If couperosis appears on the face, delay healingnot worth it. The problem is extremely unpleasant, spoils the appearance, and therefore becomes a source of self-doubt. Sooner or later it can even provoke mental disorders. However, even without such consequences, rosacea is an extremely unpleasant disease. It appears if the vascular system is not in order. The disease affects the vessels of the upper skin layers, resulting in impaired blood circulation.
General view
Купероз сопровождается расширением кожных capillaries. Visually, this is expressed as a kind of unaesthetic stars. As a rule, treatment of rosacea on the face on the forehead, cheek area and nose is required. Gradually, without adequate therapy, couperosis leads to the progression of cosmetic imperfections.
Blood stasis provokes dry skincovers. Cells do not receive the required amounts of oxygen and other nutrients. The integuments become thinner, softer, the ability to resist harmful external influences decreases. Without proper treatment of rosacea on the face, the skin becomes dry and gray, it looks sick and visually adds age to a person. To cope with the trouble, it is best to contact a specialized clinic. A qualified doctor will select cosmetology, dermatological intervention options that will leave the problem in the past and regain its former blooming appearance.
What to do?
С чего начинается лечение купероза на лице?If you turn to a specialist, the doctor will suggest first of all to work on strengthening the vascular walls and restoring the quality and performance of the elements of the circulatory system. If it is possible to bring blood flow and pressure back to normal, to strengthen the capillary walls, the couperosis will gradually be completely defeated.
If the disease has progressed, the form is neglectedthe doctor will probably suggest removing the most problematic areas of the capillaries. This approach to the treatment of rosacea on the face in cosmetology is widespread due to its effectiveness and safety. The intervention does not carry complications, does not lead to a lack of cell nutrition. When removing, they are guided by the fact that the integuments are extremely rich in small blood vessels, which means that blood will go around the treated site, still supplying nutritional components to all structures in need.
What to do?
If several approaches (in more or lessdegree effective) to the treatment of rosacea on the face. The most accessible for the general population is electrocoagulation. During the procedure, a small needle is inserted into the small blood vessels subjected to degenerative processes and capable of conducting electrical current. A charge is passed through the apparatus, thereby destroying the diseased capillary. This approach is quite effective, but has several disadvantages. In particular, if you have to treat fairly large areas of skin, the procedure will take a lot of time. As it completes, there will be small reddish spots on the skin. Over time, all traces completely disappear.
Еще один метод лечения купероза на лице – use of laser. With the help of such equipment, sclerotherapy is performed, that is, a part of the blood flow paths is removed. The doctor identifies which vessels are wider than normal and solders them using a laser beam emitted by the device.
The price of laser treatment of rosacea on the face is higherthan the previously described method. On average, in modern clinics they ask for a thousand rubles or more for the procedure. The specific cost is determined by the treatment area. For every square centimeter of skin that needs to be processed, they will be asked to pay 700-1500 rubles. Some clinics offer special discounts for people who need to handle large areas.
Important Features
Is it worth laser treatment of couperosis on the face inthe clinic prices, which are asked for this procedure? Many people who have already received such a service believe that the costs are worth it. Among the important advantages are absolute painlessness and short duration of the procedure. Professionals say that often an event takes only a few minutes. The patient does not need painkillers, which is especially appreciated by people prone to allergies. During the application of the laser, the action is targeted, only on the capillary walls, so that the skin nearby does not suffer. If you entrust the treatment of rosacea to the face of the Beauty Institute, according to the results of the event there will be only light patches of redness, which will soon disappear on their own. After a short time, it will either look young, healthy and beautiful. The procedure involves minimal risks of complications, and the regenerative processes proceed very quickly.
Among the most effective treatments forCouperosis on the face also includes phototherapy rejuvenation. For this procedure, use a specific laser installation. The method is somewhat less common than laser treatment, but also effective.
Approaches and practices
For the treatment of rosacea of the skin, specialists inCosmetology may offer the client some other approaches. One of the options - enzyme peeling. This is a procedure for deep cleansing of the skin. The work uses enzymes derived from natural plant materials. The active ingredients help to loosen the upper skin layers, due to which medications used by doctors can penetrate deep into the skin and reach diseased capillaries.
