/ How to light the coals for hookah at home?

How to ignite coals for hookah at home?

Smoking hookah has long ceased to be exotic.This is a stylish, interesting and pleasant pastime. Many do not want to limit themselves to visiting cafes or clubs, and buy a hookah for the house. And here comes the first problem: to enjoy the process, you need to know how to properly ignite the coal for the hookah.

Basic knowledge

Preparing hookah requires some skills andknowledge. First you need to decide on the filling of the flask. Usually this knowledge is gained by experience. It is enough to try various fillers several times to determine what you like.

how to kindle coals for shisha

Tobacco for shisha is sold in special shops or shops. It can be fruit compositions - cherry, melon, apple, or aromatic - mint, vanilla, cinnamon and so on.

The hookah flask is filled so that the smoking pipe is immersed in it for 1.5-2 cm. The tobacco is placed in a small bowl and covered with a special foil. Now you can start ignition.

How to kindle coals for shisha

For hookah natural or self-igniting coals are bought. Popular varieties of natural coals, which easily flare up and hold the temperature for a long time:

  • charcoal from a lemon tree;
  • coal from coconut shell;
  • coal from olive seeds.

Chemical variants undergo additional treatment and create an additional odor in the process of use that mixes with the smell of tobacco. However, they are very easily ignited, even though they spark a little.

how to kindle coals for hookah on the stove

How to light charcoal for a hookah is not understood by everyone, although in this there is nothing complicated. There are literally four points, the knowledge of which will make it possible without problems:

  1. The coal is ignited on an open fire for up to five minutes.
  2. The embers ready for hookah are red inside and gray outside.
  3. Burning coals are broken a little and transported to the hookah with the utmost care, so as not to get burned.
  4. Scalding is best carried out outdoors, in extreme cases in a well-ventilated room or on the veranda.

How to light the coals for hookah, covered with saltpetre,to explain in general is simpler than simple. This chemical variant of coal is fired with a regular match or lighter for 1-2 minutes. For the aesthetics of the process, many use special miniature gas or electric burners. You can also use a turbo lighter.

What other options are there?

Buy extra equipment at allnot necessary. It is enough to understand how to kindle coals for hookah on the stove. Optimal option - spiral electric burner. However, plates with flat round plates are quite suitable for these purposes. Pieces of coal are located close to each other. To create heat from the foil, you can make an additional "house" covering the burner. Finished coals have a bright red color and a gray coating on the surface.

how to properly light charcoal for shisha

If you are thinking how to kindle coals for a hookah on a plate with a glass-ceramic coating, then it is better to abandon this idea. Coals, of course, will flare up, but the stove can be spoiled.

Safety first

Many choose smoking hookah, because this process does not carry such a danger as an ordinary cigarette. Although doctors can argue with this statement.

Safe use of hookah involvesaccuracy at ignition of coals and obligatory ventilation of the room where the ignition was conducted. Take care that no combustible materials are present in the room. In addition, the individual mouthpiece will be superfluous, especially with group smoking hookah. You do not want to have a nice time ended with manifestations of herpes, hepatitis or tuberculosis.

Smoking hookah can be both alone and cheerful company. The most important thing in this case is that all security measures are observed, then nothing can overshadow the pleasant pastime.

After reading all the above recommendations, you will no longer have a question: "How to kindle coals for hookah?" and you yourself can cope with the task.