/ / How to pass a urine test for substance abuse?

How can I pass a urine test on substance abuse drugs?

Every person who takes drugsThere is a story for what reasons he tried these substances. As a rule, the first reception happens by chance - a person appears in the company who gives to try this or that drug for entertainment.

It happens that people, having felt its action alonetimes no longer return to it. But someone euphoria brings such a buzz, from which it is impossible to refuse. And the danger of taking drugs is that a person does not notice when he becomes addicted, and his whole life is reduced to finding the required dose. Breaking out of this addiction can be very difficult. We will talk about how to pass a urine test for substance abuse and where it is better to do it.

Drug types

It should be said that drugs are different.There are hard drugs, such as heroin and desomorphine, related to opiates, and there are lungs, such as marijuana. There are also drugs that young people use for good pastime - cocaine and ecstasy. But even if we are talking about so-called light drugs, there is a high likelihood of addiction.

Приём наркотиков тяжело отражается на здоровье a person and especially his mental state - there is a degradation, often leading to inadequate perception of reality, not only under the influence of a regular dose. Drug addicts, unfortunately, harm not only themselves but also those around them. It is especially hard for relatives, because for the sake of the dose, drug addicts are ready for absolutely everything. There are cases that drug addicts sell valuable things from home, begin to steal, deceive loved ones.

urinalysis for substance abuse

And if they can't get a dose, then it cancause aggression and inadequate reactions. Such people pose a threat to others. Therefore, if you suspect that your loved one is dependent on marijuana or cocaine, then ask him to pass a general urine test. Drugs in the body this study will help determine.

Urine test

Основными методами выявления присутствия drug tests are. In order to find out whether a patient is taking them, you need to take blood, urine, saliva or hair from him. But the most common in our country is the study of urine.

urine test shows drugs

That it is prescribed urine analysis onsubstance abuse, there are several reasons. This study is absolutely painless, the material can always be obtained in the right quantity, and the technology of analysis has long been successfully tested. In our medicine, they are considered the most effective.

Urinalysis reveals drugs, even ifpeople took them in small quantities. The only drawback here is that it is impossible to determine how many of these substances were introduced - the result confirms or refutes only the fact of use.

How much does the drug in the urine

About how long the drug lasts in the urine, they knowalmost everything. But still, we recall this information. For example, the fact of using morphine through this analysis can be determined within 2 days from the moment of its introduction. Cocaine can be detected in 6-8 hours, and marijuana is determined even a few weeks after ingestion. This is due to the fact that the latest narcotic substances are absorbed into the body fat, where they stay for a rather long time. And when urine is excreted, these components get into it, helping physicians determine whether a patient has taken illicit drugs.

As you can see, how much a drug holds in the urine can be said only by correlating with its appearance.

how much does the drug in the urine

How to analyze

Мочу на анализ собирают в специальный стерильный container with a lid. Capacities are sold in all pharmacies. The container opens immediately prior to the material collection procedure. Collected urine should be attributed to a specialized center. By the way, the anonymity of the results of such analyzes is guaranteed by the state.

If it is not possible to take the material directly after collection, then you can put it in the refrigerator, but not more than for three days. Freezing of urine for up to 2 months is also allowed.

It is important to remember that suspecting your loved oneaddiction, you can not lose a day. After all, if the urine test turns out to be positive, the sooner the patient begins to be treated, the more chances to save him from the serious consequences of addiction.

where to pass a urine test for drugs

Methods of research

The analysis of urine for substance abuse can be carried out in two ways:

  1. The first method (immunochromic) is fast, the result of the study will be ready during the day. This research method identifies up to 14 types of drugs.
  2. The second method (chemical-toxicological) is long, it takes 4 days to analyze the urine. With the help of conducted extensive research to help identify all known narcotic substances.

urinalysis drugs

In addition to what is needed withlaboratory research to identify whether a loved one is taking drugs or not, there are other reasons why it is necessary to pass a urine test for substance abuse. For example, when applying for a job in law enforcement agencies or when entering a university, they may request the result of such a study. For a trip abroad it is also required to pass the named analysis.

Where to pass the analysis

In specialized clinics you can do everything.necessary examinations, including a complete urinalysis. Drugs are irreparable harm to the body, so relatives and close people need to provide all possible assistance to an addicted person. The very first thing in this business is to find out if your closest drug addict really is.

You can help and special tests sold in pharmacies. But they often show the wrong result, so it's best to trust the professionals. The main thing that the material was collected correctly.

Now you know where to pass a urine test for drugs, and how the study goes. We hope that this information was useful to you.