However, it is not necessary to expect that the drugtreatment of rosacea on the face will immediately give an excellent result. To get a lasting and expressive effect, you have to undergo a therapeutic course consisting of several consecutive procedures. In the future, you will also have to monitor the condition of the skin, otherwise the problem will return again. The doctor will advise you on a nutritional program that will minimize the risk of relapse. To maintain the strength of the body, you have to take vitamin complexes and regularly do preventive procedures.
The provoking factors
So, the above features of treatmentroper on the face with a laser. The reasons for the need for such a procedure are varied. Scientists have found that couperosis is more common in people suffering from addiction to bad habits. The probability of such a problem is higher for those who smoke and abuse alcohol. To provoke a problem with small blood vessels can sudden temperature changes and the frequent influence on the skin of ultraviolet radiation.
Как показали испытания, лечение купероза на лице the child is usually necessary because of heredity. Imbalance of hormonal balance, nervous system overstrain can provoke an unpleasant disease. Sometimes the reason - too low immune status.
It is known that more often by their own experience they know what it is - couperose on the face, the representatives of the weaker sex, who naturally have sensitive skin of a light shade.
Features of the causes of the disease
In some cases, couperosis is congenital, but acquired is more common. The hereditary factor is the consequences of the diseases of Louis-Bar, Ranu-Osler, as well as a form of angiomatosis.
Need to find out before choosingdrugs for the treatment of rosacea on the face, the type of the disease. If it is an acquired disorder, it is possible against the background of acne and weakened vascular walls. Sometimes kuperoz provoke diseases that violate the integrity of the connective tissue. Spider veins can appear as a consequence of venous insufficiency, hepatic diseases, endocrine disorders. To a greater degree, people are prone to couperose, often sunbathing and spending time in the open sun, eating spicy, fat, carbonated. The smaller the menu of greens, fruits, the higher the probability of rosacea. It can also lead to nervous disorders, mental disorders, the impact of stressful situations.
Before starting treatment of rosacea on the facephoto flash, laser, electric current, drugs or folk remedies, you must contact the doctor for clarification of the nature of the violation. If you know exactly what causes provoked the appearance of spider veins, you can choose the optimal method for their removal, as well as choose an effective program for preventing complications. If couperosis is due to hereditary factors and congenital diseases, you should not rely on its absolute cure. In such a situation, doctors will offer only regular visits to beauty salons in order to remove external symptoms.
Features of some approaches
Facial rejuvenation with a flashlight - this is sucha procedure during which diseased skin areas are treated with a device capable of producing light pulses with high intensity. At present, the approach is considered to be one of the most productive, equally eliminating both the external manifestations of ill health and the causes - of course, not all, but where it is possible by local influence. However, such an intervention would be expensive, and not every clinic has the equipment with which it can be performed.
One of the approaches to treatment is mesotherapy.During the procedure, microscopic injections of medicinal serum preparations are administered to the patient under the skin in the diseased areas. Such substances from the inside for a long time affect the skin of the face. From time to time you will have to come to the sessions again, but the frequency is relatively small. Piercing is performed using a special technology, the effect is on active points. Mesotherapy is an effective approach that allows not only to cure couperosis, but also to ease the headaches associated with migraines, as well as return to normal sleep.
Another modern salon approach is ozonetherapy. In the space between the capillaries with the help of special devices, doctors introduce ozone therapeutic cocktails. This allows you to eliminate the distortion of the vascular walls.
Sometimes the doctor recommends instead of a thorough treatment to do an ultrasonic face cleaning. This procedure will help if couperosis has just begun to develop.
How to help yourself at home?
Treatment of rosacea on the face of folk remedies -This is a huge variety of techniques. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to approach the problem thoroughly, to develop a program of healing the skin of the facial integuments. First you need to revise the makeup bag. Completely refuse any compounds, substances, preparations that have a strong, aggressive effect on the skin. When kuperoze prohibited funds, which include alcohol, clay, as well as mint, eucalyptus extracts, menthol.
