/ Why are armpits sweating?

Why are armpit sweats?

According to experts, one of the mostEffective ways of thermoregulation of our body is the allocation of sweat, through which the whole body is cooled. Thanks to this process, excess salts and toxins are excreted, as well as other harmful accumulated substances. Therefore, it can be concluded that this physiological feature is inherently the norm. However, many today complain of increased sweating and wondering why armpits sweat so profusely.

why perspiration perspire
Excessive sweating. Causes

As is known, this phenomenon in every personcauses discomfort. The constant unpleasant odor, wet clothes - all this does not have the most favorable effect on self-esteem, and in some cases serious psychological problems appear.

Very often, increased sweating is activemanifests itself in adolescence, when the appearance for each child plays a special role. Why do teenagers sweat under their armpits? Of course, these processes are associated, first of all, with changes at the hormonal level and the restructuring of the whole organism as a whole. However some teenagers already at this age start to test strong stress and even to become isolated in itself because of constantly damp clothes. What to do? First of all, you should contact a specialist who, after a detailed examination, will be able to identify the true causes and proceed, if necessary, to direct treatment.

The most common reasons are:

  • abnormal thyroid function;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • malnutrition.

excessive sweating
Intensified sweating. Treatment

As soon as it became clear why the armpits sweat,should go directly to the treatment itself. If the problem lies in the thyroid gland, then all measures should be aimed at restoring its normal functioning. In this case, a special diet and course of drugs are prescribed. With vegetovascular dystonia, you should radically revise your lifestyle, try to put less stress on the body, normalize nutrition and add more sports to your life.

How to reduce perspiration still?It is necessary to eat right. The emphasis should be on exceptionally healthy food. Try to completely abandon the excessively sweet and fatty foods. The thing is that baking and fatty sorts of meat provoke sweating, and consequently, once again there are already familiar problems. It is better to eat more green vegetables and fruits, sweet substitute honey, and meat - seafood.


Our grandparents from

how to reduce sweating
knew a simple and at the same time effectivemeans, after which the question why the armpits sweat, you should not bother anymore. This is a contrast shower. So, in the morning and in the evening it is necessary to pour the underarm area first hot (about five minutes), and then with cold water. The procedure itself should last no more than half an hour, and the water temperature is recommended to be changed at least five times.

The basic means of hygiene is better to be replaced by moresoft. Some begin to use a special soap or milk, which are intended for intimate hygiene. After a few weeks you will forget about the discomfort and constantly wet clothes.