/ / Vitamins "Berroca Plus": instructions for use, reviews

Berroca Plus vitamins: instructions for use, reviews

Vitamins "Berokka plus" - a complex of multivitamins,containing micro- and macro elements. They help the body get most of the necessary elements with increased mental, physical or psychoemotional loads, as well as strict diets and nervous overstrain.

Composition of tablets and the form of their release

The complex of vitamins "Berokka plus" is presented in the form of usual tablets or effervescent tablets.

Simple tablets are coated with a smooth solubleshell. In form they resemble an oval with biconcave sides. The color of the vitamin preparation varies from pale orange to a gray-orange color. Effervescent tablets "Berokka plus" have a flat-cylindrical shape. The color of the vitamin preparation varies from light orange to dark. When immersed in water, they form bubbles, and give the solution a slight orange flavor and smell.

Important vitamins

The composition of the two types of "Berroca plus" tablets is similar in general, but still slightly different.

The composition of conventional tablets includes the following elements:

  • vitamin B1, or thiamine mononitrate (15 mg);
  • vitamin B2, or riboflavin (15 mg);
  • vitamin B3, or nicotinamide (50 mg);
  • vitamin B5, or calcium pantothenate (23 mg);
  • vitamin B6, or pyridoxine hydrochloride (10 mg);
  • vitamin B8, or biotin (150 μg);
  • vitamin B9, or folic acid (400 μg);
  • vitamin B12, or cyanocobalamin (10 μg);
  • vitamin C, or ascorbic acid (500 mg);
  • calcium, or pantothenate and calcium carbonate (100 mg);
  • magnesium, or hydroxycarbonate and light magnesium oxide (100 mg);
  • zinc, or citrate zinc trihydrate (10 mg).

Also Berroca Plus contains several auxiliary substances:

  • lactose monohydrate (94.3 mg);
  • croscarmellose sodium (44 mg);
  • Povidone K90 (45 mg);
  • magnesium stearate (14 mg);
  • Mannitol (25.45 mg).

A smooth shell of conventional tablets consists ofThe following components: brown opadrai, which includes coconut oil (fractional); polydextrose, i.e. dye E1200; titanium dioxide, i.e. dye E171; hypromellose, i.e. dye E464; red iron oxide, i.e. dye E172; yellow iron oxide, i.e. Dye E172 and black iron oxide, i.e. dye E172.

The composition of the effervescent tablets includes the following elements:

  • vitamin B1, or thiamine hydrochloride (15 mg);
  • vitamin B2, or riboflavin (15 mg);
  • vitamin B3, or nicotinamide (50 mg);
  • vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid (23 mg);
  • vitamin B6, or pyridoxine hydrochloride (10 mg);
  • vitamin B8, or biotin (150 μg);
  • vitamin B9, or folic acid (400 μg);
  • vitamin B12, or cyanocobalamin (10 μg);
  • vitamin C, or ascorbic acid (500 mg);
  • calcium, or pantothenate and calcium carbonate (100 mg);
  • magnesium, or magnesium sulphate carbonate and dihydrate (100 mg);
  • zinc, or zinc trihydrate (10 mg).

Also Berroca Plus contains several auxiliary substances:

Vitamins in cans
  • orange flavor (100 mg);
  • aspartame (25 mg);
  • acesulfame potassium (20 mg);
  • beta-carotene E160a (40 mg);
  • isomalt (265.53 mg);
  • citric anhydrous acid (1700 mg);
  • sodium bicarbonate (840 mg);
  • anhydrous sodium carbonate (60 mg);
  • sodium chloride (40 mg);
  • Mannitol (16, 85 mg);
  • red beet E162 (30 mg);
  • polysorbate 60 (900 μg);
  • sorbitol (155.30 mg).


Vitamins from group B are actively involved in metabolic reactions, including the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Vitamin C is one of the best biologicalantioxidants. Due to its action, radical inactivation occurs, iron absorption in the small intestine area increases, the metabolism of folic acid improves and leukocyte function improves. In addition, it has a stimulating effect on tissue growth (connective and bone) and normalizes the absorption function of capillaries.

Calcium is involved in processes occurring at the physiological level, affects the functioning of enzyme systems and the transmission of nerve impulses with the help of vitamin B6 and magnesium.

Magnesium takes an active part in some reactions, including the synthesis of protein, the oxidation of sugars and the metabolism of acids (fatty acids).

Zinc acts as a catalyst for enzymes(more than two hundred), is an integral element of many hormones, receptors (hormones), proteins and neuropeptides. In addition, it takes a direct part in the combination of coenzymes, which are derivatives of pyridoxine.

