/ / Drug "Urinari Path Supporter": instructions for use and reviews

The drug "Urinari Pathway Support": instructions for use and reviews

Таблетки "Уринари Тракт Суппорт" предназначены for the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of cats. This tool contains in its composition only natural ingredients, which is why almost no side effects and no serious contraindications.

The drug has a good diuretic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect. However, despite this, the appointment of a veterinarian is required.

Composition and form of release

The drug "Urinari Pathway Supporter" contains only natural substances in its composition, in particular, such as:

  • bearberry;
  • cranberry juice extract;
  • corn silk;
  • dandelion;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • extract of olive leaves;
  • lactobacilli.

urinari tract caliper

In addition, the composition includes auxiliarycomponents that make the drug more palatable in taste for the animal. In appearance, the medicine is a large rounded tablet, the color of which can be yellow or brownish with a fishy taste. They are packed on 60 tablets in plastic jars or put up in cardboard boxes. Before taking the drug, you should always read the instructions. "Urinari Trakt Support" for cats (photo of the medicine package will help to distinguish the original from counterfeits) is quite an effective tool.

Pharmacological properties

The medicinal preparation for cats renderscomplex anti-inflammatory, choleretic, uroseptic and diuretic action. "Urinari Path Supporter" promotes the rapid removal of toxic substances from the body, prevents the deposition of stones in the bladder.

urinari tract cat support manual

Leaves bearberry have a good bactericideimpact, philanthousus is characterized by antiviral and antibacterial properties, promotes rapid recovery of damaged liver cells, excretion of toxins and toxins. Cranberry has a diuretic effect, and the tannins contained in it help to modify bacteria at the cellular level, preventing their accumulation on the urethra and bladder membrane.

According to the degree of impact on the body of cats, the drug refers to safe substances. In addition to maintaining a good state of the urinary tract, this agent has a mild immunomodulatory effect.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, "Urinari Trakt Support" forcats are used for prevention and comprehensive treatment of cystitis, urolithiasis and urological syndrome. Also, the drug is used as a general restorative. It is fully compatible with chemotherapeutic and biological products.

urinari tract cat support manual reviews

"Urinari Path Caliper" helps quickly andqualitatively get rid of various diseases of the genitourinary system of cats. Included in the composition of the herbs help to purify and acidify the urine of the animal, preventing the repeated accumulation of crystals. Also, this medicine helps to eliminate inflammation and relieve spasms. Suitable for long-term use, as it does not contain dangerous and toxic substances.

Dosing and Administration

With a preventive purpose, the drug"Urinari Trakt Support" is assigned courses 3 times a year for 14-21 days. As an aid for complex therapy with urological diseases, apply for 7-14 days.

urinari tract cat support manual photo

The medicine is prescribed for oral administration indosage of 2 tablets daily. In this case, you can mix it with the food or give it with another treat or simply drinking water. The daily dosage can be divided into 2 times. The duration of the course is selected strictly individually in each specific case, and the dosage can be increased according to the indications.

Contraindications and side effects

Как уже говорилось, прежде чем применять drug, you need to study the instructions. "Urinari Pathway Support" for cats (reviews about this drug are predominantly positive) may be prescribed only by a specialist, so it is important to consult a veterinarian, since there are certain contraindications to its administration. Absolute contraindication is considered an increased sensitivity to individual components.

urinari tract support for cats reviews
It is undesirable to use the drug whenpregnancy, as well as before mating animals. It is also not recommended for animals that are prone to frequent oxalate formation. It can not be used in severe nephropathies, and the drug does not combine with antihypertensive drugs, adsorbents, and before anesthesia.

With proper application and strict adherencedosage of side effects does not occur. Special precautionary measures are not provided, but if the improvement in the condition of the sick animal did not occur approximately 7-10 days after the start of the medication, it is necessary to contact the veterinarian for a comprehensive examination and clarification of the diagnosis.

Reviews about the drug

The drug "Urinari Trakt Support" for cats reviewshas only positive, since the composition of this medicine includes exclusively natural, safe for the animal components. Many animal owners use this drug in combination with antibiotics, as it combines with other medicines and provides a better result.

Veterinarians and owners of catsimprovement of the animal's condition, elimination of inflammation, absence of side effects, increased immunity. In addition, in combination with special feeds you can achieve an amazing result, as the wool of cats becomes smoother and silky.

The drug "Urinari Path Supporter" is distinguished by high quality and safety of use, but it is advisable to consult a veterinarian beforehand.