as it is addictive, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Medicine price

Many patients are interested in the question of how much "Xymelin" costs, because today there are many analogs that cost much less.

If we talk about the drug itself, then its cost, depending on the pharmacy in which it is purchased, varies from 150 to 200 rubles. Moreover, this price is considered to be quite high.

"Xymelin": analogues

Separately, you need to say about the drug analogs, soas they do not differ in the principle of action and have the same vasoconstrictor effect. Their main difference is only in price. As a rule, analogues are cheaper.

Approximately 180 rubles (average price) must be paid for Xymelin. Analogs are much cheaper, from 80 to 140 rubles.

The most famous analogues include "Rinonorm" (the price of which is about 80 rubles), "Tizin" (the price of which is about 100 rubles), "For the tears" (the price of which is from 80 rubles).

What can replace "Xymelin"

Above it was said about the drug analogues, butMost people prefer to buy either "Tizin" or "Dyonos", as they are most often in pharmacies, and the difference in price is about 70 rubles. It is also available in the form of drops, and in the form of a spray. And different drugs for children and adults. What can be said about the tool "Rinonorm".

Finding good vasoconstrictor drops to help is quite difficult. But here "Xymelin" and its analogues are suitable for many.