/ / Crutch with support under the elbow and other types of devices to reduce the load on the legs

Crutch with elbow support and other types of devices to reduce the load on the legs

crutches with forearm support

Crutch - medical device,used to reduce the load on the lower limbs and improve coordination by increasing the support or transferring mass to the upper region of the trunk or arm. Different types of such devices are produced. For a longer rehabilitation period, it is preferable to use a crutch with a support under the elbow. For the manufacture of standard crutches used light wood or aluminum.

Types of designs. Crutches with forearm support

Aluminum is used for their manufacture.Devices are equipped with a stand, stop-clip and handle. Despite the fact that these structures do not provide a sufficient amount of lateral support, they have small dimensions and are most functional in the process of climbing stairs. They are allowed to be used with orthopedic appliances.

Axillary crutches

Эти конструкции преимущественно используются при early rehabilitation after surgical interventions or injuries, as well as, if necessary, provide the patient with a constant firm support. Experts do not recommend using structures of this type for more than two years. This is primarily due to the fact that the constant pressure on the armpits can provoke a clinical manifestation of such a pathology as neuropathy. The main symptom of the disease in this case is numbness of the hands. In addition, a long stop when using devices of this type can cause deforming osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint. In this regard, if necessary, in the long rehabilitation period after the relief of the condition, if possible, switch to lightweight structures.

crutches with axillary support

How to pick up devices at the initial stage of rehabilitation

When choosing a design, consider firsttwo parameters: you should pay attention to the overall height from the tip to the stop and the height of the crossbar itself for the support. In some cases, it is necessary to select a device for bedridden patients. To determine the required length of the structure, 40 cm is taken away from the growth of the patient. Ideally, the design is chosen directly for the patient, and the shoes should be ordinary. Putting a crutch along the body, resting it, you should carry out a fitting. The distance between the foot and the lower part of the crutch should be 15-20 cm, while between the stop and the hollow it is necessary to have about 4-5 cm. To ensure the correct position of the wrist stop, the patient should lower the arm, then bend it to 30 degrees, squeeze into a fist . If you stretch your arm forward, the crossbar should be at wrist level. After setting up one crutch, the same manipulations are carried out with the second one. When first used, the patient should pay attention to their feelings. If you experience pain or pain in the armpits, the length of the crutches should be reduced. If body weight is distributed mainly on the arms, then the adjustment should be changed upwards.

crutch with a support under the elbow


Crutch with a support under the elbow is enougheasy and convenient design. The device has an optimal weight and size, which makes it convenient to use. The crutch with a support under the elbow is equipped with a supporting cuff and handle. The positions of these elements should be properly adjusted. When fitting the lower part of the device is moved away at a distance of fifteen centimeters from the foot. The forearm is inserted into the cuff, brush should clasp the handle. When bending the arm, the angle should be 15-20about. In this position, the optimumload distribution on the brush. If the cuff is located at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from the most acute point of the elbow, the adjustment is correct. This distance is optimal for people with a height of about 170 cm. For higher ones, it should be about 10 centimeters. 4-5 cm is the optimal value with a height of 150 cm. In this case, the crutch with a support under the elbow is considered to be selected correctly.