/ Birch tar: the benefits and harm, reviews. What treats birch tar

Birch tar: benefit and harm, reviews. What heals birch tar

Birch tar is one of the mostpopular means of traditional medicine. It has been used since ancient times for health promotion. Even doctors believe that it will perfectly cure skin diseases, and a remedy such as birch tar will also cleanse the body well. The benefits and harms, reviews, testimony and scope of application - this is very important information, which you can find in this article. Be sure to learn all the features of such a useful product, and you can strengthen your health well.

What is birch tar

Benefit and harm, reviews are criteria based onwhich can be inferred about any medical facility. Before you go to the pharmacy for birch tar, you need to figure out what this product is. So, birch tar is a thick black oily liquid that has a very sharp unusual smell. It can be obtained due to the dry distillation of birch bark. If a birch wood is exposed to very high temperature, while limiting direct air access, one can notice its destruction, which will be accompanied by the release of a dark liquid having an oily structure. Further, this liquid is distilled and turns into a medical device that you can buy at any pharmacy.

birch tar benefit and harm reviews

Birch tar (benefit and harm, reviews - thisinformation you can read on this resource) has a large number of useful components. It is because of this that he is so in demand. So, in the composition there are resins, toluene, various organic acids, salicylic acid, volatile production, and most importantly - guaiacol, which has antibacterial and anti-rotten effect.

What's the use

Birch tar (benefit and harm, reviewsmany consumers are interested in) able to provide a huge amount of positive effects on the human body. Today, tar is used as a tool that can provide anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antipruritic and resolving effect.

Most often it is used for outdoorapplication. With it you can perfectly clean the skin and remove inflammation from them. Very often, tar is used in cosmetology in the manufacture of soap, essential oils and tar water.

Each of us at least once in his life faced withsuch a medical tool as Vishnevsky ointment. Its main component is birch tar. Externally, this tool is used not only to restore the skin, but also for the treatment of the nail plate.

birch tar from nail fungus reviews

Not so often, but still the tool is used andfor internal use. With it you can overcome colds, as well as diseases of the digestive and urinary systems. The tool is also used to treat diseases of the oral cavity and oncology.

Birch tar: instructions for use

Очищение организма – это не единственная цель, с which uses this tool. There are also many other indications. The first thing you need to know is that in no way can you drink the substance in its pure form. Be sure to dilute it with milk or purified water.

Итак, женщинам для лечения заболеваний The urogenital system, doctors recommend to use the drug according to a special scheme. On the first day of treatment, add one drop of tar to one spoon of milk. In the second - two drops, in the third - three, and so bring to fifteen drops. Then start reducing the dosage one drop per day, and stop the treatment when you get to five drops.

The remedy is also used to treatmastopathy. For this, three drops of substance are added to a glass of milk. Drink this liquid during the first three days. Then you need to increase the number of drops to five, then - to seven. After completing the nine-day course of treatment, it is required to pause for ten days and repeat it one more time.

Also, experts recommend a 24-day pass.a course of tar treatment for patients with mastopathy. Take a piece of bread, put on it five drops of tar. Eat bread before bedtime. Every next evening add another drop until it reaches ten. You need to stay on this bar for ten days, and then begin to reduce the dosage, bringing it to five drops per day. After that, stop treatment.

Tar birch (that treats, you can readat this point) copes well with various ailments of the respiratory system. Take the purified water and add birch tar to it. At the same time it is necessary to observe a special proportion. For eight parts of water, one part of the medical substance is required. Such a solution should be infused for two days and only after that it can be consumed. Drink one tablespoon per day for ten days.

birch tar instructions for use body cleansing

The properties of birch tar allow you to useThis means for ridding the human body from parasites (worms). In this case, the treatment will be twelve days. Take a spoonful of honey and add one drop of tar in it. During the entire period of treatment, increase daily the number of drops by one.

Also means shown in atherosclerosis.Very often, birch tar treatment is used in medicine. Reviews confirm that the tool is really very effective and copes with many diseases with internal use. The course of treatment for atherosclerosis should continue for forty-five days. Drink fifty milliliters of milk every day, after adding about ten drops of tar.

How to use birch tar externally: instructions for use

Cleansing the body is very important for everyoneman It is also necessary to learn how to properly treat external diseases. A remedy such as birch tar has long been used to treat oily seborrhea, itching of the skin, psoriasis, eczema, and other diseases. After applying this tool, the skin becomes clean, inflammation, irritation, itching and pain disappear. However, it is very important to use birch tar. The price of this tool is listed below. In no case can not use a concentrated tool. This can cause serious harm to your body. At the same time, taking long-term tar is also not recommended. Best of all, if you buy in a pharmacy soap, lotion or cream, containing in its composition birch tar.

birch tar price

Birch tar in a pharmacy to buy is not difficult. And the price of this tool is quite happy. Reviews confirm that the substance is really effective in many skin diseases.

