/ / CITO them. Priorov, Moscow

CITO them. Priorov, Moscow

On April 22, 1921, the Institute was establishedwho specialized in the treatment of disabled civil war and the First World War and the study of important problems of prosthetics and orthopedics. At that time, the medical institution belonged to the health department of the capital of Russia. Further in the article we will learn more about the profile of the institute, specialists, as well as the address of CITO. Priorov.

cyto them priori

General information

The founder was the famous traumatologist-speech therapist,employee of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences N. N. Priorov. It was he who led the institution for a long time. The institute is named after him. From the very beginning of its activities, the future CITO them. NN Priorov solved the problems of prosthetics of people with disabilities, and also developed new methods of treatment of orthopedic and trauma diseases.

History of development

In 1930, the institution was reorganized intoInstitute of Prosthetics and Traumatology. Ten years later in CITO them. Priorov began to be conducted methodological guidance activities aimed at combating injuries. In addition, assistance to the population in the field of orthopedics was organized. Due to this, he was assigned the status of CITO. During the Great Patriotic War, the institution headed the organization of treating the wounded. In the postwar years, CITO them. Priorov (Moscow) supervised the work on assisting disabled war veterans. Currently, the institute is a medical institution in which departments for both adults and children are equipped, as well as various laboratories.

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Therapeutic activity

Polyclinic Cyto them.Priorov conducts scientific, therapeutic, organizational and educational work as an institution specializing in traumatology and orthopedics. Therapeutic activity is the diagnosis, endoscopic, conservative, surgery of patients who suffer from diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Rehabilitation of patients in this category is also being carried out. There is an active collaboration with doctors of other types of specialties, which patients also need, and dispensary-outpatient therapy is carried out.

In cyto them.Priorov (how to get to the institution, will be discussed below) organized a rapid response team, consisting of 30 people. They provided assistance to victims in Armenia, Bashkiria, Afghanistan. For this, many of them received awards from the government. CITO them. Priorov is a multidisciplinary research institution in which high-profile specialists work in this field. They are known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

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Scientific work

Research activities CITO them.Priorov consists of theoretical, clinical and experimental sections. All studies are carried out with the use of modern equipment, a complex of computing machines, performed by highly qualified staff, are under the control of an active and dynamic Academic Council. The institution is the largest base of scientific research in the field of examination and therapy in orthopedics, traumatology, bone disorders and rehabilitation of both adults and children.

The institute has 15 scientificdepartments, 17 diagnostic laboratories and departments, 16 rooms for operations, 2 polyclinics for patient counseling. The institute has two centers: osteoporosis and traumatology, orthopedics and rehabilitation of adolescents and children. On the basis of the medical institution there are two departments that are engaged in professional development of specialists.

The Institute owns a science and technology department, inwhich has a laboratory for the study of new materials of medical equipment and metrology. Currently CITO them. Priorov is not only a center for the provision of patient care, but also one of the largest scientific institutions, as well as the Russian methodological center in the field of orthopedics and traumatology.

cyto im priorov moscow

Patient accommodation

В клинике института можно разместить 407 человек.During the year, care is provided to almost 7,000 patients. Patients are provided with double and quadruple chambers, as well as luxury rooms. In addition, there is an additional pool, rehabilitation rooms, which are equipped with modern technology.

CITO them. Priorov. Reviews

The Institute is a leader in Russia byproviding quality and efficient delivery of medical services to patients in the field of treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. For this, high innovative technologies, close connection with applied and fundamental science, traditions of scientific schools are used. The Institute is considered one of the most famous medical institutions in its profile in Russia. Patients who have been on the examination or have received therapy, speak with admiration about the quality of service. Thousands of patients received here timely and qualified assistance.

The institute is distinguished by high qualityoutpatient surgical services, which ensures the growth of its competitiveness. In addition, the institution is constantly striving for recognition in domestic and international science in the field of training specialists in traumatological and orthopedic areas. The main goal is to improve the health of the patient and reduce the mortality rate of the population of the country, resulting from injuries and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This is achieved through continuous improvement of the quality of medical services and meeting the expectations and requirements of patients.

Quality of equipment

Современная клиника располагает новейшей лечебной and diagnostic equipment, tools that meet all international requirements. For high-quality therapy and rehabilitation of patients suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, original and high technology. Every year the number of these diseases increases, but with them the quality of treatment increases. The institute conducts laboratory studies and research.

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The results of the development of the Institute

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedicscreated several generations of talented scientists and professional doctors, whose names are not the last in the sources of world medicine. From the very beginning of the development of the institution, the work was focused on research in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, providing medical care in accordance with the requirements of health care at all life stages of the country. These traditions continue to the present. Do not forget about the teachers who contributed to the emergence of the institute.

На сегодняшний день медицинское учреждение It is one of the largest scientific research bases in the field of orthopedics and traumatology, as well as the clinical center of this profile, which provides patient assistance. In this center, 34 doctors, 44 candidates of science in the field of medicine, 14 professors, 8 honored doctors of Russia and 4 scientific figures carry out their activities.


Reception of patients is carried out from Monday toFriday, from 8.00 to 16.00. The reception is open from 8.00. She works every day, except Saturday and Sunday. The institution is located in Moscow, on Priorov Street, p. 10.


When contacting the clinic firstconsultation of the orthopedic traumatologist is necessary. To establish the diagnosis, it is worth undergoing an ultrasound examination of the ligamentous apparatus, muscles, joints, brachial plexus, peripheral nerves, organs of the small pelvis and abdomen, and vessels. Medical assistance is provided by LCA, CHI, and also on a fee basis. Treatment is also provided to citizens of foreign countries.

Highly qualified doctors usingmodern equipment, take care of quality diagnosis of patients, appoint timely and effective treatment. In the case of severe forms of diseases, the examination will be held in conjunction with doctors of other specialties, a consultation is convened. If the doctor decides that the patient requires inpatient treatment, he will suggest hospitalization. Minor surgeries are carried out in a day time hospital.

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The procedure for registration for outpatient admission

When visiting the center should:

  1. Go to the "Pass Office" and issue a card. To do this, you must have an identity document with you.
  2. Go up to the 2nd floor in the registry.
  3. Create an outpatient card. You also need to pre-register for a consultation with a doctor.

When applying for an ambulatory card, you should have with you:

  1. The document for identification of the patient or his legal representative (if the patient is a minor or incapacitated).
  2. A copy of the insurance policy.
  3. Direction from the hospital (for patients under compulsory health insurance).
  4. Help from the insurance company (for patients under the LCA).

People who have contracted to provide outpatient paid medical services may come without referral.

cyto im n priori

CITO them. Priorov. How to get to the institution

  1. On foot. The institute is located from Sokol and from the Voykovskaya metro station at 2100 meters, from the airport - at 2350 m.
  2. Urban transport.From the metro station "Voykovskaya": on the trolley bus 57, after passing 6 stops. On the shuttle bus - to the stop "Street Priorov." You can also take the bus. In this case, you should go to the "Hospital" stop. From the metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya": by minibus - 10 stops, get to the "Teletelee".
  3. By rail. The nearest stations are from the clinic: Krasny Baltiets (750 m), Leningradskaya (2200 m), Grazhdanskaya (2350 m).