/ / "Diferelin": reviews, analogues and instructions for use

"Diferelin": reviews, analogues and instructions for use

One of the most effective medicinesdesigned to combat the hardest pathologies of the female and male reproductive system, is the drug "Diferelin". Instructions, the price of this drug is often discussed by patients on specialized forums. As usual, this medicine has its adherents and opponents. In this article we consider the mechanism of action of this drug and its pharmacological features.

diferelin review

Pharmacological group

The drug "Diferelin" is a medicinalagent with antigonadotropic action. In fact, it is an anti-hormone, as it has the ability to suppress the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones in women and testosterone in men. Therefore, the drug "Diferelin" actively used for the treatment of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, prostate cancer, premature maturation in adolescents and other diseases.

Composition and form of release

The drug "Difelerin" currentlyavailable in only one dosage form - lyophilisate to create solutions. In this case, three types of products are produced, differing in the concentration of the active substance and having a different purpose:

  • "Diferelin" 11.25 mg and 3.75 mg for intramuscular administration;
  • "Diferelin" 0.1 mg - for subcutaneous injections.

In everyday life, doctors and patients briefly refer to the above-mentioned varieties of the drug, adding to its name the numbers indicating the content of the main substance in it.

As an active ingredient in medication"Diferelin", reviews of which are mostly positive, is triptorelin pamoat. It is he who has on the patient's body a pronounced therapeutic and pharmacological effect.

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The drug "Diferelin" is sold in cardboardpackages in which there are bottles with lyophilisate and a syringe with two needles. In addition, they are placed in ampoules with a solvent. It may be different. While mannitol is used predominantly for the dipherelin 3.75 and 11.25 lyophilizers, then saline is most commonly used for the drug at a concentration of 0.1 mg.

Therapeutic effect of "Diferelin"

С биохимической точки зрения данный препарат is an analogue of the hormone GnRH, synthesized by the hypothalamus. It affects the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of sex hormones and thereby regulates the work of the organs of the female and male reproductive systems: the prostate gland, the ovaries, the uterus, the testes. It turns out that the drug "Diferelin" regulates the level of sex hormone production.

Отзывы о его применении указывают на то, что он possesses a pronounced antitumor and antigonadotropic action and is effective in the treatment of certain pathologies. For example, with infertility, this medicine suppresses the production of luteinizing hormone, which adversely affects ovulation, thereby increasing the likelihood of pregnancy. And for prostate cancer, this medicine reduces testosterone to zero, characteristic of castrati, and increases the patient's chances of getting rid of a malignant neoplasm.

Effective magic "Diferelin" andendometriosis. By its influence on the production of sex hormones, he gradually introduces a woman into an artificially created state of menopause and thereby provokes atrophy of endometriotic foci.

drug diferelin

Indications for use

Depending on the concentration has differentThe effect on the body of the drug "Diferelin". The use of this drug in medicine depends on the content of the main active ingredient. For example, the injection of "Diferelin 0.1 mg" is indicated for infertility, to activate the ovaries and stimulate ovulation during IVF.

Use of this drug in concentration3.75 mg is advisable for the treatment of prostate cancer, uterine fibroids, premature maturation, genital and extragenital endometriosis, and IVF protocols.

In the most serious cases, with cancerprostate gland with metastases and chronic endometriosis, receive reception "Diferelin 11.25 mg." Its use can significantly increase the patient’s chances of recovery.

Instructions for use

The drug "Diferelin 0.1 mg" is used inshort and long IVF protocols under the strict supervision of a physician. It begins to be administered daily, one ampoule, starting from the second day of menstruation. The duration of such therapy is determined by the individual characteristics of the female body.

But the drug "Diferelin 11.25 mg" is introducedpatients every three months. Moreover, men can do this injection at any time, and women - only in the first five days of the menstrual cycle. The duration of treatment with this drug lasts from three to six months, since it is not recommended to use it for more than six months.

Самый широкий спектр использования у лекарства "Diferelin 3.75." Patient reviews indicate the extreme effectiveness of this drug. In addition, it is very convenient to use, as it does not require daily administration for a long period of time. Injections of the drug "Diferelin 3.75 mg" are usually given once a month. This is sufficient to ensure that the active substance enters the bloodstream in therapeutic dosages. Let us consider in more detail the scheme of application of this drug in relation to various diseases.

Prostate cancer

Men are prescribed for prostate cancer.gland medicine "Diferelin". Injections are given to the patient once in twenty eight days in such a way that the interval between the injections of the drug is four weeks. A single dose of the drug - one vial of 3.75 mg. The duration of the medication is determined by the speed of healing of the patient.


Injections of the drug "Diferelin" with endometriosisfound in women in the first five days of the next menstruation. The follow-up medication is performed after four weeks, and the course of therapy lasts a total of 3 to 6 months. It should be remembered that this medicine can not be combined with the use of oral contraceptives.

In the process of treating endometriosis causesartificial climax (amenorrhea) drug "Diferelin". Patient reviews, however, indicate that after stopping treatment, the menstrual cycle is restored within a few months, sometimes a whole year. Repeated therapy with this medicine for relapses of endometriosis, as a rule, is not prescribed - for this, other, not less effective medicines are used.

Premature puberty

Children when stopping premature sexualripening drug "Diferelin" is prescribed once every 28 days. In this case, a single dose of its use is calculated taking into account the patient's body weight. For children weighing more than 20 kilograms, a whole bottle (3.75 mg) is injected, and for children with lower rates, half of the ampoule (1.875 mg) is injected. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician, depending on the rate of normalization of the patient's condition.

