/ Inhalation for a child with Lasolvan. "Lasolvan" for inhalation for children: instructions for use, dosage, reviews

Inhalation for a child with "Lazolvanom." "Lazolvan" for inhalations for children: instructions for use, dosage, feedback

Modern medicine providesdrug use is not only oral. Often, doctors prescribe rectal administration of drugs or injections. In recent years, it has become popular to prescribe medication inhalation. This approach to treatment allows the medication to immediately enter the respiratory tract, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. The undoubted advantage of such procedures is their high efficiency and speed of action. Often doctors prescribe drug "Lasolvan" for inhalation. Reviews for children recommend this method of treatment with medication. The opinions of parents about its effectiveness will be presented to your attention in the article. You will also be able to find out how inhalation is conducted for a child with Lazolvan.

inhalation for a child with lazolvan

When is a procedure necessary?

Inhalation for a child with “Lasolvan” is shown whenunproductive cough. The drug contributes to the dilution of sputum and its subsequent removal from the bronchi. As a result, the child is free to cough up accumulated mucus. The described agent has a secretomotor, expectorant and secretolytic action. The instructions for use indicate the following indications for the use of the drug:

  • chronic and acute bronchitis;
  • pneumonia of viral or bacterial origin;
  • obstructive disease of the respiratory system, in particular the lungs;
  • bronchiectasis and asthma (with impaired sputum discharge).

Перед использованием медикамента для детей стоит be sure to show the child to the doctor. Only a specialist can sensibly assess the condition of the baby. Also, the doctor will tell you about how inhalation is conducted for a child with "Lasolvan".

Lasolvan for inhalation reviews for children

Contraindications that must always be considered

Like any other drug giventhe solution has its own contraindications and limitations. Thus, the composition is never assigned to children who have an increased sensitivity to ambroxol and other components of the drug. The drug should not be prescribed for children in acute renal or hepatic failure.

The composition is also not used in pregnant and lactating women. Self-administration of the drug in children in the first year of life is strictly prohibited.

dosage of lasolvan for inhalation for children

How to apply?

Inhalation for a child with Lasolvan requiresthe presence of a specific device - nebulizer. Before applying the composition you need to pour it into a separate container, which is designed for medicines. After that, the device is switched to the electrical network (if necessary), and inhalation begins. After completion of the procedure is to rub the face of the child to avoid rashes and redness.

Dosage of the medicine

The proportions of "Lasolvana" and saline for inhalationchildren prescribed by the doctor individually. Much depends on the body weight of the child, his age and the nature of cough. If the doctor did not give separate instructions, then it is worth adhering to the information from the instructions for use. What does the consumer say annotation?

Children after six years and adult patientsmedication is prescribed for 2-3 ml of the drug up to three times a day. Babies under six years old are prescribed 2 milliliters each. If your child is less than a year old, then the drug may be administered at a dose of 0.5 milliliter twice.

Особенностью использования лекарства является то, that it must first be diluted with saline. For this, a one-to-one proportion is usually used, unless the doctor has recommended the other. However, some experts prescribe medication for babies in a dose of one part of the medication to three saline solutions.

lasolvan for inhalation instruction for children

Features of use

You already know what dosage is chosen."Lasolvana" for inhalation of children. However, this is not enough. Be sure to check with the doctor at what time it is better to carry out the manipulation. Doctors usually recommend using the medicine some time after eating. However, this condition is optional, because the child will not take the composition orally.

An important feature of the use of the drug, owhich is often ignored by experts, is the rejection of its use a few hours before bedtime. Doctors advise to carry out the procedure no later than sixteen hours after noon. After all, the composition tends to provoke a sputum discharge and cause a cough. As a result, your baby simply can not sleep properly.

Lasolvan instructions for use inhalation for children

Negative reviews of the drug

There are parents who say they spentmanipulation is correct. The application instruction has been studied in detail and complied with the preparation "Lasolvan". Inhalation of the children did not just not help, but also caused a negative reaction.

Some children after useThe drug has developed an allergy in the form of skin rash, itching and urticaria. Also, parents indicate the appearance of cough spasms, from which vomiting began. Doctors report that in these cases correction of the chosen therapy is necessary. If you are allergic to Ambroxol, you should choose alternative medicines with a similar effect. When coughing, like a spasm, before inhalation, you need to take drugs that relax the bronchi. It is worth noting that often those are prescribed by inhalation.

Positive opinions

Consumers say almost immediately afteruse of medication begins to act. Due to the fact that the composition enters the respiratory tract, the effect is instantaneous. The drug helps to increase the amount of bronchial mucus and its further dilution. The composition also provokes cough reflexes. After using it, even the smallest children, who do not yet understand how to cough, begin to expectorate sputum.

The drug "Lasolvan" has a rather unpleasanttaste. Instructions for use indicates that it can be used orally. However, many babies refuse to drink this solution, while they tolerate inhalation well.

Consumers also report cost effectiveness.this medication. So, one bottle of the drug "Lasolvan" is enough for a long time. If you have frequent illnesses, you will be able to use it for half a year. The cost of the medication is about 400 rubles. If you make a comparison with similar means that you need to use inside, then the described remedy is more profitable.

Doctors report that enhance the effect of the drugfor inhalation, you can drink plenty of water. Simple water contributes to the rapid moistening of the respiratory tract and the separation of mucus. Doctors say that you should not worry if the child does not spit out phlegm. If mucus is swallowed, it will be excreted through the intestines.

proportions of lasolvan and saline for inhalation for children

Small summing up

You have learned about the use of the drug "Lasolvan" forinhalation. Instructions for children recommends using the medication only after consulting a doctor. Remember that the treatment of babies should be treated especially responsibly. Never prescribe a drug to your child. Address to experts. If necessary, the pediatrician will conduct a series of tests and will recommend the correct means for cough correction. I wish you a speedy recovery!