/ Does smoking affect growth? How does it affect!

Does smoking affect growth? Still as it influences!

How smoking affects growth, they know almost everything.Many articles have been written on this topic. There is a stop of growth. Especially in older children. Younger age will not be taken into account, in the hope that such children have not reached this point. Teenagers and young people are also no exception. We all know that the growth of a normal healthy person lasts up to twenty-one years. But by this time most of the guys and girls are already smokers, and even have solid experience in this matter. Many have acquired this bad habit at an early age. Almost ninety percent of adult smokers are addicted to cigarettes while still in their teens.

Эксперты утверждают, что немаловажную роль тут smoking parents play. They themselves set an example to their children. They are trying to ban their child from smoking, and at the same time they smoke themselves. There is a clear example when words disagree with deeds. What to expect from a child? Do not forget about the harmful effects on the body not only active but also passive smoking.

Smoking affects growth, of course.But not only. Due to the fact that many modern young people smoke, considering it to be fashionable (although this is a fallacy), the age threshold for the incidence of lung cancer and throat cancer has decreased.

The sad fact is that young people are notaware of all the dangers of this, at first glance, such an "innocent" habit. Teenagers see that adults are addicted to it and, looking at them, they themselves begin to get involved. Someone starts out of curiosity, someone wants to appear more mature, someone is looking for new sensations. But at the same time, no one thinks about how sensitive the teenage organism is.

Cigarette smoke, nicotine, other harmful substanceshave a detrimental effect on the developing, growing organism. Does smoking affect growth? Naturally. The body of a teenager is trying to grow, and the harmful substances contained in tobacco inhibit development. In this case, the nervous and cardiovascular systems are primarily affected. And, as a result, irritability manifests itself, a decrease in the activity of brain activity, the appearance of inattention.

Does smoking affect growth and how does this happen?

A growing body simply needs vitamins.Because of smoking, they cease to be digested as it should. Disturbed exchange processes. And vitamin C starts to break down. For this reason, smokers need ascorbic acid in a double dose. Sugar begins to digest poorly. This is how the body lacks vitamins, which are so necessary for normal growth and development. Even intermittent smoking can cause poisoning or upset the digestive system.

A person's growth is influenced by various factors.Among them are environmental factors. Does smoking affect growth, being one of the environmental factors? Nicotine, cigarette smoke, tar contained in cigarettes - all of this is toxic to the body. Including affected and hormones.

Growth of bones in length is responsible for somatotropichormone. It is produced in the body always, but in adolescence the level of this hormone is much higher. Smoking during this period greatly reduces the level of somatotropic hormone. Accordingly, this process affects growth. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Growth can stop, and after all it is known that men can grow up to twenty five years.

Nicotine is a harmful poison of plant origin. Although many do not take this bad habit seriously, it is very difficult to give up later on. Smoking is a real addiction.

And after that, there is no doubt about whether smoking is affecting growth. On growth not only physical, but also mental.