/ / Candles "Nonoxynol": reviews, instructions for use

Candles "Nonoxynol": reviews, instructions for use

In the article we will look at the nonoxynol candles for instructions and reviews.

This candle preparation is amodern contraceptive non-hormonal nature. Suppositories have both spermicidal and antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. This drug is used for episodic protection, if for any reason there is no possibility of taking oral contraceptives.

Name in Latin: Nonoxinol.

candles nonoxynol instruction reviews

The drug is made in Germany, the manufacturer - GmbH Amcapharm Pharmaceutical. Reviews of nonoxynol suppositories abound.


One drug suppository includes 120 milligrams of the active element - nonoxynol-9. The following substances act as auxiliary: D-lactic acid, macrogol 4000 and 1000,

Form of issue

"Nonoxynol" is made in the form of suppositories of white color (or without color), resembling a torpedo externally, with no visible inclusions in the longitudinal section.

Candles are packaged in a cell contoured packs of five pieces. There are two packages in one carton pack, including ten candles.

birth control candles nonoxynol reviews

Therapeutic effect

This is a contraceptive that is applied vaginally. Candles are distinguished by antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and spermicidal action. Reviews of candles "Nonoxynol" is not only positive.

Purpose of the medicine

Suppositories are written in the following cases:

  • if there are contraindications to the use of oral hormonal drugs;
  • if necessary, abandonment of oral protective equipment;
  • for contraceptive episodic in nature;
  • during treatment, which can reduce the reliability and therapeutic efficacy of oral contraceptives;
  • if sex is irregular, the drug is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy and pathologies of the intimate sphere.

Reviews of contraceptive candles "Nonoxynol" interest many.


Candles "Nonoxynol" are contraindicated:

  • if the patient has an intolerance or hypersensitivity of the auxiliary and active components of this contraceptive drug;
  • in the presence of such pathology as erosion of the uterine cervix;
  • with salpingoophoritis;
  • with colpitis and vaginitis;
  • if the vagina has an abnormal structure that makes it difficult to use the drug in this form.
    nonoxynol candles instructions for use reviews

Reviews of women about the candle "Nonoxynol" consider below.

Instructions for use candles

Suppositories created for intravaginalof use. In accordance with the original instructions, candles need to be inserted into the vagina about ten minutes before sexual intercourse. In addition, they need to apply a maximum of an hour before the start of possible sexual intercourse.

In accordance with the same scheme, at the next intimate contact, a new suppository is used.

After intercourse for six hours, it is advisable to refrain from hygienic processing of the vagina in order to avoid reducing the contraceptive effect of the drug.

Recommendations and cautions

Before you start applying suppositories"Nonoxynol", it is advisable to consult a specialist. In addition, it is recommended to be examined in order to make sure that the woman does not have erosion of the uterine cervix, pathology of the vaginal structure and diseases in which the use of these candles is unacceptable.

nonoxynol candles reviews of doctors

The drug "Nonoxynol" no effect onthe ability to control road transport and other complex mechanisms, in addition, it does not affect work that requires high concentration of attention or accelerated psychomotor reactions.

If irritation and itching occur, the use of nonoxynol should be discontinued.

If suppositories are used too often, the likelihood of side effects increases. That is why it is desirable to use candles rarely.

The use of Nonoxynol suppositories can also be combined with condoms.

When a candle is lost (for example, it melted,although the conditions of prolonged storage have not been violated and the shelf life has not expired), it is allowed to put it in her refrigerator to return the drug to its previous appearance.

Side effects

"Nonoxynol" in the form of candles, as a rule, is tolerated by patients perfectly. However, during application there were also rare side effects:

  • burning of the vagina and penis among partners;
  • dermatitis;
  • itchiness

For any adverse events you need to stopuse "Nonoxynol" in the form of suppositories and go to the doctor. When the drug is discontinued, undesirable effects disappear on their own, without taking any special treatment measures.

Reviews of doctors about the nonoxynol suppository candles confirm this.

nonoxynol candles reviews women

An overdose of the drug

No overdose cases have been reported.because of the suppositories "Nonoxynol". The likelihood of accidental or special overdose is extremely low. However, there is evidence that the frequent and prolonged use of this contraceptive drug may cause an increase in unwanted symptoms or their appearance.

Compatibility with other drugs

Candles "Nonoxynol" is not recommended to combine with other intravaginal drugs, since such a compound can reduce their effectiveness.


У «Ноноксинола» имеются следующие структурные analogues and drugs with similar therapeutic effects: Pharmaginex, Sterilin, Spermatex, ABF Film, NovaRing, Concepttrol, Contratex, Ginofilm, Ginecotex, Patenteks Oval, "Benatex", "Patenteks Oval N", "Farmatex", "Erotex".

Reviews of candles "Nonoxynol"

About suppositories specialists respond mainlypositively. However, doctors at the same time emphasize that additional use of barrier methods of contraception is recommended, because the tool does not fully protect against STDs and viruses, and if it is used too often, damage to the mucous membrane may appear. In addition, its use is prohibited during anal sex.

contraceptive nonoxynol candles reviews doctors

Opinions of women are different. Exceptionally positive feedback is not too much.

Patients in the reviews of the candle "Nonoxynol" saythat the drug is well dissolved, without forming a foam. It can be used during breastfeeding. In addition, it contributes to the formation of additional lubrication. Suppositories can be bought at any pharmacy, they are easy to use. The drug really helps to reliably protect against a number of infections. Its main advantage is the absence of odor and hormones, which is confirmed in the official instructions.

Among the shortcomings noted this feature:Before each sexual intercourse, you need to insert a new suppository and wait for it to dissolve. Some women are advised to use candles for a month, and then switch to other drugs, that is, alternate them.

In some reviews, patients complain aboutadverse events In some cases, after several hours of severe pain appeared, the elimination of which became possible only after taking antispasmodics. In addition, suppositories "Nonoxynol" can disrupt the microflora, despite the absence of unpleasant sensations during intercourse (the exception is a slight burning sensation if candles are used for several days). However, in some cases, after a few minutes, there may be severe irritating side effects that remain even after hygiene procedures; the partner has redness that remains until the next day. Some women complain of the appearance of thrush after using the drug.

women reviews

In the opinion of doctors about nonoxynol candles, the drawbacks of the drug include:

  • the occurrence of a partner discomfort during intimacy;
  • copious amounts of grease, high humidity;
  • suppository residues flow during the day.

To avoid side effectspre-consult with a specialist and make sure that the drug is suitable. In addition, suppositories can not be used for a long time, so it is not recommended to abuse them.

We reviewed the Nonoxynol Candles instructions for use and reviews.