/ / Good ointment for feet from sweat and a smell: the name, a photo, the price

Good ointment for feet from sweat and smell: name, photo, price

The problem of sweating feet is familiar.many people. An unpleasant phenomenon delivers a lot of inconvenience and significantly impairs the quality of life, negatively affects self-esteem. Eliminate the disease will help ointment for the feet from sweat and odor. Let us consider in more detail the types of such tools and the features of their application.

Causes of sweating feet

Повышенную потливость в медицинской практике called hyperhidrosis. The disease often affects the feet and provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor and constant humidity. Unpleasant "fragrance" begins to spread after removing the shoes. Unfortunately, the surrounding people usually immediately think about the unscrupulousness of a person and are completely unaware that the development of the pathological process in the body is the cause of this condition.

foot ointment of sweat and odor

To eliminate the increased sweating of the feet, it is necessary to identify the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. Hyperhidrosis can develop under the influence of the following factors:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • increased load on the lower limbs;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • fungal infection of the feet;
  • endocrine system pathologies;
  • the presence of infectious or inflammatory processes in the body;
  • poor hygiene;
  • wrong shoes

If there is a sudden unpleasant odor emanating from the legs, you should consult a doctor and be examined.

How to treat?

There are two ways to get rid of hyperhidrosis.lower limbs. The first of them - the drug - is considered the most effective and convenient. Using cream or ointment for feet from sweat and a smell, it is possible to forget about the unpleasant phenomenon for a long time. Eliminate the smell and help special antiperspirants for the feet, but their therapeutic effect is less pronounced. Such treatment does not affect the true cause of the pathology at all. Therefore, it is necessary to begin therapy with the elimination of factors that provoke increased sweating.

Botox injections are another effective method.combat disease. Botulinum toxin is able to block the increased work of the sweat glands. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and eliminates the problem for at least 6 months. Despite its high therapeutic efficacy, this method is used infrequently due to the high cost of the procedure.

Non-drug effects include folk recipes.

Will foot ointment for sweat and odor help?

The name is the most effective in your case.means to combat hyperhidrosis of the feet can be obtained from a specialist. The doctor makes an appointment only after examining the patient and finding out the causes of the unpleasant phenomenon. The drug is selected on an individual basis. Otherwise, therapy may not bring the desired result. It should be borne in mind that any medication will only temporarily eliminate the symptom and reduce the functionality of the sweat glands.

ointment against the smell of sweat

What is the best ointment for the feet from sweat and smell?The pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly large number of products that can be used in the treatment of sweating and foot odor. All of them differ not only in composition, but also in degree of effectiveness. The most effective drugs include:

  • Paste (ointment) Teymurov.
  • "Formidron" (solution).
  • "Formagel".
  • "ChistoStop-Deo".
  • Salicylic-zinc paste.
  • "5 days" (cream).
  • "Borozin".

Перед применением любого медикамента следует carefully read the annotation, contraindications. Some products are applied daily to the feet, while others only when symptoms of hyperhidrosis occur. Turning to a specialist, you can choose the right ointment from the smell of sweat feet.

Teymurov ointment

Drugstore well dries skincovers and stops work of sweat glands. The paste contains substances such as boric and salicylic acid, potassium tetraborate, zinc oxide, lead acetate, glycerin, talc, formaldehyde solution, hexamethylenetetramine and mint oil. The consistency of the drug is quite thick. This ointment for feet from sweat and a smell has a grayish shade and a pleasant smell.

sweat odor ointment

Teymurov ointment has a pronouncedantiseptic and antimicrobial effect due to the presence of salicylic acid in the composition. Boric acid provides anti-inflammatory and keratoplastic effect. Formaldehyde and hexamethylenetetramine have antimycotic, deodorizing and disinfecting properties.

The medicine is commonly used to treat various dermatological diseases. Applying an ointment for the feet, from sweat and odor caused by hyperhidrosis, you can get rid of quite quickly.

Application features

Teymurov's pasta is considered one of the bestantiseptics and disinfectants. Use it only externally. Before using the product, the skin should be washed and dried naturally. The composition is applied in a thin layer on the area of ​​the feet, capturing the area between the fingers. To rub ointment is necessary within several minutes.

