/ / Syroedenie: reviews and results. Before and after photos, the benefits and harms of raw food

Raw foods: reviews and results. Before and after photos, the benefits and harms of raw food

What is raw foods?Recently, this concept is gaining increasing popularity among representatives of different age groups. What is it and what are the main features of this concept? How to become a raw foodist and what can be used by such people? Consider the answers to such questions further, based on the reviews and the results of raw food.

Raw foods reviews

General concept

What is raw foods? This is, above all, a diet.It implies a special diet, which is completely absent food, cooked by heat treatment. Currently, this concept has become widely popular: many people believe that this type of diet is very useful for the body, leaving it young for a long period.

What are eating syroedy in food?First of all, representatives of such a course include in their diet a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as allowed products presented in dried form. Nuts, legumes and seeds are also included in the regular diet. Despite the fact that there is a perception of the ban on raw foodists to eat products that are of animal origin, it is false, according to experts in this field. On the contrary, they are allowed to eat some groups of these products. These include, first of all, raw chicken eggs, meat, cooked by the method of curing, as well as milk, which did not pass the pasteurization procedure. As for cereals, they can also be used as food, but only in germinated form or soaked.


In practice, there are four types of raw food. All of them consist in the fact that a person adheres to a diet, using a specific list of products.

So, one of these types is omnivorous.In fact, this type of food provides the possibility of consuming the largest number of types of products. The list of permitted includes all fruits and vegetables, as well as greens, meat, fish, eggs and milk, but only raw.

The second type of raw food is vegetarian.This type of food strictly prohibits eating meat and fish, but in accordance with the rules, people have the opportunity to eat eggs and drink milk, but again only in a fresh, raw form. Statistics show that this type of diet is most common among the population of the planet.

Vegan raw foods are another variety.diets. A huge number of people confuse this concept with the one discussed above, but this is a mistake. Veganism means eating food of exclusively plant origin. Vegans do not drink milk and do not eat eggs.

And, finally, the last type of raw food -fruitarianism. Dietitians note that this type of diet is the most in-depth. This is due to the fact that the daily diet of a person who adheres to this type of food may include only the fruits of plants, as well as their seeds.

Raw foods reviews and results


In the reviews of raw food it is often said aboutthe fact that this diet helps anyone to feel their unity with nature. As for the most notorious fans of this type of food, they assure that it allows a person to remain immortal and not be exposed to any diseases.

The reviews about the benefits of raw food, which are left by supporters, but not fanatics of this trend, state that such a lifestyle allows you to strengthen your health and get more vitality.

And what do experts say about this?Reviews of doctors about syroedeniya different. Some of them call on people to become supporters of the current as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, warn against this. According to them, in practice, this type of food should be gradually transferred, exclusively under the guidance of this expert in the field of raw food, as the restructuring of the body on a daily diet, in which there is no warm food, is a very complex process that can have a deplorable effect on general health.

Is there any sense?

In reviews of the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet, it is often said that this course has a lot of positive aspects. What are they?

First of all, you should understand that fansthis type of diet, eating food exclusively in a fresh, unprocessed form, get with it the largest number of useful components, which in the case of cooking, frying, baking and processing of any other type are simply lost. Vitamins and minerals that have not been subjected to heat treatment are well absorbed by the body.

В отзывах о сыроедении нередко можно встретить the opinion that people who adhere to this type of nutrition can easily cleanse their body of toxins and toxins that accumulate in it throughout their life's journey. In addition, when exclusively fresh food enters the body, salts of heavy metals evaporate from it, which is also a positive indicator.

Among the inveterate raw foodists, who throughoutadhere to such a lifestyle for a long period, there are no fat people. This means only that the human body receives only positive energy with food, it has a healthy metabolism. That is why often in the field of nutrition, a raw food diet is offered as a means to lose extra pounds. In social networks and on thematic sites there are a considerable number of reviews about raw food diet with "before" and "after" photos, on which you can observe people with excess body weight, and on others - they themselves, but only in a slender, fit look. In the comments to such photographs there are rave reviews that thinner people look much younger and, of course, healthier. Of course, this is also one of the positive aspects of raw food diet.

raw food results

Another benefit of this lifestyle is expressed inthe fact that with prolonged adherence to this type of nutrition, the cardiovascular system begins to work stably. This is due to the fact that the body is completely cleansed of harmful fat deposits, and also trans fats cease to get into it, the presence of which is the cause of the emergence and development of a huge number of diseases. As for the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it also returns to normal, and the stomach produces a new quality - “food stamina”, automatically rejecting the harmful substances that are present in food.