According to the doctors' reviews, "Berroca Plus" inwater-soluble form does not accumulate in the human body. In this regard, if a person has an increased need for taking minerals and vitamins, the normal dosage of the complex, even taking into account the elements obtained from food, may be insufficient.

Tired man

Instruction "Berroca Plus" does not include information about the pharmacokinetics of the complex.

Indications and contraindications for use

The application of "Berroca plus" is indicated in case of deficiency of B vitamins, lack of ascorbic acid or zinc acid, and also in conditions accompanied by increased need for them.

The main indications for the use of the complex are as follows:

  • increased physical activity;
  • a state of prolonged overstrain and nervous stress;
  • unbalanced or malnutrition with a restrictive diet;
  • being in old age;
  • chronic alcoholism.

Contraindications for use include the following health problems:

  • increased concentration in the body of calcium;
  • increased concentration in the body of magnesium;
  • urolithiasis in the form of urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • impaired renal function;
  • hyperoxaluria;
  • lack of glucose-six-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • failure of the body fructose (in effervescent tablets);
  • hypersensitivity to complex components;
  • age to fifteen years.
Old man

"Berroca Plus" can be taken with caution and only on the appointment of a doctor to people who have identified the following problems:

  • gastritis is atrophic;
  • diseases associated with the stomach or intestines;
  • disease of the gland (pancreas);
  • poor absorbability syndrome B12;
  • congenital impairment of cyanocobalamin absorption (internal factor of Castle).

Dosage Complex

According to the instructions for use "Berokka plus"the complex must be taken inside with a tablet of water. If the vitamins are effervescent, the tablet is pre-dissolved in water (one cup).

Should take one piece per day. Course treatment is calculated for thirty days. The decision to repeat the course should be taken by a doctor.

Side effects

According to reviews of the vitamins "Berokka plus", some side effects may occur:

  • an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, urticaria, anaphylactic shock or laryngeal edema (one in ten thousand cases);
  • problems in the functioning of the central nervous system in the form of dizziness, headache, irritability or insomnia;
  • abnormalities in the digestive system in the form of small short-term gastrointestinal disorders;
  • hematopoietic disorders in the form of hemolytic anemia in people with a lack of glucose-six-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Overdose of the drug

According to the reviews and the instructions for use of "Berokka plus", cases of overdose of vitamins have not been established.

Symptoms of overdose can be:

  • diarrhea;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • symptoms of neuropathy (with excessive intake of pyridoxine hydrochloride for more than a month or when the daily dosage is exceeded).

If at least one of the above symptoms is found, you should immediately stop using vitamins and immediately seek medical attention.

Drug interaction

According to medical reviews about "Berokka plus", the interaction of vitamins with some elements can cause certain reactions. For example:

All vitamins
  • when interacting with acetylsalicylic acid, the ascorbic acid contained in the vitamin complex is absorbed by one third less;
  • preparations containing antacids reduce the destruction of thiamine in the body;
  • aminosalicylic acid, as well as H2-receptor (histamine) blockers and neomycin, reduce the absorption of cyanocobalamin;
  • taking oral contraceptives contributes to the possible reduction of folic acid and ascorbic acid, as well as pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin;
  • in people with Parkinson’s diseasePyridoxine dosage of more than five mg, is able to reverse the effects of levodopa; but if levodopa is used with benserazide or cardbidop, such neutralization does not occur;
  • five-fluorouracil and thiosemicarbazone cancel the effects of thiamine;
  • With daily intake of deferoxamine and ascorbic acid with a dosage of 0.5 grams, the work of the ventricle, which is located on the left side, may be disrupted.

Special instructions

Ascorbic acid can affectdetermination of urine glucose. Test results may show an incorrect result. Therefore, before taking tests, it is necessary for a couple of days before testing to stop taking the acid.

При приеме рибофлавина моча может стать bright yellow, but you can not pay attention. This is a normal reaction of the body. The complex does not include fat-soluble vitamins. One tablet contains the required daily dose of pyridoxine. In this regard, the excess of the recommended dose of vitamins can have a negative impact.

Based on the instructions "Berokka plus" in onethe tablet contains a third of the norm of magnesium per day in the amount of 33.3%, and one eighth of the rate of calcium per day in the amount of 12.5%. Such a concentration of nutrients suggests that it is impossible to cure a deficiency of magnesium and calcium only by taking the complex.