Процедуру обычно проводят перед сном, но в Some cases are allowed to use the ointment twice a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of lower extremity hyperhidrosis. According to the instructions, the course can be from 7 to 30 days.


The above remedy for excessive sweatingdeserved many good reviews and recommendations. This ointment for the feet from sweat and smell is cheap, but it works well with the enhanced work of the sweat glands. Disinfecting the skin, the tool prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The cost of the drug is about 50 rubles.

At the same time, patients say that with stronghyperhidrosis of the lower extremities, the use of external medication has practically no therapeutic effect. Therefore, the ointment is usually prescribed to combat the initial stages of excessive sweating feet.

Drug "Formagel"

Аптечные лекарства для борьбы с повышенной sweating are considered the most effective. Unlike cosmetics, they do not clog the sweat glands and allow the epidermis to breathe normally. Formagel is a formaldehyde-based drug intended for the local treatment of hyperhidrosis. It should be borne in mind that the said substance is considered hazardous to health, therefore, it should be used only with certain indications and according to the instructions. Gel antiseptic can be applied not only on the foot, but also on the palms and armpits.

foot ointment for sweat and smell

The significant advantage is the durationtherapeutic action "Formagel". According to the instructions, after a single application of the agent, the effect lasts for 7-14 days. If the patient has a low sensitivity to the active substance, the procedure can be repeated in a few days.

How to use it correctly?

Многие думают, что средство на основе Farmaldehyde can be used daily. In fact, this is not the case, and the effect of such a scheme will not increase. The manufacturer warns that the gel can be applied to the surface of the skin only when symptoms of hyperhidrosis appear.

After application of "Formagel" on the skina thin film is formed, which after 30 minutes must be washed off with warm water. Repeated procedure is carried out only after the reappearance of symptoms (but not earlier than after 7 days). You should not use the tool in case of intolerance to the components or in the presence of inflammation on the skin.

Salicylic Zinc Paste

Это еще один мощный препарат для устранения various skin pathologies. The tool has won the trust of many patients and doctors. It is based on two active ingredients - salicylic acid and zinc oxide. Paste has antimicrobial, drying and disinfecting action.

foot ointment for sweat and odor

Eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis,hyperhidrosis - pathologies that salicylic-zinc ointment successfully copes with. Against the smell of sweat feet, it can be used even during pregnancy. The tool has no side effects on the developing fetus. Contraindications include age up to 12 years, renal pathology, ulcers, diathesis, anemia, decreased blood clotting and intolerance to any of the components.

Instructions for use

This is a fairly effective combination ointment.for feet from sweat and smell. The name (photo below), under which it can be found in a pharmacy, is Lassar's paste. The composition and method of use for drugs is exactly the same.

With increased perspiration paste is applied toclean and dry surface of the dermis with a thin layer. The tool has an unpleasant odor, which, however, disappears in a few minutes. The procedure is performed 1-2 times a day. Only the attending physician determines the duration of therapy.

what is the best ointment for the feet from sweat and smell

Use ointment on an ongoing basis notIt is recommended to avoid side effects: tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness. With prolonged use of the drug containing salicylic acid, you may experience increased dryness of the skin.


This remedy is cosmetic and oftenused to eliminate excessive sweating of the palms and feet. Unlike many other drugs, ChistoStop-Deo does not cause dry skin and acts for a long period of time.

The preparation contains natural ingredients: extracts of leaves of forest hazel, oak bark, laurel and grapefruit seeds, essential oils of bergamot and cypress, beeswax, cocoa butter, vitamin B3.

cheap foot sweat and odor ointment

Use "ChistoStop-Deo" (ointment) for the smellFoot sweat is recommended twice a day. Apply the product only on clean and dry skin. Be sure to rub the ointment between the fingers. With the appearance of rashes or redness, you should abandon the use of the drug.

In addition to the use of pharmaceutical preparations for excessive sweating, it is important to observe daily hygiene and wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials.