Constant belching

Almost every one of us has experienced casessudden release of gas from the mouth after drinking carbonated drinks or beer. But if this happens often and not only because of carbonated drinks, then it is hardly harmless, perhaps, the body thus gives a signal about the presence of any disease. An eructation is an uncontrolled release of gas through the oral cavity, which has accumulated in the esophagus or stomach. Sometimes it is the result of the accumulation of air that is swallowed while eating. When regurgitation occurs with the release of gas with an unpleasant odor, then, most likely, it is a sign of pathology in the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's try to understand how the regurgitation arises, the reasons for its appearance and whether it is possible to cope with it.

The main reason, because of which there is a strongbelching is a violation of the digestive process, when the stomach for some reason is not able to digest food normally, but instead produces gases.

The reasons can be the following:

• Lack of enzymes - leads to the appearance of symptoms such as constant belching, indigestion and flatulence.

• Lack of gastric juice.If during the meal people get used to washing down food with a lot of water, it dilutes the gastric juice as a result, which can lead to disruptions in digestion. The body is forced to work faster and produce as much gastric juice as possible to split the amount of food that enters the stomach. This is the most common reason for the constant eructation.

• Increased fermentation.The cause of the eructation can be yeast fungus Candida albicans, capable of provoking excessive fermentation and frequent eructations. As a rule, this fungus is present in the body in 85% of people, but not all cause this kind of symptoms. Everyone who has ever taken antibiotics can have Candida albicans in the body, as well as those who eat lots of sugar-containing and refined foods. This fungus is able to influence the increase in the production of digestive enzymes and gastric juice, a striking indicator of this is a constant eructation.

Spin is the most innocuous, from all that,to what this fungus leads, being in the human body. Candida albicans can sometimes cause quite serious diseases, therefore, despite the fact that the probability is small, it will never be superfluous to undergo a medical examination if it is suspected.

What diseases are accompanied by eructation?

• Strong burpiness in the air, odorlesscan talk about the presence of bile duct disease and the gallbladder. Sometimes there is a throw in the stomach of the contents of the duodenum with a certain amount of bile, then with regurgitation it can be bitter in the mouth.

• Increased acidity of secreted gastricjuice can provoke a burp, which has a sour taste. In this case, it can be accompanied by nausea and heartburn, as well as discomfort and pain in the epigastric region. In addition, pain or a sense of heaviness in the right hypochondrium is possible, most often after consuming fatty, fried foods or after drinking alcoholic beverages.

• Gastritis. As one of the reasons for the appearance after the meal of belching air with a rotten smell, we can also call the atrophic nature of stomach diseases, such as gastritis.

• However, the most frequent cause of eructation ispathology in the mechanism of closure of the cardia - the muscle located in the place of the boundary between the esophagus and the stomach, it is this muscle that prevents the movement of food back. Constant belching in this case is accompanied by a constant heartburn, as a result of systematic irritation of the acid content of the stomach of the tender mucosa of the esophagus.

With regard to treatment, if there werethe above symptoms - it is definitely recommended to go to the doctor-gastroenterologist to conduct the necessary examination and prescribe the appropriate therapy.