Raw food diet slimming reviews


However, along with positive reviews aboutraw food diet, negative also have a place to be. They say that a sharp transition to this type of food causes irreparable harm to the body as a whole. In addition, the same consequences entail these actions that are carried out without a properly designed diet and control by a specialist.

Reviews about the dangers and benefits of a raw food diet are fullcontradictions. So, many nutritionists note that a normal, balanced diet will be such only when six vital components enter the body in the required amount: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins and minerals. In the absence of at least one of them, many systems fail. Most of the doctors in their reviews of the raw food diet note that people who adhere to it deprive their body of a sufficient amount of substances that can only be found in high-grade food of animal origin, and also do not get the B vitamins that are especially important for the nervous system, which found primarily in milk and beef liver.

In the negative reviews of raw foodists about their regimenutrition often says that in the winter it is quite problematic to provide yourself with high-quality plant foods due to the fact that it grows only in the warm season. It should be understood that the various exotic vegetables and fruits that come to stores from hot countries during this period are not only very expensive, but also not always of normal quality. The necessary amount of vitamins in the composition of such fruits is all the more worth considering. Understanding that all vegetables that are grown in winter in greenhouses are often saturated with chemicals, it must be borne in mind that all the benefits of a food style such as a raw food diet are simply reduced to zero.

Categories of people who cannot become raw foodists

Specialists in the field of dietetics single out a number of people who cannot adhere to the ideology of raw food diet. As a rule, this is due to certain characteristics of the body or to the state of health.

Despite the fact that you can find a hugethe number of positive reviews of raw foodists with experience on raw food and the results obtained as a result of adhering to such an ideology, many doctors recommend refraining from following them to people who have problems associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due, first of all, to the fact that a considerable amount of a special acid is present in raw foods, which irritably affects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. It is also not always recommended to adhere to this type of food for people who suffer from allergic reactions to any plant products. Often, these include bee honey, various nuts, as well as citrus fruits.

Regarding age limits, howAs a rule, the transition to a raw food diet takes place without special problems in people who are in the age category from 30 to 50 years. Doctors often place restrictions on people who have not reached the age of 30. This is due to the fact that in this period, the young organism is still in the formative stage. As for the elderly, they are strictly forbidden to switch to such a nutrition system in view of the aging state of the body.

Категорически запрещается становиться на путь a raw food diet for people who are deficient in body weight, especially if it is caused by certain medical parameters (disease with dystrophy, anemia or recent surgery).

As for the group of pregnant women, for thema raw food diet is also banned. This phenomenon, of course, has a worthy explanation: at such a time, the mother's body must necessarily receive a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals, most of which are exclusively in animal products. Otherwise, the fetus in the womb simply will not develop normally and the pregnancy will not end in a successful manner.

How to switch correctly

In reviews of beginners about raw food diet you can alreadymeet a lot of enthusiastic comments about a sharp improvement in health, body tone, and sleep. However, those people who carry out the transition phase in the wrong way often face a lot of health problems. In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary, first of all, to find a worthy specialist who is really versed in such an area, and secondly, to study certain rules that must be strictly followed.

Experienced raw foodists recommend to beginners in this matter.at first, to study special literature, which tells about this lifestyle and nutrition. There are a considerable number of good authors (mainly foreign ones) who perfectly reveal such a topic. Among them, the most popular are Carol Alt and Colin Campbell. If we talk about Russian, then it is worth paying attention to the works of Victoria Butenko and Sergei Zdravin.

It should be understood that the transition to a raw food diet isa very serious step, which must be approached responsibly. Also important is the awareness of why this is necessary. Switching to such a way of eating should be done gradually, with each week giving up a certain type of food, replacing it with an increasing number of plant products.

So, in the first week should be completely excludedfrom their diet those products that are goods manufactured from industrial conveyors. These include sausages, semi-finished products, confectionery, canned goods, etc. In the second week, red meat must be crossed out, and in the third, refuse white meat. This is followed by the fourth and fifth weeks, during which eggs and fish should be excluded. In the event that the diet provides for the possibility of using these products (only in raw form), then this step can be skipped. The same applies to the sixth week, during which milk and all products from it are completely excluded from food. The seventh week is final, during this period it is necessary to eliminate porridge from the diet.

