"Trimektal", the basic basis of which isTrimetazidine, an active substance, belongs to a group of drugs with an antihypoxic nature of action and is used primarily in cardiology in order to stabilize the cardiovascular system. The drug is usually prescribed as a supportive / corrective agent for complex therapy and by stimulating the process of cellular metabolism contributes to the overall improvement of the patient's condition.
Form of issue and composition
There are several forms of drug production"Trimektal". The instructions for use indicate that these can be either hard gelatin capsules (blisters 10/20 units or polymer cans with a capacity of 60 units) or tablets with a film coating that slows the release of reagents (blisters 10/20/30 pcs. or plastic packaging on 60/100/120 pcs.). The main component in both cases is trimetazidine dihydrochloride. However, the form of the drug, which is characterized by a reduced rate of absorption and metabolism, has a different trade name - “Trimektal MV”.
pharmachologic effect
Being an antihypoxic drug, Trimektal(instructions for use in this regard gives a clear classification of the drug and at the same time emphasizes the importance of its antioxidant properties) has a direct "invigorating" effect on cardiomyocytes and neurons of the brain. Thus, the drug increases the coefficient of their functionality. The achievement of the cytoprotective effect is a natural result of the growth of the energy potential of cells against the background of the complete optimization of the mode of oxygen consumption.
The active substance does not allow asynchronousmyocardial contraction by “preserving” the necessary minimum of phosphocreatine. When the acid-base balance is disturbed, Trimectal controls the concentration of calcium and sodium, that is, it prevents the excessive accumulation of derivatives of these elements in cardiomyocytes and simultaneously normalizes the balance of potassium ions in the cells. In the fight against angina, the drug manifests itself as a neutralizer of the root cause: a decrease in nitrate consumption leads to the fact that after 14 days of therapy, patients experience a progress in resistance to physical exertion (the magnitude of the differential blood pressure decreases markedly).
Absorption and metabolism
Pharmacological kinetics of the drug "Trimektal"The instructions for use describe the form of its release. So, in particular, the contents of the capsules, getting inside the body, very quickly (and almost completely) are absorbed in the GI tract. Two hours after administration, the maximum concentration of reagents in the blood plasma is noted. A single dosage of 20 mg determines this indicator at the level of 55 ng / ml.
Regarding the degree of distribution of activecomponents, the binding to plasma proteins, as a rule, does not exceed 16%. However, histohematogenous barriers are overcome fairly easily by Trimetazidine. About 60% of the accepted dose is excreted unchanged in the urine, and the first 50% is taken within 4–5 hours.
In turn, "Trimektal MV" (tablet formproduction), due to the presence of a special shell, provides the maximum concentration of reagents in the blood plasma after three hours. The half-life, depending on the age of the patients, can vary from 7 to 12 hours.
Indications for prescription
Cases prescription drugs Trimektal "instructions for use determines the following:
- prevention of angina pectoris (as an integral part of complex therapeutic measures);
- violations in the workings of the chorioretinal vessels;
- dizziness, provoked by functional imbalances of the cardiovascular system;
- hearing impairment (a result of ischemic processes in the vestibular apparatus).
In addition, the attending physician may decide on the appropriateness of prolonged use of the drug in the elimination of focal erosion of the retina.
Dosage and recommended dosage
The drug is taken orally, directly with meals. The duration of the course is set by the doctor (according to the results of a detailed medical examination and diagnosis).
For the capsule form, the average rate is 40-60 mg / day (you need to use 2-3 times).
In the case of the drug "Trimektal MV" (instructions for use in this regard is somewhat different from the above recommendation), usually administered one tablet in the morning and evening.
Side effects
Along with a healing effect, sometimesmanifest and side effects of active ingredients. Regarding the likely allergic reactions to the use of capsules of the drug "Trimektal" instructions for use, the cost of following which - the patient's health, reads
- in some patients local irritation of the skin may occur;
- with prolonged use of the medication, disorders of the food system (nausea, vomiting) are extremely rare;
- sometimes the negative effects of regular use are expressed in headaches and migraines;
- blood lines and heart muscle are sometimes subjected to excessive loads, which indicates the need to reduce the dosage.
Regarding the drug "Trimektal MV" instructions for use report:
- the development of orthostatic hypotension and the formation of “blush” on the face is unlikely (less than one conditional patient per thousand people);
- imbalance in the digestive tract (pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.) - quite often (more than one individual case per one hundred doses of the drug).
In addition, scenarios are not excluded when the use of tablets with modified release of reagents may be the primary cause of reversible asthenia, tremor, akinesia and urticaria.
Contraindications for appointment
We are considering an antihypoxic drug."Trimektal". Instructions for use, the price of the drug, the names of duplicate drugs, as well as various expert opinions are presented in this review in order to familiarize the audience concerned This drug has a number of contraindications, equally relevant to all forms of release (capsules / tablets).
The drug is not prescribed if:
- renal failure was diagnosed (provided that CC <15 ml / min);
- the patient has symptoms of functional disorders of the liver;
- the patient is under the age of eighteen;
- traced acute allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
Other contraindications include pregnancy and lactation.
Special instructions and mechanism of drug interaction
"Trimektal", the price of which varies in widelimits (depending on the form of release and the country of manufacturer - 300-1100 rubles), have not been subjected to any serious clinical studies on the subject of interaction with other medications. For this reason, it is possible to speak about the mechanism of complex combination of effects only on the basis of conclusions obtained as a result of laboratory work with Trimetazidine, the main component of the described drug. It is noted that trimetazidine plays the role of an enhancer of anti-ischemic activity, which is a consequence of taking other antianginal drugs. Contacts of a different type with the participation of Trimektal's reagents were not observed.
Specific instructions for prescribing the drug:
- cannot be used in the first days of hospitalization of the patient, if he is diagnosed with unstable angina (or there is a preinfarction condition);
- connection between taking capsules (tablets)"Trimectal" and the course of Parkinson's disease, which is expressed in strengthening / weakening tremor, necessitates additional monitoring of the patient's condition (we are talking about periodic examinations by a neurologist);
- for patients older than 75 years, the therapeutic course is fraught with complications in the work of the kidneys, so the final decision is up to the doctor;
- violation of psychomotor reactions provokedTrimetazidine, is the reason to think about the appropriateness of using the drug in cases where the patient is outside the hospital, and his professional activity is fraught with the risk of industrial injuries.
Analog overview
The most common understudies of the drug "Trimectal" (analogues, the active ingredient of which is also Trimetazidine):
- Trimetazidin-Biocom MV, Russia;
- Trimetazid, Poland;
- Trimet, India;
- Antisten, Russia;
- Medarum 20, Russia;
- "Preductal MW", France;
- "Rimekor MV", Ukraine.
Despite the general chemical formula, the effect of generics on the body may be somewhat different from the original. Therefore, the choice of a particular drug - the prerogative of the doctor.
Medicine "Trimektal": opinions and comments
Health concerns regarding the issuearterial arrhythmias are often under the gun of thematic discussions. Those who want to hear the opinions of patients and people with medical education regarding the drug Trimektal (reviews, as a rule, have a positive emotional tinge) do not have difficulty in finding information. However, a superficial analysis of opinions shows that the specifics of the assignment affects the objectivity of points of view. After all, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the mentioned medicine is prescribed “in combination”, that is, together with other medicines.
For example, a very large group of patientsand in combination - patients who have undergone a therapeutic course on the basis of Trimektal, in their evaluation conclusions agree that the drug did not provide significant changes in curbing such ailments as chronic hypertension and coronary heart disease.