A dull, dull pain on the right side under the ribs in frontwould be once in a lifetime, but every person would experience it. It is in this area that the organs have a rather dense structure. In addition, there are liver and right kidney. When these organs are in normal condition, the ribs protect them well enough from damage. If the liver or kidney is susceptible to inflammation, then it becomes “cramped” in this place. Moreover, such a "closeness" may be not only because in these organs there is a process of inflammation. There may also be external damage to the liver or kidney.
If a person is completely healthy, then the pain on the right underribs do not bother him. Although in some cases, pain may occur after injuries such as kidney or liver injuries. However, to quickly understand in this case what exactly is damaged — internal organs or ribs — sometimes it is extremely difficult.
Right pain under the ribs can be triggeredby many factors. However, in any case, it should be borne in mind that their occurrence can sometimes cost a person life. For example, if there is a pain of a whining character in the right hypochondrium and an hour or more does not pass, then the person needs urgent medical assistance.
I must say that not only the liver and kidneys canto be the "culprit" of pain on the right under the ribs. Sometimes such troubles can cause the pancreas, the upper GI tract, the lung on the right side, the gallbladder. In addition, pregnant women can also feel such pain, if the fetus in the womb begins to compress the internal organs of the mother.
If the pain is dull and aching, then it may indicate the following diseases:
- hepatitis,
- cholecystitis,
- infection of the body with worms,
- pneumonia,
- liver, lung, kidney or gallbladder cancer.
By the way, if the gallbladder is inflamed, then itsthe walls begin to condense, from which the bile begins to move away poorly. And this, in turn, leads to expansion, enlargement of the bladder, and therefore it gradually begins to press on the liver, and that pressure on the ribs. As a result, aching and dull pain in the right hypochondrium.
If the right side of the ribs is severely and painfully sore under the ribs, this can cause a stomach ulcer. As a rule, such pains begin to manifest themselves in about half an hour after eating.
Sometimes the pains under the ribs on the right canaccompanied by some increase in body temperature, although not in all cases. Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, as well as changes in skin color may also occur - a yellowish tint appears.
Independently in most cases determinethe cause of pain under the ribs of a person is not able to. But he should not even try to do this, because You can cause irreparable harm to health. Therefore, it is necessary to pass a series of tests and be examined, including ultrasound. And in order for the diagnostic picture to be complete, you need to remember and tell the doctor about what diseases have suffered in the past and whether they exist at the moment. This is especially true of chronic diseases.
Sometimes about which body organ gives such pain,can tell the color of the plaque in the language. If there is an inflammatory process in the liver or in the gall bladder, then the plaque on the tongue will have a yellowish color. At the same time, yellowing of the skin and the eyeball can also be frequent. The pancreas "declares" itself white bloom.
If the pains on the right under the ribs are strong, then remove them.for the time will help antispasmodic drugs such as shpy. In addition, the body must be given peace for a while, and cold should be applied to the disturbing place.
It should be said that very often the rightsubcostal can disturb and after active physical exertion, after turns and sharp bends. In this case, it’s not worth worrying about, because it will take several minutes - and the pain will gradually subside.