Turning to a raw food diet, it is best to keep an individual diary in which notes will be made regarding nutrition.

As practice shows, switch to such a systemfood, as a raw food diet, is most convenient in the summer. This opinion is connected with the fact that it is at this time that the highest quality and freshest vegetable products that definitely do not harm the body get on the table. If it talks about winter, then during this period it is most convenient to eat vegetables and fruits stored in the summer, and spring is a great season to eat fresh herbs, radishes and very useful Jerusalem artichoke.

Raw food reviews

Beginner's mistakes

Many real food reviews saythat many newcomers in this case make a lot of mistakes related to the wrong selection of products. In particular, they often completely exclude water from their diet, relying on the fact that the body will independently receive it from fruits, vegetables and herbs. In fact, this is far from the case. In order to maintain your body in good shape and health, an adult must drink at least 6-8 glasses of purified water per day.

Another common mistake made by raw foodists istheir non-use of greenery. The composition of green products (lettuce, dill, parsley, onions, cilantro, etc.) contains a considerable amount of protein that does not enter the body due to the lack of food of animal origin in the raw food diet. It is also possible to compensate for this loss not only with the help of greens, but also by using nuts of any kind.

Some raw foodists include a largethe amount of vegetable fats, including, first of all, oils. This is also a mistake, because the fat that is in them significantly worsens the process of digesting food. As for dried fruits, they should also not be abused: in their reviews of the dangers of raw food, many doctors specializing in gastroenterology note that these ingredients are not well digested in the stomach. They are recommended to be used only in the winter, when there is no way to find normal fresh fruits and vegetables.

In addition to all of the above, people whoadhere to such a lifestyle and diet as a raw food diet, are required to observe a sports regime, as well as properly dose their servings without overeating. Otherwise, there may be a sharp decline in energy, drowsiness and even apathy to everything that happens around.

Raw food diet for weight loss

It often happens that adherents of suchPeople become an image of food, pursuing the goal of losing a few extra pounds. In reviews of a raw food diet for weight loss, you can often find a lot of enthusiastic comments on how effective this process is. Practice shows that in just two or three months of eating exclusively plant-derived foods, people suffering from overweight reduced their weight by 10-15 kilograms, which, in fact, is an amazing result. You can observe such situations on thematic sites with reviews on raw food diet "before" and "after". Below is one of the many photos of an incomparable result.

Raw food reviews and results of raw foodists

So, why do raw foodists lose weight fast? There are scientific answers to this question.

First of all, raw foodists eat vegetables andfruits. As you know, these products contain a huge amount of fiber, which allows you to eliminate unnecessary waste and toxins from the intestines. In addition, freshly consumed food is processed very quickly, but this process requires a considerable expenditure of energy. Among other things, experts in the field of dietetics pay attention to the fact that in the diet of a human raw foodist there are no carbohydrates and fats. That is why, carrying out any physical exertion, a person spends his fat reserves that are under the skin.

In reviews of raw food diet for weight loss, it is also often said that people who adhere to such a diet always remain awake and in a sober mind.

Raw food month reviews

Approximate daily diet

Reviews and photos with the results of raw food dietprove that the desired effect is achievable. However, for this, the daily diet must be properly balanced. To do this, you need to clearly understand what type of products and in what quantity should be consumed.

Так, наибольшую часть блюд сыроеда должны make up fruits and berries (about 45-50%), as well as raw vegetables (30-40%). In addition, it is imperative to pay attention to ensuring that cereals and legumes are present in the diet (10-15%). Reviews of raw foodists about the results of nutrition and about which foods it is advisable to eat during the period of maintaining a diet come down to a general recommendation that nuts should be present on the daily menu, which in this situation are a small source of protein. However, they should not be many - about 5-10% of the total daily amount of food. Also, a small amount should be eaten vegetable oils, garlic and all kinds of spices (about 1%).

Studying raw food reviews and results,achieved as a result of this nutrition, you can see that people are not recommended to constantly eat the same foods - they must be alternated. In addition, if exotic fruits are used, it is necessary to combine them with the usual products of plant origin. For example, combine an orange with carrots and seeds or an avocado with pistachios. In addition, it should be remembered that all products must be fresh - so they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

In order to have an ideahow varied and tasty raw foodists can be, consider several options for recipes that are ideal for people who adhere to this diet.