When rosacea, you can apply special creams.Such substances are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Apply them should be gently and gently, trying not to put pressure on the diseased skin areas. Do not rub these zones. Washing your face can only be wet using a towel made from natural fibers. Strong and sharp effects only harm the skin and blood vessels.
Rules and restrictions
When rosacea is not at homeuse drugs to massage the face - you can hurt the already delicate vessels. If massage is needed, you should take the help of specialists who can do the procedure gently and carefully. The ban also applies to steam inhalation, mechanical cleaning. Such procedures are harmful to health.
Чтобы минимизировать проявления купероза, следует if possible, exclude citrus fruits, tomatoes, chocolate and sour milk, and livers from the menu. In addition, the ban imposes a tan, visiting tanning salons and steam rooms. But to the benefit of the appearance will go regular exercise. You can start practicing yoga. It is useful to spend more time outdoors - it can be ordinary walks not far from home, but in pleasure and regularly.
Один из способов борьбы с куперозом – правильное nutrition. To do this, in the diet should include vitamin-rich foods. Ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid, vitamin K are particularly useful. Of the minerals, silicon deserves specific attention.
Tea lovers should take a closer look at green - it is much more useful than black, it helps to strengthen the vascular walls and has a positive effect on the body as a whole.
Health Benefits
With rosacea can help a variety of gels,cream Their use should be coordinated with the doctor - all pharmaceuticals have contraindications, especially the use. The doctor will explain how to use the ointment correctly, so as not to harm yourself.
Often, when rosacea is recommended to use"Troxevasin". This is a gel, the main component of which is rutin. The substance strengthens the vascular wall, stimulates blood circulation at the microscopic level. The drug is intended for use twice daily. The program is long, specific dates chosen by the doctor. As a rule, use the gel until the spider veins are completely gone.
Another option that can help with rosacea -drug "Dirozeal". The tool suppresses the activity of foci of inflammation and stimulates cell metabolism, tightens the skin layer, so that it is possible to mask the vascular reticulum. You can use this drug for a long time. The manufacturer assures that applying the cream with a course helps to cure rosacea completely, because the quality of the blood flow in small blood vessels becomes much better.
What else will help?
Считается, что при куперозе полезны мази, containing heparin. Such drugs can provoke negative consequences, so they are used strictly under the supervision of a doctor - heparin has a lot of contraindications. If applied incorrectly, there is a risk of persistent redness of the skin, an allergic reaction. Prolonged use of a substance can affect blood viscosity, increase its ability to clot. Rubbing ointment can cause inflammatory processes. But the use of ointments with heparin correctly, according to the instructions, following the advice of doctors - this is a good method to quickly and effectively cure rosacea.
Using various medications externally, you canget rid of rosacea right at home, without specialized services in clinics and beauty salons, but such treatment will be delayed for a long time. Its advantage is an affordable price. To monitor the success of the program, from time to time you need to visit the doctor. The specialist will monitor the development of the state, if necessary, tell you how to adjust the program.
"Askorutin" against couperose
Under this name in pharmacies soldpills, quite often used in the fight against couperosis. "Ascorutin" can be used for the preparation of masks, creams. Quite a popular recipe - tonic. For half a liter of water, you must take 20 g of dried chamomile inflorescences, brew the broth and allow it to cool to 20 degrees, then dissolve two tablets in a liquid. The finished liquid can be applied twice a day - in the evening and in the morning. A cotton pad is moistened in the resulting composition and wipe the affected skin with it.
Cream with "Ascorutin" prepared on the basis ofmoisturizer for face. First, one tablet is thoroughly crushed to a powder, then mixed with the finished cream and used for the skin of the face. Applying the cream is no different from the use of the usual shop composition.
Simple and affordable
You can try to cure rosacea withherbal compresses. Chamomile inflorescences, horsetail and calendula petals, yarrow are used. Compresses should be of moderate temperature — neither hot nor cold.
A popular method is to use ice, but experts do not approve of it. It is believed that benefit will erase the diseased areas of the skin with cubes of frozen herbal decoctions.
You can try to use for the improvement of the skin of the face essential oils. Mint, thyme, and rosemary have proven their best. You can try marjoram, sage, oregano.