/ / Amazing soybeans. Benefit and harm to the human body.

Amazing soybeans. Benefit and harm to the human body.

Recently, when along with goods,produced by the state standards, on the shelves of stores began to meet a huge number of products of individual manufacturers, in the life of each consumer came the eastern guest - soy. The benefits and harms of it have not yet been fully studied. Experts have a huge number of disputes about the addition of soy in the main product composition. Let's try and we will understand this question and find out what is the use of soy for a person.

It is a source of vegetable protein for the body.In the eastern kitchen, she firmly occupied one of the main places and enjoyed great popularity among people who prefer vegetarian cuisine. This plant is a family of legumes, and, as is known, they are rich in proteins, almost inferior to animal proteins. The use of soy is to contain in its composition a substance such as lecithin. This substance has a beneficial effect on memory, increases sexual and motor activity, concentration, promotes the preservation of youth and regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood. It also contains fiber, fats, carbohydrates, phytic acid and genestein, which help in the fight against cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors. Asian peoples have always been considered long-lived, and this is the great merit of soy, as it is the one that facilitates the removal of radionuclides from the body.

There are people who, for health reasons, simplyIt is impossible to eat, proteins of animal origin and one of the ways out of this situation is soy. The benefits and harms in this case depend only on the amount of consumption. It is able to fully replace meat and milk protein and is especially recommended for people with ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and chronic cholecystitis. The list of diseases in which the use of this product is indicated is large enough. This is a violation of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis, arthritis, obesity and diabetes mellitus.

But there are many contraindications in suchamazing product like soy. Its benefits and harms consist in various effects on the human body. Harm of soy can be quite strong in the case of its use by children. It is able to inhibit the action of the endocrine glands, since it contains isoflavones, substances similar to the female hormones estrogen. In children who consume foods with soy, an imbalance of hormones can occur and a violation occurs in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Boys may be delayed in physical development, and girls, on the contrary, the cycle will come too soon. Also, experts do not recommend eating soy products during pregnancy, as this may be a consequence of pathologies of the brain in the fetus.

Food manufacturers nowadayswidely promote the benefits of such a legume plant as soy. Its benefits and harms, based on data from scientists, are in the amounts of consumption. Excessive consumption of soy contributes to the rapid aging of the body, impairs cerebral circulation and, in some cases, can lead to the development of such diseases as Alzheimer's disease. It contains a large amount of oxalic acid and therefore soy is not recommended for people who are prone to the formation of sand and stones in the bladder and kidneys.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the useful qualitiessoybeans are completely dependent on the conditions in which this product is grown. If it is not genetically modified, but natural, then the useful properties are clearly outweighed. But still, scientists around the world have not yet reached a consensus on the harm and benefits of this product, so its use remains the personal choice of each person.