/ How does the heart ache? Ask the doctor

How does the heart ache? Ask the doctor

In the middle of the night or at the end of a busy day, yousuddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. Does it really hurt the heart? Every day thousands of people treat these symptoms for emergency medical attention. Some people have a tolerable pain

how does the heart ache
or even just discomfort, which is notattention is drawn. And suddenly such indifference turns into a heart attack. Or a person constantly feels fear for his heart, but signs, illnesses - are not at all cordial. So how does the heart ache? How to recognize and distinguish between anxiety symptoms?

A person rubs the left side of the chest,Presses his hand to his chest or elbow to his left side. Is it connected with the heart? Yes, most likely. At pains in heart the person feels gravity, pressure, a burning sensation, in a breast pricks or noet. In this case, pain can be given under the left scapula, in the arm or in the hypochondrium. The pain itself is usually concentrated in the left corner of the chest, behind the sternum. Sometimes it increases with a sigh and passes when a person goes to bed. It can be like a dagger blow, or it can be bearable. It can be different.

But the pains felt in the cardiac region are notalways the pain of the heart. Therefore, if you first learned how the heart hurts, and did not have similar problems with the doctor, it's worth spending time to find out the causes of the pain.

how does the heart ache
Heart pain has a lot of reasons thatcan be divided into "heart" and "heartless". Sometimes it occurs after stress or after physical exertion, often after strong experiences, it happens after meals. Therefore, we must learn to understand: where the heart hurts, and where there are other reasons for the pain.

To the first group, the so-called "heart"reasons include all diseases of the cardiovascular system. This may be myocarditis, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, mitral valve prolapse or heart disease. With these diseases, pain can last literally for several minutes or may be felt for several hours, periodically amplifying or fading. It occurs most often during physical exertion or after stress.

How does the heart ache with "non-cardiac" causes?Most often the pains appear and intensify during movement, corners of the body, a deep sigh. The causes of such pain can be intercostal neuralgia, some diseases of the intestine and stomach, osteochondrosis of the spine, neurosis. Even shingles and gallbladder diseases can cause heartache.

And since heart pain can be a consequencefor a variety of reasons, it is by no means impossible to self-diagnose and prescribe your own treatment. In addition, prolonged, severe pain can not be ignored. The reason for your illness may not be so serious, but it should be installed by a doctor.

If a person first felt the pain of the heart,the symptoms, in his opinion, indicate a heart attack, then, naturally, there is anxiety and fear of death. Therefore, everyone should know how to act in this case. The best solution is to see a doctor. If the pain is intolerant and strong, then it is necessary to call an "emergency room", even if it seems to you that the pain is caused by absolutely insignificant reasons.

If you are experiencing extreme pain, and until this moment and did not know how it hurts

where the heart hurts
heart, do not rush to grab for the phone.Is the pain caused by nervous tension? The first thing that is necessary is to calm down. You can take valerian or similar medicines "on the grass," and a walk in the fresh air will help relieve stress. Unreasonable unrest and anxiety can only lead to a strong heart attack.

If the pain intensifies during inspiration and movement, thenIt is necessary to sit down as conveniently as possible and wait until the pain has calmed down and passes. If the pain is very strong, then one must sit down (it is absolutely impossible to go to bed!), And put the feet in hot, diluted mustard water.

It hurts in the heart area and it is known on whatcause? Then you need to take everything that the doctor prescribed: with increased pressure, drugs that lower it, with stenocardia, nitroglycerin. But after the pain has been removed, it is necessary to undergo a mandatory examination.