/ / Reviews, analogues and instructions for use "Abrol"

Reviews, analogues and instructions for use "Abrola"

В поисках средств от кашля потребителям have to try all the new drugs. Doctors consider such an approach to treatment frivolous. After all, it is better to visit a specialist and get an appointment appropriate for your individual case. Often, doctors prescribe the drug "Abrol." Instructions for use will be presented to your attention below. You will learn about the features of the use of the composition in children and adult patients. You can also find out which drug has reviews and analogues.

instructions for use abrol

What is Abrol?

Instructions for use of this medicationIt says that the medicine comes in two different forms. This is intended for ease of use of the composition in children and adults. Babies are often prescribed a suspension. Whereas persons after 6 years can use tablets.

The active ingredient of the drug isambroxol hydrochloride. One tablet contains 30 milligrams of this ingredient. There are capsules that are called "Abrol SR". Instructions for use says that they can detect 75 mg of ambroxol. Syrup is available in two dosages - 30 and 15 mg. Depending on the type of drug, it also contains additional components.

What to replace the described means: analogues

You already know what is the active substancedescribed medication. On this basis, the consumer can independently choose a substitute. However, doctors are not advised to do so. Experts warn that such manipulations with the appointment can cause not only adverse reactions, but also deterioration.

Complete analogues of the described drugs arethe following drugs: "Lasolvan", "Ambrobene", "Halixol", "Flavamed" and so on. Ambroxol is present in all these agents. However, before purchasing them, the dosage of this substance should be considered.

Abrol instructions for use

How does the medicine work?

What reports on the drug instructions for use?Abrol is a mucolytic, expectorant and sputum-diluting drug. The active ingredient actively affects the secretion of the bronchi and lungs. It enhances the activity of these structures. As a result, the viscous and sticky sputum becomes liquid and begins to separate from the bronchial tree.

The drug provokes cough.However, does not make it paroxysmal. About the drug "Abrol" instructions for use says that liquefied sputum is easily removed from the respiratory tract through the reduction of the bronchi. A dry, unproductive cough becomes wet and light.

There is evidence that the drug has an anestheticand anti-inflammatory action. As a result of treatment, patients note a reduction in sore throat, and doctors diagnose the elimination of the inflammatory process.

abrol syrup instruction manual for children

Indications for treatment

What reports about the drug "Abrol" (syrup)instructions for use? Abstract indicates that the drug is not used for prophylactic purposes. The composition is shown solely for the treatment of pathology. Cases in which the drug is prescribed may be as follows:

  • dry unproductive cough with wheezing in the bronchi;
  • acute and chronic as well as obstructive bronchitis;
  • pneumonia of various origins;
  • difficulty separating mucus from the respiratory tract.

As you know, the medicine relieves inflammation and eliminates sore throat. However, these indications are indirect for the use of the composition described.


What does it say to the drug "Abrol" (tablets)instructions for use? The annotation says that this form of the drug is not assigned to children under the age of 6 years. If necessary, such therapy should be replaced by syrup capsules.

Contraindications to the use of drugs isalso the presence of hypersensitivity to one or more of the components. The composition can penetrate the placental barrier and affect the fetus. In the first half of pregnancy, the use of the described medication is not recommended. If necessary, it can be taken after 30 weeks. In the period of breastfeeding, if necessary, treatment is to decide the issue of termination or temporary cessation of lactation. It is strictly forbidden to take "Abrol" simultaneously with the compounds that suppress cough. With this combination, there is a risk of mucus accumulation and the possibility of developing a severe form of pneumonia.

abrol tablets instructions for use

Method of using tablets

What the patient says about the drug "Abrol"(tablets) instructions for use? The abstract reports that the drug is indicated in a dose of 30-45 mg of ambroxol for children aged 6 to 12 years. This amount is equivalent to 1-1.5 tablets. From two to three medications are taken daily.

Children after 12 years and adult patients indicated90 mg ambroxol three times a day. This amount is 3 tablets of the drug "Abrol." The duration of treatment in children and adults should not exceed 5 days, unless otherwise recommended by a doctor.

Please note that the drug "Abrol SR"contains almost three times more active ingredient than the usual form of medication. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the correct dosage. Study carefully the annotation and composition before using the medication.

abrol tablets instructions for use for children

Suspension application

What says about the drug "Abrol" (syrup)instructions for use for children? Abstract reports that the drug can be taken by babies and children after 6 and 12 years. However, you need to pay attention to what portion of medicine prescribed by the doctor, and correctly compare it with the existing medicine.

Children under 2 years of age are prescribed15 mg twice a day (equivalent to 5 or 2.5 ml, depending on the form of the drug). Children after two and up to six years are shown a dose of 22.5 mg of ambroxol per day, divided into three doses. Until the child is 12 years old, the medicine is prescribed in 10 mg of the active substance three times a day. Adults suspension is taken on 30 mg of ambroxol up to three times a day.

Abrol instructions for use for children

Reviews of the drug "Abrol"

Have you learned what the Abrol medicine says?Instructions for use for children and adults. Some consumers report the possibility of side effects. Among them, the most frequent are allergic reactions in the form of a rash, itching, and urticaria. Less common is a violation of digestion, which is manifested by diarrhea, constipation or nausea, followed by vomiting.

Patients say that to the drug "Abrol"(tablets) Instructions for use for children allows to give this form to babies. However, physicians allow this type of treatment only in cases where the use of a suspension is contraindicated. In this case, it is necessary to pre-grind the medicine or stir it in a small amount of water.

Врачи говорят о том, что во время проведения therapy should drink as much water as possible. This addition allows you to quickly soften the sputum, which cough when separated from the walls of the bronchial tree. With prolonged use of the drug may be an overdose symptoms. That is why experts strongly advise to consult a doctor before starting treatment. Often, doctors simultaneously prescribe additional medicines in the form of antibacterial and antiviral agents.

abrol syrup instruction manual


How to take the drug "Abrol" (syrup)?Instructions for use for children and adults presented to your attention. However, doctors often advise an individual treatment regimen and independently select the dosage. Such an approach to correction allows to obtain the maximum effect of therapy. If you need to use these drugs, then be sure to contact the doctors and get recommendations. Perhaps it is for you to pick up an analogue of the described medication, a review of which is also indicated above. Successes you and good health!