Aggression is an essential form of behavior.which in varying degrees, is inherent in every person. It is one of the ways of self-defense. If an adult is able to control his outbursts of anger, then the child does not yet have this ability. So how do you negotiate with a little brawler? All parents probably at least once saw how their child squeals, rests, shouts ... At such moments you feel especially helpless. Why are these "buy, buy!" In the stores! And complaints of educators about the chastity of your child? We think it is not worth telling in detail. It is better to try to learn how to properly respond to such attacks of your beloved baby.
How to be?
First you need to learn to controlown emotions. Believe that child aggression is natural. It is impossible to control or regulate it. Also, you can not put constant bans on a child to express his anger, for example, “Do not shout!”, “Do not make noise!”, “Do not stomp!”. Punishment for this, too, should not be, because then the child will be afraid to express their emotions. This can lead to the fact that he will hide his true experiences from you. Constant bans can make a child a “weakling” who cannot fight back in the right situation. But without attention, such behavior of his offspring also can not be left. Before you take punitive measures, you should understand “where your legs grow from,” which is why your beloved son or daughter so often began to express her dissatisfaction with such behavior as aggression. A child has many reasons for this. First, look for the problem in yourself.
Lack of attention
Mom and dad are the most important and main people in a kid's life. And when a child
What to do?
The answer is ridiculously simple:pay attention to your little brawler. Sometimes you need to double the strength. Despite being busy, tired, try to talk to the baby, answer all his questions, be sure to caress. Such tender feelings are very soothing too active kids. Love your child and show how often he is dear to you.
Passive aggression in a child
If all of a sudden your little one suddenly behaved badly, then this is a sign of passive aggression. It is difficult to fight with her, because often the child himself does not understand the reason for this behavior.
This kind of aggression is offensive,rude and offensive communication. There are several ways in which you can try to overcome this manifestation. The first and most common is direct censure. The second is ignoring the child’s behavior. The third is the method of projecting the good qualities of a baby. For example: "I thought that you were so obedient to me, but it turns out that you are behaving very badly." Here are some examples of how parents should behave when they are faced with such a thing as aggression in a child. Good luck and love your kids!