Oatmeal + apple

In reviews of those who have lost weight about raw food, very oftenIt is said that this dish perfectly helps fight the excess body fat that is in the body. As for doctors, they note that its composition includes components with a rich vitamin composition.

To prepare such a dish you need to takea tablespoon of oatmeal, pour them with cold purified water in a ratio of 1: 3 and leave it as such for the night. After they swell, you need to combine them with the juice of half a lemon, add a couple of grated apples, as well as a tablespoon of nuts and kefir. After stirring, the dish is ready.

Some reviews of raw food diet for weight loss indicate that this recipe can be slightly varied, replacing kefir in it with the same amount of bee honey.


Fans of such a power system can pamperyour body with a real bunch of vitamins, having prepared a smoothie for yourself. In practice, a beverage is prepared from any product using the same methodology. In the reviews of raw foodists about the results of their nutrition and their condition during the maintenance of the diet, it is said that such a drink can be taken with you on the road and at any time reinforced with new useful substances.

To make a smoothie, you need to take any fruit,wash vegetables, even greens, dry and immerse in a blender bowl. Beat the ingredients for minutes until mashed, and then add the liquid (water, kefir) and spices to them. After this, the ingredients must be beat again. Optionally, you can add a couple of ice cubes to a glass with a drink.

Raw food benefits reviews

Watermelon soup

Reviews about raw food (photos of the results werepresented above) very often recommend the original soup, which is prepared without the use of heat, exclusively from plant ingredients. As noted in the comments, it is very low-calorie, with its help you can easily lose a few extra pounds in a short time. Also in the reviews of those who lost weight from a raw food diet, it is also noted that such a soup is better to cook in the summer, when you can find a fresh and ripe watermelon.

Для приготовления данного блюда необходимо взять kilogram of watermelon pulp, peeled and peeled. Berry should be cut into cubes and immersed in a blender bowl. There you must send 20 g of grated ginger root, a few mint leaves, a quarter cup of lime juice, 3-4 dates, a small amount of salt (you can use sea salt), and 3-4 ice cubes. All ingredients must be thoroughly crushed until they turn into a smoothie. The soup is ready - it can be eaten.


In raw food reviews you can often findcomments on borscht that can be used by fans of such a food system. You can cook it without using heat treatment techniques, and at the end, according to raw foodists, you get a very tasty dish.

To prepare such a borsch, you need to take200 g of Beijing cabbage and finely chop it. After this, it should be sprinkled with a small amount of salt and thoroughly washed with your hands so that a little juice stands out from it. Later, you need to grate 150 g of beets and chop the same amount with a blender.

grated beets

Next, there you need to add 300 g of carrots.Avocado cut into small cubes should also be added to such borsch. This ingredient will replace the potatoes that are present in traditional borsch. Separately, in a blender, it is necessary to chop 2-3 oranges, having previously cleaned them of skins, white films and small seeds. Puree-like citrus slurry, which is formed after grinding the fruit, must be combined with lemon juice (a quarter cup), and then sent to the borsch. For the sharpness of taste, crushed clove of garlic and spices can also be added here. Add 2.5 cups of purified cold water to the ingredients, stir all the ingredients - now you can enjoy the taste of borsch.

Winter salad

Practice shows that such a dish caneat not only raw foodists, but also those people who are adherents of the usual diet, but still have a desire to lose a few extra pounds. From the reviews of raw food (photos of the results of the given food system are presented), you can see that this dish is very popular.

For the preparation of the salad you need very finelychop 250 g of cabbage (it is better to take white or Peking), grate an apple and one carrot. These components must be seasoned with sauce, which can be prepared from a tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil. After all, a salad of fresh ingredients should be abundantly sprinkled with finely chopped dill and mix thoroughly.

All of the above recipes are justexamples of how raw foodists can eat somewhat varied. It is a versatile approach in the process of creating a menu for the day that is the key to success. As stated in most reviews of raw food diet, a month of a proper diet is a period during which you can improve your health and lose a considerable amount of kilograms. With regard to proper nutrition, it only means that all dishes, the use of which is provided for in the program, must be rich in vitamins and useful components necessary to maintain the body's vital functions.