/ / Means "Duphalac" for children. Application features

Means "Duphalac" for children. Application features

Quite common problem innewborns, along with diarrhea, becomes constipated. Often, when this condition occurs, the parents panic. Experts remind that if a baby has constipation or any other violation, you should not self-medicate. Before using any drug, you should consult with a pediatrician.

if baby has constipation
Undoubtedly, one of the most effectivemethods of eliminating disorders of the digestive system in a child is considered to be the adjustment of the diet of a nursing mother. However, there are children who are bottle-fed, therefore they are unable to obtain the necessary substances with milk. In this case, the doctor prescribes medications. One of these tools is the drug "Duphalac". For children, this drug is safe. Parents also note high efficiency of the product.

Medication "Duphalac". Description

The drug is practically not absorbed.The action of the drug begins in the intestine, where it is broken down by the microflora. Due to the action of the medicament, peristalsis is normalized and bowel functions are restored. Along with this, the growth and spread of pathogenic microorganisms are suppressed. The undoubted advantage of the drug "Duphalac" (for children) is the lack of addiction to it. In addition, the drug does not affect the absorbability of useful elements and vitamins entering the body with food.

duphalac description

Dosing regimen

Means "Duphalac" for children under one year appointed2.5 mg each, from 1 to 5 years old - 5 mg each, from five to ten years old - 10 mg per application. Give the medicine twice a day. The duration of therapy is agreed with the pediatrician.

Side effects of the drug "Duphalac" (for children)

Лекарство обычно удовлетворительно переносится patients of different ages. In some cases, the development of undesirable consequences is likely. In particular, colic may occur, gas formation may increase. One of the most common side effects is diarrhea. This condition develops in case of overdosing or in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the medication. Allergic reactions are rarely observed. According to experts, a rash on the skin, irritation and other external manifestations appear also in connection with intolerance. Flatulence, pain in the abdomen usually disappear on their own after cessation of use.

dufalak for children


Not recommended drug "Duphalac" for children suffering from obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, galactosemia, hypersensitivity.

additional information

When prescribing therapy should be putparents are aware that lactulose contained in the medication is able to lower the pH level of the large intestine. Therefore, drugs, the release of which occurs at a certain acid-base balance, may decrease activity. With the development of adverse events or overdose should contact your pediatrician. The specialist in such cases will adjust the regimen or prescribe another treatment.