/ / Pressure Pills: Names, List

Tablets to increase pressure: names, list

With a modern lifestyle with permanentstress and poor dietary blood pressure is different from the norm in every second person. Most often, people pay attention to its increase, since it is more dangerous. But low blood pressure can cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort. Hypotension or frequent lowering of pressure below 90/60 is not so rare, but not everyone knows how to treat it. It seems to many that such a state can be managed only by a special daily regimen and meals. But there are special pills to increase the pressure. Most of them are used in emergency cases and are available on prescription. But some drugs are readily available to everyone, and they can be used to normalize their condition.

Causes and symptoms of hypotension

This disease is as common ashypertension. But not all patients go to the doctor. Hypotension is a condition in which blood pressure drops below 90/60. In this case, the person experiences headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness and drowsiness. Heart rate can increase, there is a feeling of lack of air, a person throws in sweat, it gets dark in the eyes. In the most severe cases, fainting is possible. A strong drop in pressure can lead to death due to insufficient blood supply to the brain. Therefore, hypotension must be treated, but only a doctor can pick up pills to increase blood pressure.

Такое состояние может возникать по разным reasons. Most often, a drop in pressure is short and rarely happens. It can be caused by overwork, stress and lack of sleep. But it also happens that pressure drop happens often. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with hypotension. The reason for it may be hereditary predisposition, cardiovascular diseases. But most often - this is vegetative dystonia.

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Why do I need pills to increase pressure

When hypotension can increase blood pressurein ways. A special mode of the day, physical activity and proper nutrition will help to avoid attacks and increase efficiency. You need to walk regularly in the fresh air, take a douche in the morning, sleep at least 8 hours. To activate the blood circulation and metabolic processes that help to normalize the pressure, you need good nutrition and sports. It is often recommended to drink coffee, do yoga. But these methods are not always effective, the pressure can still be greatly reduced. In this case, the necessary medical treatments.

What pressure pills to drink inIn each case, only a doctor can determine. After all, their choice depends on the features of the pathology, the state of the blood vessels and the degree of hypotension. But medications are necessary. They will help not only to increase the pressure, but also improve performance, relieve headaches, and normalize sleep. Most often, these pills are recommended to increase the pressure:

  • "Citramon" - is used for headaches against hypotension;
  • "Ecdisten" - contains an extract of Leuzea and tones the body well;
  • "Gutron" - helps with attacks;
  • "Ephedrine" - improves heart function.
drugs for hypotension

Groups of drugs for hypotension

Если давление понижается часто, а слабость и dizziness make it difficult to lead a normal life, you need to consult a doctor. It is not necessary to self-medicate, because there are different drugs to increase the pressure in tablets or drops. Only the doctor can choose the necessary means. There are several groups of such drugs.

  • Alpha-adrenomimetiki quickly increase arterialpressure and eliminate blood stasis. Such drugs are often used for hypotonic crises. These are tablets "Midodrin", "Phenylephrine", "Mefentermin", "Noradrenalin". These products have many side effects, so they can only be taken as directed by the doctor.
  • Anticholinergics have a hypertensive effect by blocking acetylcholine and some receptors. This is "Bellataminal" or "Bellaspon."
  • Stimulants of the nervous system are prettyeffective pills to increase pressure. They also relieve drowsiness, reduce fatigue, increase the efficiency and speed of reactions. If taken together with antispasmodics, they effectively reduce headaches. The following drugs are best known: Caffeine sodium benzoate, Cordiamine, Etimisol. They are best used in the treatment of seizures, as they have a short-term effect.
  • Herbal adaptogens and tonic preparationsmost often prescribed in the complex treatment of hypertension. They have an effect after 2-3 weeks of admission, but have a long effect. These funds have a mild effect, removing fatigue and stimulating the activity of the nervous system. Most of these drugs are based on ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, or leuzei.
how to choose pills

Prescription Medicines

Such drugs are mainly used whenproviding emergency care to patients. But they can be prescribed for the treatment of severe hypotension. You can buy them on prescription, as they have many contraindications and often cause side effects. Therefore, such tablets are not so often used to increase the pressure. Their list is quite impressive, but they are not familiar to most patients with hypotension. The most common are such drugs:

  • Ephedrine stimulates adrenal receptors;
  • Heptamil improves blood circulation and heart function;
  • "Gutron" increases the tone of blood vessels and maintains the volume of circulating blood;
  • "Regenton" well helps with chronic fatigue and reduced work capacity;
  • "Fetanol" quickly and permanently increases the pressure.

