The cerebral cortex is in a constant stateelectrical activity, which is the result of the emergence of synaptic potentials, electrical discharges in nerve cells. For the first time, the generation of electrical oscillations was discovered by physiologists Caton and Danilevsky. In 1929, Berger first recorded electrical activity occurring in the human head, which was called an electroencephalogram of the brain or abbreviated EEG.
The procedure plays an important role in the study and evaluation of different areas of the cortex. Nowadays, the electroencephalogram of the brain and its parameters pretty much studied.In a person who is at rest, in a large part of the cortex, a constant and regular rhythm (alpha rhythm) is recorded. With vigorous activity, a constant rhythm changes to a more frequent one, it is called a beta-rhythm. During sleep, the rhythm slows down, it is called the delta rhythm.
Similar changes occur during irritation.ascending paths projecting into the crust. As a result of the above, the electroencephalogram of the brain allows to assess the state of the cortex. With its help, one can judge the depth of a narcotic sleep during medical manipulations, the presence of pathological processes in certain areas of the brain.
Электроэнцефалограмма у детей, особенно на первом year of life, allows you to assess the presence of pathological processes. You can also evaluate their dynamics and the degree of brain damage after birth injuries and developmental abnormalities.
Diseases in which the brain electroencephalogram is performed
This survey is performed whenconvulsive seizures, the cause of which lies in the brain. With the help of EEG, the effectiveness of the treatment in case of early forms of epilepsy is assessed, proper selection of antiepileptic drugs is carried out, especially in young children, where an accurate selection of dosage is needed, depending on weight and age. Also, this examination is indicated for brain tumor lesions, severe injuries, circulatory disorders in vascular diseases and developmental abnormalities, and many other diseases. EEG is used to assess brain development and its electrical activity when a child is lagging behind in psychomotor and speech development.
How is the brain encephalogram being carried out to the child?
The EEG procedure is painless andquite simple to perform. Therefore, it is carried out in a planned manner to children of the first year of life and older children in the clinic. When performing an EEG, a child is in a sound and light-insulated room. He is placed on a changing table or, if he is older, in a chair. For the peace of mind of the child during the examination, it is desirable that the mother or another close person is near. Before the start of the examination, a special cap on a fabric base or in the form of a rubber mesh is put on the head. On it, the doctor places the necessary electrodes to which the wires connected to the device (encephalograph) are connected. Electrodes before the start of registration of the pulses are wetted with a conducting gel or saline solution. In the area of the ears, set inactive electrodes.
The head of the child during the registrationshould be vertically straight and should not lean forward. Otherwise, artifacts will be registered. Electroencephalogram of the brain to young children is carried out during the daytime sleep. It is important that the child is calm and does not make active movements.
How to prepare a baby for EEG?
On the eve it is necessary to bathe the child. The infant must be fed, otherwise it will be capricious and restless.
Older kids can take a toy. In advance you need to tell the child about the upcoming procedure, so that he is not afraid and behaved calmly.
By time, the EEG takes, on average, 20-30 minutes.
The doctor may ask you to perform simple manipulations, such as clenching a fist, deep breathing movements, opening and closing eyes, and others.
The analysis of the received EEG is carried out by the doctor and result withThe conclusion is issued the next day. Before conducting an EEG, you must bring previous images, if any. This will allow to evaluate the dynamics of the process.