/ Torpedoes from alcoholism. Methods of treatment of alcoholism

Torpedoes from alcoholism. Methods of treatment of alcoholism

What is medication?blocking the craving for alcohol? Here, in the first place comes the implantation of a torpedo from alcoholism, which reduces the craving for alcohol, and in most cases makes the addict instantly abandon the addiction.

Despite the emergence of a whole massinnovative methods of getting rid of alcohol dependence, suturing the torpedo has not lost its relevance. Such an effective remedy is used by many experienced narcologists throughout the country when trying to save patients from cravings for alcohol.

History of the method

At the end of the last century for alcohol addictsthere was an excellent alternative to long-term rehabilitation from alcoholism in drug treatment clinics and dispensaries. Narcologists began actively offering patients the possibility of sewing a torpedo from alcoholism to develop a conditioned reflex to the non-acceptance of alcohol. The very definition arose as a derivative of the most well-known at that time drug of this property called "Torpedo".

alcoholism treatment center

At present, almost every centertreatment of alcoholism uses in its practice this method of getting rid of drug dependence. And today the list of affordable, effective drugs that can be sewn under the skin of an addict has significantly expanded.

How can suturing a torpedo remove the craving for alcohol?

Implantation of the torpedo from alcoholism into the uppersubcutaneous layers in the form of an absolutely safe sterile capsule with active substance disulfiram is one of the fastest and painless surgical operations. Later, after the final healing, self-elimination of the capsule becomes quite problematic.

torpedoes from alcoholism

Probability of getting the drug into the bodydependent due to his initiative with an instant overdose of the active ingredient is the main deterrent to stopping alcohol consumption.

Principle of action of the torpedo from alcoholism

Implantation of "Disulfiram" in the form of a capsule orampoule allows you to ensure the daily absorption of the drug in the blood in minimal amounts. And the process can last from several months to several years. In cases where the action of the substance does not give the necessary results, it is possible to sew the torpedo from alcoholism again.

drugs for the treatment of alcoholism

Вступая в реакцию с алкоголем, "Дисульфирам" produces reactions that are quite unpleasant for a dependent person, the effects of which may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, accelerated heartbeat, chest pain, and the like. Thus, the reception of alcohol ceases to be associated with the addict with positive emotions.

Safety of the method

How safe is the torpedo from alcoholism?Reviews of people who have already managed to go through the procedure, show that the drug is absolutely harmless in normal conditions. The whole effect from the application of the method of therapy manifests itself only if the prohibition on taking alcohol is violated. Thus the person starts to feel negative displays of the above-stated symptomatology. If the consumption of alcohol, in spite of everything, continues to be systematic, the effect of "Disulfiram" can cause the most unforeseen consequences, not excluding the lethal outcome.


Before offering a dependent therapy in the form of a torpedo lining, the alcoholism treatment center обязательно должен провести комплексное examination of the body to identify possible contraindications. Moreover, contraindications in this case may concern both the physiological and mental state of a person.

to string a torpedo against alcoholism

Among the absolute contraindications should be distinguished:

  • somatic diseases at the stage of exacerbation;
  • infectious diseases (ARVI, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.);
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • preinfarction states;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • pregnancy;
  • intoxication;
  • individual intolerance or allergic reactions to the active ingredient of the drug.

Myths and Reality

It would seem that there is nothing easier than such a procedure.A torpedo from alcoholism is sewn under the skin, the price of which is available to the majority of the population. By the way, the cost of this procedure varies on average from 6 to 30 thousand rubles. After that, the fear of unpleasant consequences, discomfort or even the onset of death does not allow a person to continue the systematic use of alcohol. However, a considerable proportion of addicts returns to the glass immediately after the end of the active substance.

alcoholism torpedo reviews

Some experts who are not hearsayfamiliar common drugs for the treatment of alcoholism, consider the action of a torpedo a real myth. In reality, long-acting drugs that could gradually be absorbed under the skin simply do not exist.

However, supporters of the treatment of alcoholism methodVshivaniya torpedoes argue their own arguments. According to them, there are enough substances that can remain in the body at the cellular level throughout life.

If we talk about the practice of the method, thenin the case of most patients, drugs for the treatment of alcoholism in the form of a torpedo are effective only at a subconscious, psychological level. It is just obvious that in order to avoid causing harm to the health of a dependent person, medical specialists most often use absolutely safe drugs, which are, in fact, “empty cases”. Sometimes nicotinic acid is used as an active substance, the only negative effect of which will be the manifestation of allergic reactions when combined with alcohol. In this case, an addict can really feel dizziness, acceleration of heartbeat, and other effects.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Considering the benefits of curing alcoholismtorpedoes, it is worth noting the deterrence of pernicious craving for alcohol due to the fear of extremely negative consequences. Similar therapy acts differently on individual patients. Some people completely refuse to drink alcohol. For others, the craving for alcohol disappears only for a while.

alcoholic torpedo Price

It is not uncommon for an addict under the skinnothing stitched. However, even a banal bullying of a patient by a specialist can bring positive results. After all, the fear of torment and possible death is often a sufficient prerequisite for a complete rejection of addiction.