/ / Stem cell transplantation and its role in modern medicine

Stem cell transplantation and its role in modern medicine

Stem cell transplantation is completelya new and effective way of treating various diseases. At the moment, studies are still being conducted around the world that help to open new facets of such therapy.

Stem cells are undifferentiatedhuman structure containing its genome. Under certain conditions, they turn into any necessary cells of the human body, thus participating in the regeneration processes, the formation of new tissues and organs. Such structures are contained in each organism, but as they develop, they exhaust themselves. The largest number of stem cells is found in the blood and tissues of a newborn baby.

To date, transplantation of stem cellscells is not only very effective, but sometimes even the only effective method of treatment. A similar procedure is used to treat autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, etc.), which are accompanied by a strong immune response to the body's own tissues. First, human stem cells are removed, followed by chemotherapy, during which all malignancies are killed. Only after this, the patient is again injected with the collected material - cells, tissues and the immune system begin to function normally.

Подобную терапию используют и при сильных skin lesions - burns, wounds, etc. The patient is transplanted with stem cells immersed in the corresponding matrix. As the treatment proceeds, the cells begin to change, accelerating the regeneration of the skin. This technique is also used in the treatment of joint diseases.

Трансплантация стволовых клеток хорошо показала itself and in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. For example, in adulthood, the tissues of the heart muscle lose their ability to regenerate quickly. Therefore, after a heart attack or any other damage to the muscle tissues of the heart, nonelastic scars remain, which significantly complicate the work of the organ. With the timely introduction of stem cells, intensive regeneration of myocardial tissues is observed - this prevents possible consequences and complications of the disease.

Stem cell transplantation is used and inplastic surgery, as well as for the purpose of rejuvenation and skin tightening. This tool is much more efficient and less risky than ordinary plastic surgery.

But as already mentioned, all possibilitiessuch treatment has not yet been disclosed, as global studies are ongoing. For example, it is believed that stem cells can be used to treat diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, eliminate the effects of injuries and damage to the brain and spinal cord, as well as repair any tissue.

On the other hand, stem cells are the material for research on organ cloning.

Stem cells are a kind of panacea that can restore health even to those who were previously considered doomed. But the main discoveries have yet to be made.

As for the source of stem cells,this is the bone marrow, since in an adult there is a large part of them. They practice the transplantation of both own cells and samples taken from the donor. The success of the procedure depends on many factors.

Another source is cord blood.Around the world, the collection and storage of placental blood, which contains a huge number of stem cells, has been practiced for a long time. They are suitable for the treatment of a newborn child, but can also be used in the rehabilitation of his brothers, sisters or other relatives.

The stem cells are stored inspecial clinics where they are kept in suitable conditions - at a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius. Material is provided to the owners upon request.