/ / Comedones: treatment in the beauty salon and at home

Comedones: treatment in a beauty salon and at home

Comedones are black spots on the skin.Most of the trouble they cause to adolescents and women. There are a variety of reasons for their education. If comedones appear on your face, treatment should begin immediately, you should not wait until they pass by themselves.

Comedones: causes

Black spots may appear in adolescents due totheir transitional age. In women, their appearance is usually associated with hormonal disruption, improper use of decorative and caring cosmetics, as well as genetic predisposition. There are many diseases, during the course of which comedones can also form. Stress - another common cause, in fact, it also often leads to the appearance of acne. If comedones appear on the face, treatment should begin as soon as possible, otherwise the risk of catching an infection is great, and this is much more serious consequences.

Механизм образования комедонов заключается в The following: sebum begins to accumulate in the hair follicle, interacts with dust particles, which in any case are deposited on the skin, and creates a dense tube. Cork closes the pore and does not allow it to function normally.

Comedones: species

Comedones, the treatment of which we consider a littlebelow are divided into two types: closed and open. Closed comedones are located under the skin in the form of whitish papules, which are often not so easy to recognize. When the elimination of the cause of their formation does not occur, the sebum comes out, and under the influence of oxygen becomes black. So open comedos are formed. Black spots, unlike whitish papules under the skin, are much easier to treat. Some even try to squeeze them, but this is not the best way.

Comedones: how to treat

When there are no elementary concepts, the maximum to whichenough strength of a person suffering from black dots, it is on their extrusion. It seems to many that only in this way can the skin be put in order. But this is fundamentally wrong. Already proved the fact that during extrusion can easily infect an infection that will lead to the development of the inflammatory process.

But if you look from the other side, it’s not soand a lot of tools to eliminate their own comedones. They are best treated in a beauty salon. And here that can offer:

  • Manual cleaning.This is the so-called extrusion, in front of which the skin is pre-steamed, and then the black spots are squeezed out using sterile wipes. Note that sterility is key in this process. But even in such cases it is impossible to insure against negative consequences. It is also important to find a good specialist who will do everything right.
  • Fruit acids.This method of getting rid of comedones is considered the safest, but far from the most effective. Problem skin is covered with a mask, which contains an increased amount of glycolic acid. Under its influence, the skin is heated, softens, and the fat rods partially disintegrate. But not all.
  • Ionization.Another little-known way to remove black dots. The mechanism of its effect is that a special preparation is applied to the skin, which dilutes and pulls the sebum from the pores. To achieve a good result, it will take more than one such procedure.

Comedones: treatment of folk remedies

You can try to get rid of comedones inhome conditions. The simplest thing is to lubricate the black dots with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. You can also first make a steam bath, and then apply a mixture of salt, soda and shaving cream in equal amounts. Well, if you don’t have time for putting the skin in order, then you can try to squeeze out annoying formations, but this should be done as carefully as possible, preferably using sterile wipes, which allow you to avoid direct contact between your hands and black dots.