/ / What is meant by Tourette syndrome?

What is meant by Tourette syndrome?

Tourette Syndrome means seriousa problem that, unfortunately, often provides food for jokes. It lies in the fact that patients randomly shout out foul language. Tourette syndrome often affects children. Its first signs usually appear in children between the ages of three and nine years. According to the available data, this diagnosis is made to men approximately 3-4 times more often in comparison with the representatives of the beautiful half of our humanity. In this article we will describe in more detail about the symptoms of the disease, the treatment of patients, as well as how Tourette syndrome develops.


Tourette syndrome
Unfortunately, at the moment scientists have not cometo a consensus about the primary factors causing this kind of problem. So, some blame heredity for everything, while others see the reason for gene mutation. Still others consider the cause of environmental degradation and improper upbringing of children from the point of view of psycho-emotional stress. In addition, some experts claim that Tourette syndrome affects those children whose mothers abused alcohol, smoked and led an unhealthy lifestyle in general during the pregnancy. Particular attention is paid to autoimmune diseases that afflicted expectant mothers.

What are the primary symptoms?

Tourette syndrome is primarily manifested in the form of brief involuntary

cause tourette syndrome
движений, напоминающих тики.So, babies can click the language, blink, build grimaces. About 10-15% of young patients have speech disorders (palilalia, echolalia, coprolalia, etc.). During periods of severe stress of this kind, tics increase markedly, and the seizures themselves follow continuously. Small patients with great difficulty adapt to the surrounding society, while most of them develop mental disorders, which often, in turn, leads even to suicide.


According to experts, at the momentThere is no single biological marker that would determine the presence of this diagnosis. That is why the confirmation of the syndrome is based solely on dynamic observation. Note that the mental, mental and even emotional state of babies suffering from Tourette syndrome is practically no different from the general development of other children. Various examinations, including neurosonogram, electroencephalogram or computed tomography, also do not reveal any specific disorders in patients.


symptoms of tourette syndrome

Therapy for this syndrome in the first placeaims to help manage symptoms. Due to the fact that the first signs, as a rule, do not have a significant impact on the functioning of the body, medicines are not used to suppress them. Neuroleptics are prescribed exclusively in the case when the symptoms interfere with the patient to lead a normal life. So, the most effective drugs are considered "Pimozid" and "Haloperidol." Often with this diagnosis, special psychotherapy is recommended. Its main goal is to adapt the child in society and prevent the development of a depressive state.