For example, there is a great recipe againstscabies. Buy in the pharmacy tar and root Althea. Grease all damaged areas with tar. Hold it a little on the skin, then rinse with the infusion of the root you bought.

Also, it is no secret to anyone that with the help of tarYou can pull a splinter from any part of the body. To do this, you need to thoroughly lubricate the damaged place with tar and do not wash it off. During the day you will notice how the skid left the site on their own.

For the treatment of psoriasis, you can usebirch tar. Ointment can be prepared at home, and it will be very effective. In a bowl, mix a spoonful of butter with a spoon of tar. Add here also half a spoonful of blue vitriol. Place the container with all the ingredients for a few minutes on a slow fire, and mix them thoroughly until a homogeneous mass. Then cool the mixture and place it in the refrigerator. Damaged areas of the skin should be heavily lubricated once a day.

Для очищения кожи отлично подойдет дегтярное мыло.You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. This tool will perfectly clean the skin and give them a healthy look. So, if you want to make soap at home, do it this way: take any liquid soap or shower gel and add one spoon of tar there. Mix well. Use this soap for about two weeks. Do not do this longer.

Nail fungus treatment

In folk medicine is very often usedbirch tar from nail fungus. Reviews confirm that this tool is really able to cope with mycosis. However, the fungus should be treated on that day, as soon as you notice it. Tar is a component of natural origin, so it has a minimum of contraindications. Believe me, it is better to use in the treatment of a truly effective natural product than harmful synthetic substances.

birch tar that treats

The bath has a good healing effect.subsequent application of tar. You should dissolve the soap in warm water and put your feet there. Carefully steam them. To do this, constantly add some warm water. After the legs are quite steamed, they need to be very well wiped with a towel. And now grease the damaged nail plate with tar. Do this procedure twice a week until the fungus completely disappears.

Birch tar from nail fungus (Reviewspatients confirm the effectiveness of this tool) can be used in a different way. Grate one tablespoon of tar soap. Add two spoons of soda. Mix the ingredients well, diluting them with a small amount of water. Thoroughly rub the prepared mixture into the damaged place. Do this once a day until the mycosis disappears completely.

How to clean your body

Tar birch, which costs aboutfifty rubles per pack is an excellent tool for complex cleansing of the body. According to reviews of patients undergoing such a cleansing procedure, their general condition improved: the skin became clear, all acne disappeared without a trace, sweating decreased, stool normalized, and pain in the joints went.

However, this method of purification is not the safest, so before you conduct it, be sure to consult with your doctor and follow the instructions.

It is best to cleanse the body twice a year: in spring and autumn. In this case, the treatment should be twenty-four days.

birch tar inside reviews

So, take room temperature milk andadd five drops of tar in it. Daily increase the number of drops by one until you reach ten. It will take exactly five days. For the next fifteen days, put ten drops of tar on the bread and consume it. Then gradually reduce the number of drops, until you reach five. It is impossible to use this product longer than this period, as it will harm your health.

Harm to the body

Несомненно, березовый деготь является очень useful substance. However, there is danger in it. If you use it incorrectly, you risk serious harm to health. The main harm is that the product contains carcinogens. During the distillation of birch birch bark they can not be eliminated, because with it destroyed and good substances.

Do not use the tool in any way.high concentrations, as this may cause premature aging of your body. For external use, always mix tar with cosmetics.

Contraindications for use

Деготь березовый (что лечит, вы можете прочитать above in the article) in no case can not be used for pregnant and lactating women. Also, funds should be avoided by those persons who are sensitive to highly odorous substances. With particular care should be taken to the use of tar in patients with kidney disease.

Security measures

Birch tar externally and internally must be used very carefully. Follow some guidelines to help keep your health safe:

  • Be sure to dilute the product;
  • do not use a larger dosage than the one recommended in the instructions;
  • You should not increase the course of treatment prescribed by a specialist.

birch tar in a pharmacy


Quite often, experts recommenduse birch tar inside. Patient reviews confirm that the tool really does its job very well. After its application, the state of health improves, the skin is cleared, the stools become normal, and the joints become more mobile. Also, patients report that using tar for external use can achieve incredible results. Diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and scabies pass, inflammation diminishes, and the skin begins to regenerate. The tool can be used to treat the nail plate. The fungus disappears completely in a very short time.

Negative reviews are left in the majority of those who did not adhere to the correct dosages, as a result of which unforeseen reactions of the body appeared.