/ / Who is a mammologist?

Who is a mammologist?

Every woman should follow closelytheir health, because today there are a huge number of different diseases that can be attributed to the category of exclusively female. Each lady should pay special attention to the health of her breasts.

doctor mammologist
About doctors

С одной стороны, хорошо, если женщина не знает, who is a mammologist doctor, because it means that she has never been to see him at a reception, which means that everything is in order with health. But, on the other hand, a woman is simply obligated to undergo preventive examinations at a mammal with some periodicity in order to exclude the development of any diseases. So, who is a mammologist, what does he treat and why is he considered a female doctor? It's simple: this representative of the world of medicine is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases of a woman. It should be noted that there is no such discipline as mammology alone, it is at the junction of such scientific branches as oncology, surgery, etc. However, now in many cities departments and even whole hospitals are being created, where narrowly specialized specialists deal exclusively with the problems of the female breast.

doctor mammologist oncologist
About diseases

With what diseases can you apply tomammologu? And in general, how to determine independently whether everything is ok with the chest? It is worth noting that each woman periodically should conduct an independent examination of her breast, so that in the early stages determine the appearance of any tumors. How to do it correctly, can suggest different brochures, today there are a huge number of them, as well as a doctor who should tell about this already at the first visit. What diseases can affect the female mammary gland? First of all, these are various tumors that can be both malignant and benign. In such cases, it may be necessary to consult several doctors, a woman will be accurately examined by a mammalogist, an oncologist. In addition to tumors, a frequent disease of the female breast can be called mastitis - inflammation of the tissues of the mammary glands. You can also contact a mammologist for help after a hormonal imbalance.

About the procedure

What does the woman expect at the reception?First of all, the mammalian doctor will conduct a small survey, specify some important details for the diagnosis of the details. Then the examination of the mammary glands will follow exactly. If necessary, the lady can be directed to ultrasound of the breast, mammography or even a biopsy. And after all the results of the tests, treatment should be prescribed. It can be either operative or conservative - treatment with medications. If there are even the slightest suspicions that the breast is not all right, do not delay. This means that you just need to write to a mammologo doctor!


doctor's appointment to a mammalogist

How can you prevent the emergence of variousdiseases of mammary glands? Physicians assert that often tumors in the chest arise as a consequence of abortion, especially of the first; after stress and depression; due to an incorrect lifestyle - unbalanced diet, alcohol intake in large doses. Also, a mammalian doctor can advise every woman to take good care of her breasts. In the case of scratches, the breasts should be treated with the help of medical devices for the face. It must also be protected from the sun. And if the skin of the breast is dry, it can be moistened with various cosmetic as well as folk remedies.