The desire to have your own baby comes inmost cases with time. Many girls in their youth do not even think about it, do not worry about their own health, which, of course, is often reflected in their reproductive system. Infertility of the 2nd degree is a condition of a woman in which she can not become pregnant after giving birth or after an ectopic pregnancy, after a miscarriage, or an abortion.
Secondary infertility in women - for todayday phenomenon is quite common. It is worth noting that the ability to give birth to a child depends on a large number of factors. This list includes the physical condition, age, the presence of chronic diseases, disability and much more. According to statistics, the most effective in this regard is the period from fifteen to thirty years. However, after overcoming the thirty-year boundary, not every representative of the weaker sex loses the opportunity to normally conceive, endure, and then give birth to a child. Simply the older the woman, the less this opportunity. Unfortunately, many mothers postpone the birth of the second, third and subsequent kids (if, of course, they plan to have them at all) to thirty or thirty-five years, without realizing this danger. In addition, it must be said that twenty-five percent of the representatives of the beautiful half after thirty-five years can generally hear from their specialist that they are infertile.
Infertility of the 2nd degree has many causes.One of them is that every year in organs called ovaries, processes that are characterized by strong chromosomal changes are intensifying. This is what often leads to the development of gynecological diseases. In addition, the risk of giving birth to a baby, which will have any serious pathologies, and the risk of infertility, is increasing. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy after thirty-five years, according to many scientists of the world, occurs twice as often. Of course, here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the female, on her health and lifestyle.
In any case, infertility of the second degree canbe a consequence of other disorders in the body. For example, hypothyroidism is the most common cause of such a diagnosis. If we talk about the mechanism of this disease, it should be noted that the amount of hormones in the body of a woman is increased because of violations of the thyroid gland. This, in turn, causes a decrease in the number of hormones produced by the pituitary gland. As a result, such violations necessarily affect the sexual sphere. In such cases, you can observe a constant violation of the menstrual cycle, the formation of uterine fibroids, endometriosis and so on. It is worth noting that this always affects pregnancy directly. And the woman herself can not either become pregnant or bear fruit.
A variety of gynecological diseases alsocontributes to the fact that a woman is not able to give birth to a normal child. Infertility of the 2nd degree in such a situation is a consequence, for example, of the inflammatory processes of the vagina, the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself and the like.
Infertility of the 2nd degree is very often the resultearly abortion. If a girl's first pregnancy ends this way, there is a high probability that all subsequent pregnancies will end in the same way, that is, an abortion, only natural. In addition, violations after such an operation often lead to the fact that the girl in general is no longer able to become pregnant. That's why doctors always talk about the consequences of abortion, warning the future mother.
Infertility 2 degrees may occur due to injuriesgenital organs. Various complications after operations in this area are also often a prerequisite for infertility. Treatment in such situations is possible. However, it is necessary to eliminate the reason for the infertility of the 2nd degree. If this is not possible, a woman will never be able to give birth to a child again.