/ Why pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation: the main reasons

Why pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation: the main reasons

Women's health, according to experts,directly depends on the everyday way of life. Of course, the age in this case plays an important role. So, unfortunately, in recent years, young girls have become increasingly affected by gynecological problems. This is due not only to the lack of a healthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle, but also to the environment around us. Doctors strongly recommend that if any painful symptoms appear, they should immediately seek qualified help, because they can signal the onset of the disease. For example, if very often pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation, it is mandatory to pay attention to this fact and in no case to engage in self-medication. In this article, we describe the main reasons for this problem.

pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation
Why pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation?

  • Discomfort in the first place cantestify to the onset of so-called ovulation. Especially often with such a problem one has to face already giving birth to women. The rupture of the follicle is a microtrauma. It is this fact that can become the main factor by virtue of which pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation, and there is a slight increase in body temperature.

  • Inflammation of the uterine tubes themselves or directly of the ovaries often causes painful sensations. This kind of trouble can be easily avoided, if properly dressed in the cold season.

  • The so-called hyperestimulation syndromeovaries - this is another reason why pulls the lower abdomen after menstruation. This disease is very often due to the treatment of infertility through hormones. Thus, the ovaries consistently increase in their volumes, thus causing the appearance of follicular cysts.
    after menstrual pulls the lower abdomen
  • Varicose veins directly in the zonesmall pelvis. This disease is mainly diagnosed in those women who are engaged in lifting weights. In addition, it is also possible because of the large number of abortions or childbirth. It is noteworthy that ladies who do not experience orgasm during sexual intercourse fall into the risk group.
     slightly pulls the bottom of the abdomen
  • In some cases, women complain that littlepulls the lower abdomen with an inflammation of the appendix. If the doctor did not find a gynecological cause of discomfort, most likely, it is necessary to take special care precisely at this time. Quite often, a qualified surgical intervention is required.


In conclusion, it should be noted that this kind ofDiscomfort is not recommended in any case to tolerate or suppress medications. If right after the menstrual pulls the lower abdomen, it's better to apply for qualified help to a gynecologist without too much delay. The doctor, in turn, must conduct a visual examination, take tests and, if necessary, assign an ultrasound examination. This is the only way to determine the primary factor that provoked pain. After all these manipulations, as a rule, individual therapy is prescribed. Be healthy!