Available pressure pills: list

The names of these drugs are known to many.You can buy them without a doctor's prescription, but you still need to get advice before applying. You can not exceed the recommended dosage, because despite the fact that these products act gently, they can also cause side effects. The most popular are such drugs:

  • "Citramon";
  • "Caffeine sodium benzoate";
  • Ecdisten;
  • "Mesocarb";
  • "Glycine";
  • "Piracetam".
citramon to increase pressure

Features of caffeine

The most well-known pressure boosteris caffeine sodium benzoate. Drugs based on it are used throughout the world for hypotension and to improve efficiency. It is also added to energy drinks. But caffeine can damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, as well as lead to the development of other side effects. When used regularly, this substance can be addictive. Therefore, drugs with caffeine should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, just following their dosage.

The main effect of caffeine is to stimulate work.vasomotor center in the brain. A positive effect on the vessels, increasing their tone helps to increase the pressure. This improves mood, increases efficiency, drowsiness passes.

But because of the strong action and the presence of sideeffects of caffeinated drugs can not be used for children under 12 years of age, people with cardiovascular diseases and nervousness. In this case, they can cause nervous overexcitation and tachycardia.


Medicines containing caffeine are the mostcommon pressure pills. The names do not always indicate their composition, so you need to find out in advance which drugs can help in case of a slight attack. Caffeine begins to act after 20 minutes, increasing the pressure and removing weakness. Apply it only for a short time, to relieve headaches. With constantly low pressure, other means are needed. Most often used such drugs:

  • "Caffeine sodium benzoate" - is used for a one-time increase in pressure, to eliminate drowsiness;
  • "Citramon" - besides caffeine contains aspirin and paracetamol, therefore, is effective for headaches;
  • “Askofen” (analogue of “Citramon”) - increases pressure, lowers temperature, tones the body, but its effect is short-lived;
  • “Kitifel plus” - has the same composition also used for hypotension with headaches;
  • “Cofetamine” - contains ergotamine and effectively relieves a severe headache.
caffeine to increase pressure

Herbal preparations

These drugs need to drink a course of at least a month. But they can be used with a slight decrease in pressure. The most commonly used drugs containing extracts of some plants.

  • Eleutherococcus is the most popular plant for increasing pressure. It improves performance, relieves fatigue, and helps to cope with stress.
  • Leuzea extract is also available in tablets.for example, the drug "Ecdisten". It not only has a tonic effect and increases blood pressure, but also improves mood, eliminates nervousness and irritability.
  • Lemongrass Chinese improves the functions of the autonomic nervous system and the passage of nerve impulses.
  • Ginseng is the best way to increase performance and energy. Contained in tablets "Panaxel", "Ginsana".
  • The root of the Aralia Manchu stimulates the nervous system, improves appetite and sleep, tones the body. Included in the drug "Saparal".
lemongrass extract

Strong hypotension medications

With severe standing when pressure dropsbelow 50, and the patient loses consciousness, urgent measures are necessary. Usually they call an ambulance for this, injections are used to raise the pressure. But there are also pills for increasing pressure in such cases. It is very difficult to get them independently, and it is better to use them only in a hospital as they have many side effects.

  • The drug "Fludrocortisone" refers to steroid hormones. It quickly increases pressure, but can lead to arrhythmias and the development of vascular thrombosis.
  • "Bellatamininal" is a drug common in neurology. It removes many nervous disorders, increases pressure and tones the body.
  • "Deoxycorticosterone trimethyl acetate" is used only as a last resort, as it increases the pressure rather sharply.
  • "Fetanol" is a drug from the groups of alpha-adrenomimetik. He quickly stops the hypotonic crisis, and its action continues for a long time afterwards.

Adaptogens and drugs on a natural basis

General condition of patients with low blood pressureusually unimportant. They often feel unwell, weakness, nausea. Therefore, taking drugs that cause side effects is undesirable. In the absence of strong attacks, it is best to take natural drugs to increase the pressure in the pills. Their list is small, but they all act softly, therefore they are suitable only for the treatment of mild hypotension or as part of complex therapy. Such drugs are also called adaptogens, as they increase the body's resistance to stress.

The most commonly used drugs based ondeer antler powder. These are the pantocrin, pantokar or rantarine tablets. These are biological stimulants that improve the general condition of the patient and normalize blood pressure indicators.

pressure adaptogens

Rules for the use of tablets for hypotension

The basic rule of treatment for all vascularPathologies - this is the use of drugs only on prescription. It is not enough to know which tablets they drink to increase the pressure. The purpose of such drugs should be strictly individual. After all, often a decrease in pressure is associated with other pathologies. For example, vascular disorders. Therefore, drugs are prescribed for their treatment, which, in turn, contributes to increased pressure. These can be the following: Piracetam, Glycine, Actovegin, Dipyridamole, and others.

It is impossible to choose the right one.medicine, so it’s best to see a doctor. Usually prescribed a course of treatment with herbal preparations or adaptogens. In addition, symptomatic therapy will be used to relieve headaches and improve the blood supply to the brain. More powerful drugs that increase the pressure, apply only in emergency cases.