/ / Coughing gives to head: underlying causes and treatment

When coughing, it gives to head: the main causes and treatment

Cough is often a companion of a cold.and other infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract, which causes discomfort, especially if accompanied by a headache. It is mainly caused by the body’s negative reaction to inflammation. However, sometimes when coughing comes to mind due to the development of serious diseases.

Localization of cough headaches

A characteristic feature of this pathology is a sharpthe appearance and growth of pain, which immediately disappears after reaching the peak. In many situations, the pain syndrome takes a pricking, cutting or knocking character, often giving in to the temples.


Unpleasant sensations with reflex spasmrespiratory tract, extending to the occipital or upper region of the head, can go to the teeth and disturb the person for several hours. But, if after 3 hours, the pain does not subside after a coughing fit, then it is better to see the doctor.

Why when coughing gives to the head?

Pain in the head due to cough can occur for various reasons:

  • Problems with vessels and heart.In people with similar disorders quite often when coughing gives to the head. And in this case, reflex spasms of breathing increase the pressure inside the skull, as a result of pain becomes unbearable.
  • Allergy.This phenomenon is mainly observed in children, of course, adults also face it. Headaches in this situation occur when in contact with the allergen, which leads to an increase in intracranial pressure. When coughing gives to the head on the background of an allergy, the discomfort does not go away for about 2 weeks, besides, sputum is absent.

Coughing gives pain to head.

  • Bronchial asthma and smoking.Such causes of headaches are considered the most common. The body weakens and the immune system is destroyed. All this causes oxygen starvation, which is accompanied by pain in the head and cough.
  • Chronic diseases. They also often provoke the occurrence of cough headaches. In addition to bronchial asthma, diabetes, sinusitis, thyroid disease leads to such problems.
  • Cold.A cough with this ailment helps to clear the lungs and airways from sputum, and the high temperature - to rid the body of the virus. Pain syndrome with a cold in the head area appears during intoxication, so the patient feels weak and dizzy.

If the discomfort is protracted, you should definitely see a doctor, because when the cough gives to the head, the reasons may be very different and not always harmless.

Head Pain for Arnold Chiari Syndrome

When this pathology is found in a patient, the coursetherapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of doctors. During such an anomaly, the structure of the brain changes, leading to various disturbances in the functioning of the cerebellum responsible for coordination.

Strong cough gives to head.
Often a strong cough gives head with the wrong arrangement of the medulla oblongata. The causes of Arnold-Chiari syndrome include:

  • Alcohol use, smoking and malnutrition during pregnancy.
  • Birth injury.
  • Anomalies in which the brain is greatly enlarged.
  • Wrong medication when carrying a child.

People who are prone to allergies also often have a headache when they cough. In this case, it gives to the head about a month, sputum is absent, the temperature does not rise.

Headaches with meteosensitivity

A healthy person tends to changeweather conditions does not respond. That is why meteosensitivity is considered to be a side factor that affects pain in the head when coughing. Mostly people suffering from diseases of the nervous, urogenital, cardiovascular or immune systems, as well as problems of the musculoskeletal system suffer from this disease.

But the worst is for those who suffer.congenital heart disease and vascular dystonia. They all the time increases the pressure before bad weather and with a long stay in the cold or heat, as a result of which there are unpleasant sensations in the head area. But with the pathologies of the respiratory organs, pain occurs during high humidity and changes in atmospheric pressure. Such patients suffer from cough, which often gives to the head, and shortness of breath.

Coughing gives to head and forehead

Diagnostic measures

Когда болезненные ощущения в области головы, appeared because of cough, it is impossible to tolerate, among other things, they give in whiskey, it is better to be safe and visit a specialist to eliminate serious health problems, or to identify them at an early stage.

In addition, the diagnosis allows to find out the exact cause of the formation of a particular disease. If headaches occur during coughing, then the following tests are performed:

  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • Laboratory diagnosis.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Measurement of blood movement inside the brain.

Diagnosis of cough headaches

How to eliminate pain in the head during coughing?

When with reflex spasm of the respiratory tractpain gives to the head, therapeutic methods depend on the exact nature of the pathology that caused the occurrence of this unpleasant symptom. If the cause of the discomfort were severe diseases that caused disruptions in the work of the whole organism, the treatment includes a set of procedures aimed at combating the ailment.

It is necessary to eliminate negative symptoms, if it coughs to the head, forehead и область затылка.In a situation where the headaches do not pose a health hazard, you can get rid of the discomfort yourself through pain medication. The following drugs will help relieve pain while coughing: “Analgin”, “Nurofen”, “Ibuprofen”, “Spasmalgon” or “Paracetomol”.

Cough headache drugs

However, these pills should be taken withcaution, especially if you have to combine them with other medicines. It is better to consult with a specialist, so that he chooses the most suitable drug for pain in the head, because each case is different.

Elimination of headaches by folk methods

When pain coughs in the head, and to the doctor inIt’s impossible to get there in the near future, folk treatments will help. For example, for such problems often use compresses, which are applied to the forehead.

Effectively relieves pain in the head and even relievescough vinegar. For this treatment, you will need a small piece of cloth that is dipped into this acid. A vinegar-soaked bandage is applied to the temples and forehead, while the patient must lie down and not move. When it becomes warm, it is removed and moistened again in this product. If dizziness occurs, stop the procedure immediately.

Traditional methods of treatment
Copes with cough headachescold compress, as it is distinguished by its vasoconstrictor action. For these purposes, you will need cold water with ice. It is moistened with gauze and applied to the head, after 2 minutes, it is removed and replaced with a new bandage.

No less effective for painfulsensations around the head while coughing is herbal tea. Broth eliminates not only these symptoms, but also positively affects the entire body. Prepare it from mint leaves, lobelia, anise, licorice root and sundew. Not bad improve the health of infusions of thyme, lemongrass, chamomile and other herbs.


In case of coughing, it is better not todelay treatment, you must immediately take action. It is desirable first of all to get rid of the reason for its appearance, so that the headache does not even arise. Therapy should start with the simplest and safest methods, for example, compresses and herbal infusions, if none of this helps, you will have to consult a doctor and take medications. Do not forget that only a specialist can prescribe an effective therapy, since each case is individual.