/ / The biggest pimple in the world. The biggest pimple on the back

The biggest pimple in the world. The biggest pimple on the back

the biggest pimple on the back
Carbuncle is the biggest pimple in the world. Translated from the Latin language, carbunculus literally means “ember”.

General information

In medical practice, the carbuncle is calledacute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and skin, which is formed around the sebaceous glands and a group of hair sacs. It should be particularly noted that the world's largest pimple tends to spread rapidly. By the way, one of the precious stones, a kind of garnet, carries a similar name.

Area of ​​occurrence

As you know, the biggest pimple in the world(carbuncle) is usually formed on the back of the neck, lower back, on the face, buttocks and back. It is often confused with the boil. And this is no accident. After all, the development of the carbuncle also begins with inflammation of the hair follicle. Later on, a pustule (abscess), bordered by a pink corolla, forms at this place.

What is the difference carbuncle from the boil?

At the initial stage of development is quite difficult.Distinguish the world's biggest pimple from a regular boil. This is due to the fact that it also begins to manifest itself in the groin, on the neck or under the arm. But in the future, the carbuncle becomes more and more. Thus, with a furuncle, only one follicle (hair) is inflamed on the human body, while the above-mentioned species affects several at once.


Why do the biggest acne appear?As a rule, carbuncles and boils most often occur when the skin is contaminated in places where it regularly rubs with clothes. In addition, the cause of the occurrence of such a disease can be getting into the wound of pyogenic germs (strepto-and staphylococci), depletion of the body, diabetes, disruption in the liver and other gastrointestinal organs, beriberi, etc.

the biggest pimple in the world

Among other things, the biggest pimple on earth(carbuncle) is quite often an occupational disease. So, in the neck it can appear in violinists and those who talk a lot on the phone. As for carbuncles formed on the buttocks or thighs, the most common cause of this is the reaction of irritation or poor skin hygiene.

Symptoms of the disease

In most cases, the biggest acne in the worldappear one at a time. At the initial stage of development, they are dense tubercles that appear after inflammation of several follicles (hair). Over time, small formations begin to grow together with each other, as a result of which they form one huge pimple, which has a hemispheric shape.

the biggest acne in the world

В некоторых случаях карбункулы могут достигать sizes of a children's palm. At the same time, the skin at the site of the lesion becomes strongly inflamed and purple-blue. The whole process of development of acne proceeds with suppuration. Over time, the skin on such a site begins to strain more and more, resulting in an increased sense of pain.

During the rejection of the dead particles on the skin, a lot of holes in the form of funnels are formed, and then a wound with saped edges and a dirty gray bottom appears.

The course of the disease and its signs

On average, the biggest pimple (photo carbunclepresented in this article) matures on day 7-14. In this case, the patient may experience general intoxication, fever, headaches, a feeling of weakness and lack of appetite. If the case is extremely severe, the patient feels constant nausea with subsequent vomiting and even loses consciousness.

During the opening of carbuncles stands out a hugeamount of pus and necrotic masses. Usually they are green, but sometimes come out with red blood. A deep ulcer, which later forms on the spot of the pimple, can even reach the muscle tissue. As a rule, after its removal on the skin remains a scar.

Possible complications

In the event that you have the largestpimple on the back, neck, lower back, groin and other parts of the body, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, such formations can easily cause a complication in the form of blood poisoning. Usually, people with weakened immunity and those who are negligent about the treatment process are most affected.

the biggest pimple photo

It’s impossible to ignore the fact thatthe resulting infection can spread into the skin and then reach the bones (cause osteomyelitis) and venous vessels (thrombophlebitis, phlebitis). If the bacteria get into the lymph flow, then it threatens with the development of sero-suppurative lymphadenitis.

The largest acne in the world, formed on the face or head, can easily cause purulent meningitis, and later contribute to the transfer of infection to the meninges.

What if there is a big pimple?

If such an education has arisen with you, then you shouldBe sure to seek help from a specialist. As a rule, experienced dermatologists do not hesitate with the correct diagnosis. If the appearance of a huge pimple is associated with anthrax, then this is given special attention. By the way, to determine such a case is quite easy in appearance - in the middle of the carbuncle a black scab usually stands out.

the biggest pimple on earth

In addition to external examination, a dermatologist is requiredto take a bacterial culture test, due to which it is possible to determine the sensitivity of the selected microflora to antibiotic drugs.

Treatment of large acne

Если после обращения к врачу вам диагностировали Carbuncle, then you are most likely hospitalized. It should be noted that, like any abscess, such a pimple is subject to immediate surgical dissection, as well as drainage of the cavity.

In the event that education is onIn an early stage of development, a conservative treatment with antibiotic drugs can be prescribed by a dermatologist. Sometimes these tools are used for intramuscular injections, which are made directly to the focus of inflammation. In addition, the ulcer is strongly ligated, additionally using local antiviral and antibacterial ointments, creams and gels, as well as streptomycin or intomycin emulsions.

the biggest acne

In especially severe and neglected cases, when the infection has already fallen into the biological fluids of the body and has begun to spread through it, a blood transfusion is prescribed to the patient.

Preventing big acne

So that such a disease will never touch you,care should be taken to keep your skin clean. In addition, it is necessary to keep underwear clean and maintain immunity with vitamins, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Remember that self-treatment of large acne on the body is extremely contraindicated.