Uterine fibroids

When treating this disease is administered once permonth one bottle of drug "Diferelin". Moreover, its reception should be carried out during the first five days of the patient's menstrual cycle. Subsequent injections of the drug occur every four weeks. The duration of therapy usually does not exceed three months.


No cases currently detectedoverdose medication "Diferelin". Patient reviews also indicate its relative safety. In addition, this drug does not affect the concentration of attention and ability to control moving mechanisms. Therefore, during the course of therapy with this medicine, you can drive without fear.

diferelin analogs

Adverse Events

When using the drug "Diferelin" may experience the following side effects:

  • symptoms of spinal cord compression;
  • increased pain;
  • Quincke swelling, hives, itching;
  • obstruction of the ureters;
  • headache;
  • bone demineralization;
  • reduced potency;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • sweating;
  • decrease in testicles;
  • change in breast size;
  • hypogonadotropic amenorrhea;
  • ovarian hypertrophy;
  • menorrhagia;
  • asthenia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hypertension;
  • tides;
  • visual impairment;
  • emotional lability;
  • hematuria;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • peripheral edema;
  • fever;
  • anorexia;
  • depression;
  • tachycardia;
  • alopecia;
  • dyspnea;
  • hyperemia of the injection site;
  • paresthesia.

Contraindications for use

Diferelin medication has separatecontraindications for use. They are associated with the patient's state of health, as well as with his individual physiological features. For example, men should not take this drug for hormone-independent prostate cancer and after removal of the testicles, and women are not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding and polycystic ovary syndrome. All, without exception, need to carefully use the drug "Diferelin" for osteoporosis and hypersensitivity to its components. For any negative symptoms, the patient should immediately consult a physician.

diferelin instruction Price

General condition after use

Как уже говорилось выше, препарат «Диферелин» suppresses the production of sex hormones in women and men, thereby introducing them into a state of artificial castration. Of course, immersion in a similar state and exit from it is accompanied by various psychological, endocrine-metabolic and neuro-vegetative disorders.

После завершения курса терапии данным лекарством hormones are restored, but during this process, the patient may be bothered by irritability, fatigue, headaches, sweating, hot flashes, depression, fever and other unpleasant symptoms. However, within one and a half months after the end of the action of the drug, the physical condition of the patient is fully normalized. That is, usually after the last injection of “Diferelin 11.25 mg”, the balance of hormones is restored after 4.5 months, and the effect of the drug with a concentration of 3.75 mg ends after 2.5 months. For the specified periods of time, reproductive and sexual functions are fully rehabilitated in women and men and the libido returns to normal.

Use during pregnancy

When carrying a child, the treatment with "Diferelin"contraindicated. However, this medicine is actively used to activate ovulation. Many women could become pregnant after several injections of the drug, but, not knowing this, they continued to take Diferelin. The effect of this medication, as was established, does not harm the unborn baby: it does not provoke the risk of miscarriage and does not contribute to the development of congenital deformities. However, the mechanism of the effect of this drug on the female reproductive system during pregnancy still requires careful study.

dipherelin injections

Analogues of the drug "Diferelin"

On the modern pharmaceutical market is representedonly one drug-synonym, having in its composition the same active substance - it is “Decapeptil”. In addition, in pharmacies you can find drugs that have the same therapeutic effect as the drug "Diferelin". A similar effect on the body is exerted by: “Buserelin” spray, “Buserelin Depot” lyophilisate, “Zoladex” capsules, “Eligardt” and “Lyukrin Depot” preparations.


There are both positive andnegative reviews on the use of the drug "Diferelin". Injections with this drug have a different effect on patients. Although many women note a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of fibroids and other diseases, they complain about the side effects that they have been severely tolerated in the treatment process: weight gain, hot flashes, irritability, fatigue. At the same time, all patients agree that the difficult test of drug therapy is still preferable to abdominal surgery.

In the treatment of prostate cancer and other pathologies inMen also have conflicting reviews about the effect of the drug Diferelin. The price of the drug seems acceptable to many, the method of application is also not satisfactory, and its effectiveness is filled with laudatory odes, because it not only removes the neoplasm itself, but also eliminates metastases in the bones. However, there are negative reviews about the drug "Diferelin", due to two main reasons: poor performance of the drug in certain specific cases and side effects that are difficult for some patients and force them to stop therapy or completely fall out of the normal rhythm of life.

Price list

What is the cost of the drug "Diferelin"?The price of this medicine varies depending on its variety, the pharmacy chain in which it is sold, and the mark-up on the product. So, on the modern market, the cost of seven bottles of “Diferelin 0.1 mg” varies between 2597-3107 rubles. A large dosage will require more serious financial investments: the buyer will have to pay from 7632 to 9076 rubles for 1 bottle of Diferelin 3.75 mg. Naturally, the most expensive is a drug of greater concentration. One ampoule of "Diferelin 11.25 mg" can be purchased for 18,269–23,100 rubles.

The price of the drug is quite high.Diferelin. Similar means are cheaper, but their appointment can be trusted only to an experienced doctor, because they have completely different pharmacological features, contraindications and side effects.

diferelin action


Теперь вы знаете все о свойствах медикамента Diferelin. This hormonal drug is effective against many diseases, but can cause a lot of side effects. Before starting a course of treatment, each patient must prepare for the fact that such therapy may be difficult for him. However, any risk is justified if health is at stake, and sometimes a person’s life. Therefore, you should not abandon the use of the drug "Diferelin" or replace it with cheaper counterparts. It is better to start treatment with the most effective means and thereby ensure its favorable outcome. Be healthy!