One effervescent tablet complex contains sodium inthe amount of 272 mg. Therefore, for patients on a restrictive diet with reduced salt intake, the complex is recommended to be taken as a simple pill.

If the patient has an intolerancecertain sugars, then to start taking the complex you need a specialist consultation. Consultation is also needed before starting a complex for people taking other medications.

The complex is allowed to receive people diagnosed with diabetes. This is confirmed by the composition of the vitamin complex:

One tablet in effervescent form contains mannitol in an amount of 276 mg. This composition expresses 0.028 XE, and also means an energy value of 2/3 kilocalories.

One simple tablet contains mannitol in25 mg, lactose monohydrate in the amount of 94 mg and dextrose in the amount of 13.44 mg. This composition expresses 0.02 XE, and also means an energy value of 0.143 kilocalories.

Restrictive diet

According to reviews of "Berokk plus", the complex does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other moving mechanisms.

Women who are pregnant, andalso nursing, a complex of vitamins is not recommended. Despite the safe concentration and dosage of minerals and vitamins in the complex, its use during pregnancy should be carried out only if there are medical indications. Since its components are excreted into breast milk, the intake of the complex is unsafe for nursing mothers and their children.

Children under the age of fifteen take the complex is strictly prohibited. People who are in retirement age are allowed to use the complex.

To purchase a complex in pharmacies, there is no need to purchase a prescription.

"Burokka plus": analogues

The vitamin complex has many analogues on the content of minerals and multivitamins. These include:

  1. Vitamins "Berokka" magnesium and calcium.
  2. Multivitamins "Additive" (in a simple form, with a high content of minerals or iron).
  3. "Antiox".
  4. "Wi" mineral.
  5. "Vectrum" calcium.
  6. "Vidaylin M".
  7. "Wee Fer."
  8. "Vitaspectrum".
  9. "Vitamin 15 Solco".
  10. "Vitrum".
  11. Vitatress.
  12. Kalcinova.
  13. "Jungle" with minerals.
  14. Glutamevit.
  15. Multivitamins "Doctor Theiss".
  16. «Complivit».
  17. "Duovit".
  18. "Complivit" trimester.
  19. "Compliant" mom.
  20. "Complivit" oftalmo.
  21. "La Vita".
  22. "Complivit" asset.
  23. "Maxamin" forte.
  24. "Magnesium +".
  25. "Mega Vite".
  26. "Materna".
  27. "Menopace".
  28. "Megadin" stuck.
  29. Multi Tabs.
  30. "Multi Sanostol".
  31. "Multimax".
  32. "Multimax" for school-age children.
  33. "Multimax" for children of preschool age.
  34. "Multimax" for pregnant women and breastfeeding.
  35. "The Oligovite."
  36. "Neurocomplex".
  37. "Pikovit" D.
  38. "Pedivit" forte.
  39. "Selmevit."
  40. "Polite".
  41. Pregnakea.
  42. Pregnavit.
  43. Reddivit.
  44. Drops "Mertz" special.
  45. "Stress formula" with a high content of iron.
  46. "Stress formula" with a high content of calcium.
  47. "Supradin".
  48. Stressstabs.
  49. "Three-V-plus."
  50. "Teravit".
  51. "Triovit".
  52. Multivitamin "Upsavit".
  53. "Ferro" vital.
  54. Fenyuls.
  55. "Elevit" pronatal. "Centrum".
  56. Unicup.
  57. "Centrum" Silver.

Vitamins storage

Keep the complex in the form of effervescent tablets should be in a closed tight lid package with a temperature of not more than twenty-five degrees. Keep out of the reach of children. Store no more than two years.

Berokka plus tablets

It is necessary to store the complex in the form of simple tablets in a closed tight lid package at a temperature of not more than twenty-five degrees. Keep out of the reach of children. Store no more than three years.

According to reviews, the vitamin complex "Berokka"useful, but it does not contain all the necessary components in the right concentration. Therefore, when consuming these vitamins, it is necessary to have an additional source to get all the body's necessary reserves of minerals and vitamins.

The prices for a vitamin preparation vary in different drugstores of the country from seven hundred rubles to one and a half thousand rubles. The exact cost depends on the region and the price policy of the pharmacy chain.

On average, patients give a vitamin complexscore of about four and a half points out of five. The undoubted advantages of the complex of vitamins, people attribute high efficiency in mental, physical and psycho-emotional stress; facilitating the transfer of restrictive strict diets; convenient form of admission - in effervescent form. The disadvantages of the vitamin preparation are the high price and low efficiency due to insufficient composition.